@TheGuild November e-news
We've had a busy November at The Guild! Adult residents welcomed the start of the holiday season with a trip to Santa's Village and North Conway. Students participated in student council elections and celebrated Thanksgiving with a "Friendsgiving" lunch this month. We also recognized accomplishments and milestones of Guild staff and community members. Read on for more news from The Guild:
Adults visit North Conway
Guild adults enjoyed a snowy visit to North Conway this month! They went to Santa's Village amusement park during their weekend stay. View more photos here.
Guild employee Bob Renois featured in The Bedford Citizen
Bob, who won an Award of Excellence from the Providers' Council last month, recently spoke to The Bedford Citizen about his career and passion for what he does. "The job requires a lot of patience, and you have to love the kids," says Bob. Read the full article here.
Happy Thanksgiving from The Guild!
The Guild community enjoyed Thanksgiving meals and celebrations this month. Pictured to the left, Guild students celebrated Thanksgiving with a "Friendsgiving" potluck meal at the school!
Guild Trustee Nazli Kibria contributes to WBUR
"For the adults with disabilities (and their families) who rely on them, the absence of services is like an earthquake, shaking and cracking the ground on which they navigate their existence," writes Nazli, member of The Guild's Board of Trustees. Read Nazli's full article for WBUR's Cognoscenti about how people with profound autism are affected by program shortages here.
Guild volunteers featured in Gaining Ground's newsletter
This month, Guild students were featured in Gaining Ground's Volunteer Spotlight! Gaining Ground farm, which donates all of its produce to those in need, has had a partnership with The Guild for years. "Volunteers from The Guild have contributed many hours of work in the fields with our farmers, supporting not only our efforts to grow food for hunger relief, but our vision for the farm to be an environment of discovery, belonging, and meaning," writes Gaining Ground's Christine Savage. Read the full article here!
Guild employees participate in Direct Support Professionals conference
Last month, four Guild employees attended the Massachusetts Direct Support Professionals conference in Falmouth. The event, which spanned two days, provided networking and professional development opportunities for attendees. Read more about Guild staff's conference experiences on our blog.
Guild School holds student council elections
The Guild School celebrated election month with our own student council elections! Students voted on class representatives and student council president, all while learning about the voting process and how democracy works. View the post on Instagram and Facebook!
Congratulations to October's employees of the month!
Congratulations to Bernard Boateng, Residential Assistant with Waltham House, and Jeff St. Surin, Residential Assistant with Dedham House on being named last month's employees of the month! Read more about Bernard and Jeff on Instagram and Facebook.
Pelmeds honored at Providers' Council conference
We're excited to announce that Pelmeds, The Guild's longtime community pharmacy partner, was honored with an Award of Excellence at the Providers' Council's annual convention and expo last month! View the Facebook post here, and for more visit our blog.
Karma Flanagan celebrates 24 years with The Guild!
Karma, The Guild's Director of Administrative Services, works tirelessly to support students and adults with The Guild. Thank you, Karma, for ensuring that every Guild department has what it needs to succeed! View more on Facebook and Instagram.
Your contributions at work
The Guild depends on the support of families, friends, foundations and other grant-making institutions to fulfill its mission. Your support helps fund initiatives to expand the impact of our work and improve our programs and services, including our vocational programs for students. We're currently in the process of creating mock-retail, restaurant and grocery store environments so students can practice life and employment skills. View our complete wish list of needs here, and consider making a gift to The Guild today!
The Guild for Human Services
521 Virginia Road
Concord, MA 01742
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