Music Notes from for Fall 2020

I would like to resume our handbell choir. We can remain socially distant and wear masks while we rehearse. I am planning to resume our rehearsals beginning Wednesday, September 16th at 6:00 pm. Anyone interested is welcome - we have lots of bells!

I am looking for volunteers who would like to provide music for our service as a solo or duet, please contact me. I will be happy to work with you, helping to choose music and setting up a practice time. Anyone is welcome, any ages, voices, etc! Please contact me if you are interested.

And thank you to the Lee family for providing a beautiful song last Sunday!

Heidi Flower

Prayer Request

Bill Baker, Lorraine Barker, Barbara Fasci, Leo & Lou Loren/ Ray Downing / Olive/ Stacey Duncan, Stuart Brown, and please pray for all teachers, staff and students as they return to school.