But since we were torn away from you, brothers, for a short time, in person not in heart, we endeavored the more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face.... (1 Thess. 2:17)

Dear brothers and sisters,

Since our videographer is on a well-deserved vacation, we're foregoing a video "fireside chat" this week. Instead, consider this an "e-chat" on the subject of "Drive-In Church."

Paul's words (above) to the church in Thessalonica speak well of the hearts of your elders and staff.  We feel as though we were unexpectedly and suddenly "torn away from you...in person not in heart." Torn away! Since March we have "endeavored more eagerly and with great desire to see you face to face...." The Session, Staff and Re-Start Team have "eagerly and with great desire," pondered any number of permutations of gathering since.

At the same time, we've maintained our guiding principle, as best we can, to honor our medical and governmental leaders in following COVID restrictions (as long as there is no compelling reason to do otherwise). To that end, I believe we've been pretty faithful.

In June, we noted that governmental leaders seemed amenable to "drive-in" gatherings, even amid "Phase 2" restrictions. So we decided to explore the possibilities of a drive-in gathering for those willing to gather, and to develop a true "livestream" capability for those who are uncomfortable doing so. On this Sunday, Aug. 9, we're venturing forth to do both for the first time - "drive-in" and livestream. Pray for us!

To some of you, this all seems goofy. Seriously, we're gonna park at a distance, sit in cars for an hour (or less!), maybe have to run the AC the whole time, risk having sight lines hindered by one thing or another: for what??!! Let's talk about that "for what" for a brief moment.

In our very creation, we are social creatures. The one thing God said was not good in the Garden of Eden was that man was alone. In our salvation, we are more than social creatures. We are one body. We were both created and saved to be together.

So with awkwardness, we're prioritizing an imperfect reunion of sorts. We're prioritizing being together (as many as will fit socially distanced) over the comfort of our own homes. We're prioritizing seeing each other, even if thru windows, over televised worship leaders. We're prioritizing listening together (thru FM and loudspeaker) over professionally edited audio files.

And for you who cannot gather physically with us, you will get to participate live with a gathering of your brothers and sisters. You'll get to hear them honk their horns as they take baptismal vows on your behalf. And you'll be freshly and concretely reminded, right there in your homes, that you belong with us - something bigger than merely yourself in Jesus.

So dress casually. Come (or watch at home) in a humble spirit of experimentation, playfulness, and forbearance (with our inevitable hiccups). Pray for the weather. And be on the lookout for an email from Glenn Jordan, our Chief of Staff, with details on how to participate - whether in car or at home.

I remember mocking "drive-in church" back in the 1990s, when church planters were experimenting with the form. Now I humble myself and learn from them in these extraordinary days. Thank you for venturing into this space with us - either in person or by livestream. I speak for the whole Session and staff in saying we love and miss you dearly. It's only such love that makes stiff-ish Presbyterians willing to "undignify" ourselves in this way!

In love and grace,
Pastor Chuck