Sunday, January 10th
The Baptism of our Lord
9:00am Holy Eucharist Livestream Only
The Church Campus Continues to be Temporarily closed this week. Please worship with us via livestream and join us in a small group study.
All previously scheduled events, in-person worship, funerals and volunteer service ministries will safely resume once our leadership has evaluated the impact of COVID-19 in our community. 
Children's Liturgy
Building Faith Brick by Brick
Children (3 yrs old - 5th grade)
Use Legos to help kids create and recreate Bible stories at home. We'll be delivering Lego figures, paper, and play doh to our families with kiddos. If you need Lego blocks, please let us know. You can also use Duplo or wooden blocks to create!
5:00pm via Zoom
Meeting ID is 834 5302 4315,
contact Angela for the password and supplies.

Youth Group
Youth (6th-12th grade)
We'll play a game, share our Pows and Wows and look at how the week's readings reflect in our own lives. 
6:00pm via Zoom
zoom meeting ID is 899 9039 4288
contact Sarah for password.
Story Time - Wednesdays @ 10am
Looking for Adult Volunteers who would like to read to our preschoolers during the months of February and March. If you would like more information, or to sign up to help - contact Angela Stengl
Coffee with the Rector resumes on Tuesdays at 8:00am!

The Wednesday Night Bible Study Group resumes January 13, at 6:30 pm. 
NEW STUDY: Ephesians, Chapter 6 in the Bible. 

The Thursday Morning Bible Study Group resumes January 14, at 9:00 am.  
NEW STUDY: Discerning the Voice of God (the revised & expanded version) a six week study by Priscilla Shirer.

Go to for more information.
Coming up in January 2021
Jan. 17 Taize at 4:00pm - Join us for meditative prayers and song in the New Year. ***Tentatively scheduled due to the re-opening of the Church Campus.
Jan. 24 LIVE STEAM Annual Parish Meeting - Join us via Livestream more details soon.
Prayers during This Time
It is always a privilege for us to pray for you. Contact us online 24/7 or call us during business hours M-F 8:30am-4:30pm