The October issue of Focus on Faith is here!
Be sure to take a look at the Bingo Flyer
included with the mailed newsletters.
October is Faith’s Month to provide Betty Lou's Pantry with
100 Bottles of Laundry Detergent
If you have been purchasing and saving laundry detergent at your home for BLP NOW is the time to deliver it to church or the Pantry.
Bring it to church by this Sunday, October 3rd or
deliver it to the Pantry Wednesday Morning between 9-10 AM
Join us Sunday, October 3rd

Sunday School begins at 9 am
All ages will meet in Fellowship Hall

Worship begins at 10:15 am

Join us for World Communion Sunday

Special thanks to Matt Wehr and Darin Jellison for
sharing their musical talents,
and to our volunteers:
Caroline Frantz, Head Usher
Diane Neidermeier & Deb Herstine, Ushers
Brenda Hovis, Lay Reader
Bob Shelly, Financial Secretary
Tim Hovis , Lawn Crew

Printed bulletins are available in the Narthex.

To view the live streamed service from home at 10:15 am
Sunday morning, go to YouTube

To print out this Sunday's bulletin to follow along click here.

Pastor Bruce will be on vacation Monday, October 4 through Sunday, October 11. If you find yourself in need of pastoral care during this time please contact Rev. Teresa Martin from St. John's UCC, Coopersburg at 717-654-4044.
October is Neighbors In Need Month! In 2021, Neighbors in NeedUnfailing Love” offering is focused on supporting organizations and projects that are serving homeless and immigrant neighbors or communities. NIN funds support the Council for American Indian Ministry and the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries to provide funding grants to UCC churches and organizations leading justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects in their communities. Please prayerfully consider how you may be able to help. Special offering envelopes are in the narthex or you can designate a portion of your offering "NIN". You'll also find a Neighbors In Need designation on our page.
If you would like to take part in the service as usher or lay reader, please email Joan Hassler .
Is there someone in your life in need of prayer? Click here to fill out a prayer request form and Pastor Bruce will mention that person’s first name during worship. Please be sensitive to privacy. Permission to share from those involved must be granted before making a request.
Get Quiet

“Be still, and know that I am God!” – Psalm 46:10 (NRSV)

Our church feeds people. Every Wednesday night we provide a community meal, better known in the neighborhood as a “soup kitchen.” We get all kinds of folks, and occasionally someone arrives whose had a bit too much to drink or a particularly difficult day. They get into a fight, and someone calls for me, the pastor, to try to bring about some peace.  

Early on, I thought the most effective way to break up such a fight involved strength and force. I’d arrive in the middle of the fight loud and threatening. It didn’t really work well. Then someone suggested getting quiet, in order to be heard. Over time, I’ve learned that when there’s a lot of chaos, even that angriest person is far more apt to respond to quiet confidence. It’s counterintuitive, but lowering my voice often gets their attention. And the struggle to hear what I’m saying often creates enough space to restore a bit of calm to the situation. 

Life is full of noise: responsibilities, obligations, and often a television in the background. It can make it hard to listen for God. Perhaps that’s why God seems to speak most often in a still, small voice. It’s a level of volume that might help us to slow down, get quiet, and be still.

Holy One, speak to me in a quiet voice so that I, in turn, must slow down in order to listen. Amen.
About the Author
Ann is co-pastor of the Greenpoint Reformed Church in Brooklyn (UCC/RCA) and Chaplain for the Fire Department of the City of New York.

Look for this flyer on our Facebook page and share with all your Facebook friends to get the word out to as many people as possible. Invite everyone to attend our exciting Rally for Rylie! Lots of fun and prizes happening!
(click link for more info and to register)
Recycling Soft Plastic

We are collecting plastic shopping bags and all other soft plastic bags (#2 & #4).  By February 15, 2022 we will need to collect 500 pounds of recyclable plastic in order to earn another TREX bench!

Collection boxes can be found in
the Narthex and in the Office Lobby

Here is a list of acceptable plastics:
Let’s save our oceans and the animals that live there
by turning these materials into a reusable product!
Any questions please see Jerry Trexler. 
The Betty Lou's Pantry basket has been returned to the Narthex and is anticipating your donations! Currently, the most needed items are:

Chunky Soup or Chili
Boxed Potatoes
(Scalloped, Au Gratin, Stovetop Stuffing)
Packaged Pasta & Rice Side Dishes

If you or someone you know is in need of food,
please call 610-282-2838 and leave a message
Let's remember our Friends, Members, Forget-Me-Nots and others as we continue through some uncertain times. Keep each other in your thoughts and prayers and stay connected if possible.


06 Bob Grammer
07 Amanda Gunkle
08 Karen Long
08 Ashley Arnold
12 Doris Horwath
12 Brylie Kepner
16 Kellan Maginn
16 Patience Stevenson
16 Duane Jones
16 Grace Uninsky
17 Kraig Koehnlein
18 Larry Weidner
19 Ben Muth
20 Joyce Butz
21 Doug Jenny
21 Logan Koch
22 Debby Herstine
23 Jean Rau
24 Wayne Biery
24 Addison Dill
25 Jane Lenner
25 Deb Biery
26 Hunter Steele
27 Ron Demkee
27 Charles Castetter
27 Anthony DiSanto Jr
28 Susanna Berghold
28 Tyshonn Barone
28 Trevor Campbell
29 Zina Sosnowsky
30 Debra Miller
31 Mim Allison
(If you would like to send cards, addresses can be found in the Members & Friends Directory link at the bottom of this email.)

Click here for a list of birthdays and addresses of our Forget-Me-Not's. Some phone numbers are also included if you'd like to give a call! Also included on the list are names, addresses, and phone numbers of members who usually attend services but don't get to see the recorded services on a regular basis. Reach out to them and say hello or fill them in on the weekly news!
A Special THANK YOU to all who continue to financially support our ministry as you are able. Through these uncertain times our financial obligations continue and our regular bills are still coming in. Again we'd like to remind you there are several ways you can do this:

  1. Mail your offering directly to the church
  2. Make an electronic donation through on our website's Giving page
  3. Use your bank's Bill Pay service

Need to make changes, corrections, or additions to our Church Directory? Click HERE to let us know if your info is current or if we need to make
changes. Thanks in advance for taking the time to keep our
Church Directory up to date.

Contact us via email or call the church office at 610.282.3939

Dennis J. Duda, Organist & Music Director
Sandy David, Parish Administrator
(click on names to send an email)