Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are "Physically Closed but Spiritually Open."
Spotlight On: Talk about Music

Join us on Tuesday, September 15, from 12-12:30 for Talk About Music, the first in a series of weekly Zoom conversations on musical topics with Heinrich Christensen.

The launch will feature composer and general multimedia wizard Graham Gordon Ramsay, as a follow-up on our summer series, New Music in the Time of Covid. We will talk about Graham's creative process, from the genesis of the musical idea for his series of "Introspections" for organ composed this spring, through the collaboration process as he and Heinrich worked on creating video recordings of the pieces and thinking of ways to share them with the world.

Since music tends to sound less than ideal through Zoom, we very much encourage you to listen to Introspection #1 on YouTube.  
Graham will guide us through what is happening in this short piece, and we'll discuss helpful inroads when listening to new music. Our hope is that this series of conversations will then develop organically (pun intended) with input from the participants in the form of a Q&A period at the end of the session. Requests for other musical topics are warmly welcomed; the thought is to invite weekly guests to offer differing perspectives, both local and from all around the world. But we can certainly also talk amongst ourselves at times!

To join the conversation, email (since this will be a recurring event, you should only need to request the link once!), and let him know what you would like to talk about in particular while you're at it.

From the Minister
My Dear Friends, 
As autumn approaches, we journey with Moses and the people of God through the Book of Exodus in the Hebrew Bible. And what a journey it's been so far! In just a few short weeks we've stood beside Moses at the burning bush, witnessed the preparation of the Passover meal, and now we come to the water's edge in anticipation of one of the Bible's greatest miracles: the parting of the Red Sea. I wonder how this story speaks to us--to each one of us in our particular circumstance today.
Do we identify with Moses, struggling to lead a people to freedom? Perhaps we identify with the people, themselves struggling toward what seems a distant promise, even as they're hounded by the persecutors they've so recently escaped from. Maybe we long for the saving power of God as we seek to protect those we love from a frightening, uncertain world.
Whoever we are, wherever we are on life's journey, there's room for us in this story. There's room for us there at the water's edge, with all our doubts and our fears and our longings. There's room for us in that corridor of dry land between the twin walls of ocean to our right and to our left. Room for us to journey toward freedom, with steps first tentative, then increasingly sure as we make our way to the other side.
Perhaps this week we might take some time to reflect on our moments of doubt and deliverance. Those moments when the thunder of the chariots behind us and the roar of the ocean ahead seemed to drown out our sense of hope. And those moments when, even as the night began to fall, the clouds gave way to light, a new path awaiting our first, tentative steps....
In faith and love,

King's Chapel Welcomes All to our Sunday Services  
Morning Light Service 
Sundays from 9:00-9:30 AM on Zoom 

Come join us for an intimate service of contemporary music and prayer as we gather to listen to the Word, share our joys and concerns, and abide with one another in fellowship. The music is led by Roland Skip Lewan from the piano, incorporating elements of jazz and improvisation.  

Contact Laura Zeugner Administrative Assistant, for login information.

Morning Prayer Service
New virtual services posted by 11 AM on Sundays on YouTube

Each week we film the elements of our traditional Morning Prayer service, featuring beautiful music, stately prayers, and our ministers' reflections on the week's lessons. Our choir members and music director Heinrich Christensen provide newly recorded material as well as occasional pieces from our past recordings and CDs, as we explore the virtual new frontiers of making music. 

Visit our King's Chapel From Home page to view the most recent service or explore the King's Chapel YouTube channel.

Visit our Community from Home webpage to learn about our weekly offerings and more! You can also view our online calendar here 
Leadership Retreat Sunday, September 13 

King's Chapel is about to chart new territory with its very first Leadership Retreat to be held from noon to 1:30 on Sunday, September 13th via Zoom for members of the Vestry, the Parish Council, and the staff. Together we will chart the course for the year ahead; mark your calendars today and watch for your personal invitation with materials and, of course, your very own Zoom link!  All you need to bring are your ideas, your enthusiasm and your libations! 
Kathe and Lee
Final Summer Block Party This Friday : King's Chapel Trivia | September 11,  5 PM | Zoom

During this time of Pandemic, King's Chapel members have met twenty times for a Friday "Block Party" held via Zoom.  Our former Senior Warden, Miguel Gomez-Ibanez, gets credit for the name based on the small Zoom "blocks" in which we all appear at the party. We began in April with informal conversations - and many pieces of technical advice to one another about how to "mute" or see others on the screen.  As summer progressed we began to invite special guests who talked about their passions, including our "Get Out the Vote" Initiative and our partner, the congregation of unhoused persons that worships on Boston Common known as common cathedral. Over time, many of you stopped by to laugh and learn.  Thanks!
As fall begins, we've decided to find a new time and format to gather informally for fun.  We plan to go out with a bang, with a Trivia Contest on King's Chapel History, led by our History Program Director Faye Charpentier. Join us for a fun hour - we'll all be learning!  Time: this Friday, September 11, 5-6 PM.  For the Zoom link, contact Laura at

Book Club Kick off | Monday September 14 6 PM | How to Be an Antiracist by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi
David Waters and Amanda Pickett will hold space for King's Chapel members and friends to discuss reactions and learning related to the first third of the book. These discussions will continue on 9/28 and 10/5. All are welcome whether or not you have read the book. This week please consider listening to or watching the following resources

Voter Action Initiative Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, September 15, 3 PM

What did you do when democracy was at stake? Join the King's Chapel Voter Action Initiative! We're meeting this coming Tuesday at 3 PM via Zoom and all are invited. We'll be updating each other about actions we're taking and experiences we have had in connection with the campaign for free and fair elections.  Contact Laura Zeugner for the Zoom link. For more information about the Initiative, contact Dorie Seavey  and check out our online forum.

New History Program Online Exhibit Launches Next Week in Anticipation of Homecoming
A Book of One's Own
is a new History Program online exhibit that will explore the historic tradition of the King's Chapel's special version of the Book of Common PrayerViewers will learn about the historical significance of the prayer book and what the prayer book tells us about the lives of historic congregants who owned one. Viewers will also learn how "owning one's own" King's Chapel Book of Common Prayer is an historic tradition that continues today, featuring a few of our current members and their own prayer books.

Members and friends of King's Chapel are invited to join next week's history conversation on Thursday, September 17th at noon for an exclusive debut of this online exhibit. There will also be a 5:30 PM talk that day that's open to the public. Communications Coordinator and History Program Assistant Jennifer Roesch, along with History Program Director Faye Charpentier, will talk about the makings of the exhibit and guide members through the exhibit's soft opening. A discussion will follow and members are encouraged to bring their own prayer book and share their story! Contact Faye for login access. 
Join Us for Homecoming | Sunday September 20th | 11 AM |
Join us for a virtual Homecoming on Sunday, September 20. In anticipation of gathering together, please send us any photos of what you've been doing this summer! We'll show them during the event (details to come soon) so we can catch up and share in each other's lives while we aren't able to do so in person. Please send photos to Thank you!
A Sermon Series on Moses and the Exodus: God's Transformation of a Person and a Nation | Each Sunday through October 25
This fall, join us to journey with Moses and the Israelite people, a journey not so different from ours today. Discover when you have been freed from old ways to become a new person, how to cross long barren stretches, and how a nation slowly grows into who it is meant to be.  Will we dare to make demands of God, as our forebears did? The old stories - from the Odyssey to Exodus -- still speak truth. Listen in whenever you want, through the King's Chapel YouTube Channel

New Spiritual Autobiography Class to Begin: Registration Needed
The Rev. Joy Fallon and Cynthia Perkins, leader of our Prayer Circle, will lead a new "Spiritual Autobiography" class for six weeks, beginning on September 24th, every Thursday from 6:45-8:15 PM, via Zoom.
In this small group class, you will explore how the Spirit has moved through your life since childhood and calls to you today. Each week participants will write a short reflection about their spiritual journey, based on prompts from the Exodus story in the Hebrew Bible, and the experience Moses had on his journey with God. King's Chapel has offered a Spiritual Autobiography Course many times over several decades, and most participants have found it a meaningful way to discover God's involvement in their lives. Priority will be given to those who have not previously taken a Spiritual Autobiography class.  Class size is limited to 8. For more information or to register, please contact Joy at or Cynthia  at
Save the Dates

Wednesday, September 16: Theology on Tap - Mary Magdalene | 6:15 PM

Thursday, September 24: History Conversation about the Fugitive Slave Law and King's Chapel, co-hosted by the National Park Service | 5:30 PM
Looking Back
Conversations with the History Program Recap

For the last two weeks, the History Program's weekly Conversations explored the theme of "Back to School" at King's Chapel. These virtual talks dive into the histories of both the King's Chapel church school, dating to the 1830s, and the lives and careers of notable educators and education reformers who worshipped within the church's congregation. For those who missed these presentations or would like to watch them again, visit the following links.

Sandwich Making for common cathedral

Betsy, Rita, Ciael, Carol and Emanuel made and delivered sandwiches this week to common cathedral. Please consider volunteering with us next time! Contact Carol G. for more information and to volunteer for the weekend of October 4th. 
Community Action Committee News

CAC Office Hours | Mondays 5 PM
What does the King's Chapel Community Action Committee do? Who are our CAC partners? What can I do to help?  For answers to these questions and more, come to CAC Office Hours! Starting in September, CAC chair Amanda Pickett will be piloting CAC Office Hours every Monday 5:00-5:30 PM via Zoom. Drop in and discuss community action at King's Chapel. Contact Amanda Pickett  for login access.
In This Issue
Sunday Services 

September 13th Morning Light | 9 AM on Zoom
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Carol Genovese, Lay Reader
  • Skip Lewan, piano
contact for login information
September 13th Morning Prayer  |  11 AM on YouTube
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Mary Sears, Sudeep Agarwala, Alison Larosa and Jennifer Webb, Soloists
  • Alison LaRosa, Lector
  • Dorothy Waldron, Cliff Allen, and Mike Bergeron, Lay Readers 

Exodus 14: 19 - 31
Did you miss Sunday's Virtual Service?  If so, click here to see the full service. 
From the Bench
This Sunday's service opens and closes with the beautiful Largo movement from Vivaldi's guitar concerto. 

Soloists Jennifer Webb and Alison Rosa offer Telemann's Der Mittag from the Cantata cycle Die Tageszeiten. 
Sudeep Agarwala and Mary Sears will lead us in our hymns



Watch this week's Musical Meditation here!
Giving to King's Chapel
Our stewardship giving to King's Chapel continues even as we are not physically together each week. This includes our annual pledges and gifts as well as our ongoing contributions to the Sunday plate. If you have not yet sent in your pledge or gift please  do so now and help us in this moment when we truly need it. If you are used to putting money in the Sunday Plate each week to support our community partners and our operating budget, you still can. The loss of this income, about $30,000, has an immediate impact on our community partners and our bottom line. Consider a monthly donation to the Sunday offering--maybe $50,$60,$75, $100 to make up for the lost weeks of attendance. Embracing our stewardship role is a way to joyfully and thankfully support the daily ongoing work that keeps King's Chapel thriving. Thank you. 

Staying Connected with King's Chapel
While we are physically closed we are spiritually open and are working to find ways to continue our connection with you, our beloved members and friends.  

Ways in which you can reach us are:

Morning Light Worship via Zoom, 9-9:30 AM each Sunday. Contact Laura Zeugner at for login information. 

Morning Prayer services are posted each Sunday at 11 AM on our website at 

Prayer Connection
King's Chapel is a praying church and we have added a new link to our website page to make easy any request you may have: .   Requests sent here will be received by Joy Fallon, David Waters, and Cynthia Perkins, Prayer Circle Chair. If you prefer, also know that you can always reach out to any of us individually. 
Internet Fraud - Protect Yourself

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, churches across the nation have seen a steep rise in incidents of internet fraud and scams, especially using ministers' names and targeting church members. So far in the last two months, we've had twenty or more. Please watch out for these. I promise, we will never ask you to send us gift cards.  We will never ask for your personal identifying information or bank account info.  If we ever purport to say that we can't be reached by phone, be suspicious. 
Some other hints to protect yourselves: Double check the "from" address to see who really has sent it, and double check the email of the person to whom you're supposedly replying. Verify suspicious emails by phone, especially if the email says not to call. Click the link below for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from internet crime. 

Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Communications Coordinator Jennifer Roesch with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.