Dear HBIC family,

We had a wonderful evening of fellowship, learning, discussion and praying on Sunday evening as part of our "Next Steps" strategic planning! If you were not able to attend in-person or on Zoom, here's a little recap of our time together so you can participate even after the fact:

Station 1:
Learn about your spiritual gifts! Take this quiz and, if you're comfortable, forward the results to Pastor Ryan so he can join you in discerning areas in which you could best plug-in and serve.

Station 2:
This spring, we'll be offering a book study on The Art of Neighboring. Check out a trailer video introduction here.

Station 3:
We brainstormed together about our hopes for the future and some opportunities we could see coming to fruition. What has the Holy Spirit laid on your heart for HBIC in the coming years?

Regardless of whether or not you attended the meeting, we invite you to take this follow-up poll. This will let us know of your interest to be involved with the various things we plan to launch soon (book study, neighborhood tours and prayer walks, etc.)!

It is so important that all who know, love and invest in our church family are part of our praying and planning process. To learn more, visit our Next Steps website! You can contact the strategic planning team there, as well.

HBIC Staff and Next Steps Team