chalice mask
Updated COVID19 Guidelines

The Diocese of Colorado recently updated their COVID guidelines and policies. As we find ourselves in a new season of the pandemic, the vestry and clergy of St. Michael's have updated our Community Covenant to reflect the following, effective immediately: 
  • Masks are optional for worship and meetings for vaccinated individuals.
  • Masks will be required for Nursery staff & volunteers. Masks are highly recommended for elementary age children and for Sunday school volunteers working with children. 
  • The Common Cup or Chalice will be available for intinction only to dip your Communion wafer in the wine. 
A few more reminders ... As an intergenerational community, we want you to feel safe. While masks are now optional for those who are vaccinated, many will or may choose to wear masks regardless of vaccination status. We want to support all in the safety measure of their choice. The green/yellow/red bracelets will still be available in the Gathering Space and should be used to help provide a non-verbal communication regarding comfortability level when interacting with others. If you have been exposed to COVID19 or have cold/flu like symptoms you are encouraged to stay home for the safety and health of our entire community. We appreciate your understanding, patience, and flexibility as we continue to navigate the ever-changing dynamics of the pandemic. If you have any questions, please contact a member of the clergy, vestry, or email support@stmikeschurch.comThank you in advance as we continue to love and honor one another. CLICK HERE to watch the Spring 2022 Covid Guideline video message.
Sunday Schedule
March 20, 2022

  • 8:00 AM Holy Eucharist In-person & Online
  • Watch on YouTube : Facebook : Vimeo
  • Sunday Bulletin is available on
  • 9:15 AM Education for All, Clergy Class in Sanctuary
  • 9:15 AM Newcomers Class in Chapel
  • 9:15 AM Confirmation Class in St. Andrews
  • 10:30 AM Holy Eucharist In-person & Children's Chapel
  • 11:45 AM Chalice Bearer Orientation
  • 11:45 AM Coffee Hour Host Training
  • 12:00 PM Bell Choir Practice
  • 4:00 PM Labyrinth in St. Mary's Hall & Lord's Supper Offsite
  • 5:00 PM Holy Eucharist In-person & Come as you are ...
"God's Relentless Grace"
Clergy Class, 9:15 AM
This Sunday, March 20
The Rev. Matt Holcombe

Join Matt this Sunday as we continue our "relentless" teaching series during the 9:15 Education hour at St. Michael's. Attend in-person or online as we explore the ways God's grace permeates our lives and world. Visit our website for the quick links to watch from home.
Confirmation & Inquirers Class
March 20 - May 15, 2022
Begins This Sundays, 9:15 AM

The clergy invite you to learn more about the Episcopal Church and our theology during our 7-week Confirmation & Inquirers Class. New to the Episcopal Church and want to be Confirmed, Received, or want to learn more? This is a great opportunity to grow your faith on Sundays. Open to all adults and youth over 15. Registration requested. CLICK HERE to learn more and register today!
Newcomers Class
Sunday, March 20
9:15 AM in Chapel

New to St. Michael's or looking to get more involved and connected? Join Linda Kean & Deacon Gary on Sunday, March 20 at 9:15 AM in the Chapel to learn more about St. Michael's and the many ways you can get involved and connect. Next Newcomer Class will be Sunday, April 24 "Episcopal Church 101 - The Basics". Questions? Email No RSVP needed.
Coffee Hour Training
Sunday, March 20
11:45 AM in Kitchen

We are looking for a few more volunteers to help with Coffee Hour after the 8:00 or 10:30 AM service. Join Jennie for a quick training at 11:45 (after the 10:30 AM service). No RSVP Needed - Questions? Email
Chalice Bearer Training
Sunday, March 20
11:45 AM in the Church

With our updated Community Covenant the clergy will be offering a quick Chalice Bearer training after the 10:30 Service in the church. No RSVP needed. All adults and teenagers are welcome! Questions? Email Interested in being a Chalice Bearer at the 8:00 or 10:30 AM Service, CLICK HERE for the Sunday Worship Volunteer sign up.
This Wednesday, March 23
Lenten Soup Suppers
5:30 - 7:00 PM

Join us on Wednesdays in Lent for our Lenten Soup Suppers with fellowship, food, and formation. We will gather for soup and fellowship from 5:30 - 6:15 PM and then discuss The Book of Joy from 6:15 - 7:00 PM. It is not necessary you read the book to join us. Soup to-go will be available to pick up from 3:30 - 5:30 PM. Advance registration requested for soup-to-go or if you are joining us in-person. Thank you!
Soup Chefs & Volunteers
Do you know your way around the kitchen or can you help package and/or serve soup on Wednesdays in Lent? The following are needed:
  • Making Soup 9:30 - 11:30 AM (4 Volunteers needed)
  • Soup to Go Team 3:00 - 5:30 PM (2 Volunteers needed)
  • Serving & Clean Up Team 5:00 - 7:00 PM (4 Volunteers needed)
CLICK HERE to sign up to be a Soup Chef or Volunteer or contact with questions.
Adventure Pilgrimage
Information Session
March 28, 7 PM

St. Mike's High Schoolers are going on an adventure! Parents (of rising 9th graders through graduating seniors) are invited to join Owen for a Zoom information session. The Pilgrimage will be a five day, four night overnight trip taking place from June 8 - 12, 2022. Epic adventures and experiences await - while deepening their relationship with God and others. If you are interested in learning more, RSVP by emailing Owen to receive the Zoom link.
Mom's Night Out
April 1, 6:30 PM

Are you a mom with a child under 18? You are invited to a Mom’s Night Out on Friday, April 1 at 6:30 PM. We will meet at Pinspiration (3586 Hartsel Drive, Suite B). DIY crafts, drinks, and food are available for purchase. Please RSVP or send questions to Ruth Morrison at or 503-523-8451 by March 30. We hope to see you there!
Easter Flower Donations
Due: April 10

Help us decorate our sanctuary for Easter with fresh flowers in memory or in thanksgiving of family/friends. CLICK HERE to submit your Easter Flower Donation form online today. Each memorial/thanksgiving donation is $25. Checks can be made payable to St. Michael’s, Memo “Easter Flowers” and dropped in the Sunday offertory plate or church office. Questions? Email Paper copy donation forms are available in the gathering space and church office.
Palm Sunday Brunch
April 10 (after 10:30 service)

Join us after the 10:30 service for a festive Palm Sunday Brunch. All were welcome to attend. No RSVP required but a few chefs and volunteers are needed to help cook, set up, serve, and clean up. CLICK HERE to volunteer. Questions? Email or call 719-598-3244 x 103.
Sunday Volunteers Needed
March & April (Please)!

Each Sunday we need roughly 25 volunteers to be ushers, greeters, lay readers, coffee hour hosts, children's Chapel volunteers, and to help with audio/video. Can you help us at the 8:00 or 10:30 AM service in March or April? Click the link above to help out.
A Season of Resilience
Emergency Preparedness
Online Resources Available

Stop by the table in the Gathering Space this Sunday for handouts, tips, and resources to help you with your emergency preparations. All of the emergency preparedness materials are now available online. CLICK HERE for digital copies and our Emergency Preparedness website.
Cookie Ministry
"Calling all bakers!"

Do you like to bake cookies? St. Michael's is launching a new delicious ministry. Cookies can be baked during the week and dropped off in the upstairs kitchen freezer. Cookies will be used for Coffee Hour, Funeral Receptions, and other events. To be part of our new Cookie Ministry CLICK HERE to sign up and receive information about what to bake, how to drop off, and helpful hints.
IHN / Family Promise
Volunteers Needed
April 3 - 9, 2022

St. Michael’s upcoming Family Promise/IHN non-in-church hosting week will be the first week of April. Please volunteer to prepare and deliver dinners to help support four homeless families. Family Promise is not having us deliver dinners on Saturday and Sunday, and they request $20 Safeway gift cards for the IHN families to prepare their own dinners on those days. For more information, to donate a gift card, or to volunteer, please contact Justin Morrill or call 719-590-1615.
Children, Youth, & Family eNews

Did you miss this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews? Not to worry, CLICK HERE to read this week's Children, Youth, & Family eNews. Check out all the wonderful work and activities our families and young parishioners are involved in!
This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, March 18
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group

Saturday, March 19
9:00 AM - Daughters of the King in St. Mary's Hall
2:00 PM - Caregivers Support Group in the Chapel

Sunday, March 20
7:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Nursery Open
8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person & Online
Bulletin is available on
9:15 AM - 10:15 AM - Education for All (various locations)
10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist In-person with Children's Chapel
11:45 AM - Coffee Host Training
11:45 AM - Chalice Bearer Training
12:00 PM - Bell Choir Practice St. Andrew's Hall
4:00 PM - Labyrinth Walking St. Mary's Hall
5:00 PM - Holy Eucharist In-person "Come as you are"
7:00 PM - Virtual Sacred Ground Group 7

Monday, March 21
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Laundry Love (Offsite)
10:30 AM - Lectio Divina in Prayer Room

Tuesday, March 22
9:00 AM - Staff Meeting
11:30 AM - Widows Group Lunch (Offsite at Carrabas)
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM - Christian Essentials - Chapel
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM - Girl Scouts - St. Andrew's
6:00 PM - Virtual Sacred Ground
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM - Boy Scouts - St. Andrew's
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, March 23
12:00 PM - Healing Service & Eucharist in Chapel
3:30 - 5:30 PM - Soup to go Pick Up
5:30 - 7:00 PM - Lenten Soup Suppers in St. Mary's Hall
5:30 - 6:45 PM - Middle School Youth Group
7:00 - 8:15 PM - High School Youth Group

Thursday, March 24
6:00 - 7:00 PM - Cub Scouts - St. Andrew's
8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, March 25
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality Group

Saturday, March 26
8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship in St. Andrew's Hall
10:30 AM - Ben Tilley Funeral Service
Birthdays This Week:

March 20 - Thomas Stoller
March 20 - Marilyn Wright
March 21 - Scott Callihan
March 22 - Rev. Judi Sato
March 24 - Katy Kolodzej
March 24 - Karen Stubbs
March 25 - Ethel Simpson
March 26 - Jenny Liebowitz
St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM