Isabel Cosio Carballo
Executive Director
Mario Bailey, Chair
Coronavirus Planning, Response and Recovery
for the South Florida Region
As COVID-19 spread around the world and in our region, the outbreak has had extensive effects on people and businesses. There is an urgent need to understand who has been affected, how they are affected, and how local and regional governmental entities can help coordinate resources to provide support.
Please join the SFRPC and the City of Cooper City Mayor Greg Ross for a conversation with Broward County Mayor Steve Geller and Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava, and hear about the biggest issues facing each county and how the American Rescue Plan funds will be applied. Learn what the counties are proposing to implement as economic recovery and resilience plans for the region.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 | 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Daniella Levine Cava
Mayor, Miami-Dade County
SFRPC, Former Chair
Steve Geller
Mayor, Broward County
SFRPC, First Vice Chair
Greg Ross
Mayor, City of Cooper City
SFRPC, Immediate Past Chair
For additional information please contact:
Eralda Agolli, CARES Act Economic Disaster Recovery Coordinator at
Southeast Florida Clean Cities
Welcomes Broward County Commissioner Quentin "Beam" Furr
For more than 25 years the Southeast Florida Clean Cities Coalition (Coalition) has worked with Coalition partners, Clean Cities Coordinators throughout the state and nation, and the U.S. Department of Energy to further the nation’s energy independence and economic security. The Coalition leverages the expertise and investments of its members to build partnerships that advance affordable domestic transportation fuels, energy efficient mobility systems, and other fuel-saving technologies and practices.
Today, the Coalition welcomes Broward County Commissioner Quentin “Beam” Furr to the Board. Commissioner Furr currently serves as the SFRPC’s Treasurer, and represents District 6, which includes parts of Hollywood, Hallandale Beach, and Pembroke Pines. Commissioner Furr is dedicated to serving and finding innovative approaches and solutions to serve the region’s communities.
Turning the Tide:
National Security Risks in the Face of Sea Level Rise
Sea level rise and more extreme weather events are causing risks to military instillations, readiness, operations and strategy. The Department of Defense manages more than 1,700 military installations that may be affected by sea-level rise. How can we prepare the military bases in the risk of sea-level rise damage and what are the priority areas when it comes to these issues?
Click here to listen to the conversation, and hear how the American Security Project and Florida International University recommend solutions when it comes to sea level rise and the risks it poses to our national security. Guest speakers included Rick Miller from the South Florida Defense Alliance, David Haines, Senior Fellow for Climate Security at American Security Project and Dr. Jayantha Obeysekera, Director of Florida International University’s Sea Level Solutions Center.
Condo Associations & Rental Property Owners - Capital Assistance
The South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) is currently offering low-interest loans to those homeowner associations and rental property owners within the region, allowing for capital improvements and repairs on their buildings to ensure a vibrant facility for our South Florida residents.
Created more than 25 years ago, our Traditional Revolving Loan Fund program was designed to support those associations, organizations and businesses whose needs are not entirely served by conventional lenders.
Need Capital to Recover from COVID? Take our Survey!
Are you in need of financial assistance to help your small or medium sized business recover from the COVID pandemic? Please take a few minutes and tell us how we can help you.
The SFRPC is expanding its economic development COVID-response activities including technical assistance, enhancing regional planning, collaboration, and intergovernmental coordination among local governments.
In August 2020 the SFRPC was awarded an EDA CARES Act Supplemental grant to enable the Council to help the region prepare for, prevent, and respond to existing and future impacts by expanding its economic development COVID-response activities.
When a storm is fast approaching, we want to make sure you are safe. Preparation is the best protection against the dangers of a storm. Hurricane season begins June 1st and ends November 30th.
The time to prepare for hurricane season is now. The South Florida Regional Planning Council has provided a list of resources that provide valuable information that you can use before during and after a storm. Please click here to view more.
Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
As part of the Council’s responsibility to maintain the region’s CEDS document, Council staff is coordinating with chair of the CEDS Committee to finalize the remaining CEDS Committee members. The first CEDS Committee Meeting is expected to be held in Fall of 2021, and the 2022-2027 CEDS document is to be submitted to EDA by September 2022.
Additionally, staff received approval from EDA for the CEDS 2018-2020 Partnership Planning Grant Closeout Progress Report as well as the Semi-Annual Progress Report for the January – March 2021 period for the CEDS 2021-2023 Partnership Planning Grant.
Council staff also met with the region’s Economic Development Representative and Economic Development professionals across the state multiple times to coordinate economic development and disaster recovery efforts, including funding opportunities through the CARES Act, and upcoming American Rescue Plan Act.
UBER/TAXI Analysis Project for SFRTA
Council staff is working with the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority (SFRTA) to provide Geographic Information Systems (GIS) map analysis of Tri-Rail riders before and after their transit ride.
On March 29, 2021, the SFRTA partnered with Uber and Taxi companies to provide first/last mile rides to and from selected Tri-Rail Stations mirroring the service areas formerly served by the SFRTA Commuter Connectors, which have been discontinued. The geographic distribution and frequency of these trips during the first months of the program will be mapped and shared with SFRTA management for future decision making.
Florida Statewide Evacuation
Study Program
Council Staff completed work with the Northeast Florida Regional Council and the other eight Florida RPCs to continue the efforts of the RPCs and the Florida Department of Emergency Management (FDEM) in the Statewide Regional Evacuation Study Program. Recent accomplishments of the study include, updating the baseline operational emergency evacuation and running the FDEM’s evacuation model, Transportation Interface for Modeling Evacuations (TIME). Council staff worked with the FDEM to quality control the outputs and analyze anomalies in order to perfect the model.
Council Staff hosted regional County Emergency Managers to review the baseline and operational scenarios and results of the FDEM model, which includes evacuation clearance times. Council Staff has submitted the final data and findings of the Evacuation Study to FDEM to post the Study information on an online dashboard.
Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization’s COVID-19 Travel Behavior Trend Analysis
Council Staff submitted a draft report representing analysis of relevant literature, travel data, and phases for the analysis per County Executive Orders related to travel and business restrictions. The primary goal of this effort is to assist the TPO with understanding the impact that the pandemic has had on those that utilize the surface transportation networks in Miami-Dade, and project future travel behaviors and how these behavioral shifts may impact transportation demand. The project will conclude September 2021.
The SFRPC Welcomes Our Newest Addition...
Ms. Bridget Huston, Resiliency Planner
Bridget Huston joined the South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) in 2021 and serves as the SFRPC’s Regional Planner, specializing in environmental planning and community resilience planning. Her primary responsibilities at the Council include GIS and data support, policy research and development, and project management.
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Next Council Meetings:
Monday, July 26, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. (Hollywood)
August - No Meeting (Summer Recess)
Monday, September 27, 2021 at 10:30 a.m. (Hollywood)