Clark Kaericher | Vice President, Government Affairs | 217-522-5512 ext. 296
Email Clark
March 19, 2021
The Technology Council seeks to aggressively and proactively promote the interests of the Illinois technology community by advocating for public policy that fosters innovation and promotes economic growth. The Council will seek to promote workforce development policies, advocate for world-class technology infrastructure, avoid overregulation on the industry and support innovators access to the capital they need to grow.
After 700 odd days, March Madness finally tips off again. Good luck to everyone with their bracket submission.

Committee Updates
The House Cybersecurity, Data Analytics & IT Committee met today at 10 am. It was Chairman Robinson’s first committee as chairman and things went smoothly. Representative Andrade’s HB 53 which requires companies to disclose some demographic data when solely relying on artificial intelligence to determine whether an applicant will qualify for an in-person interview passed the committee unanimously on an attendance roll call.  Representative Buckner’s controversial Right to Know Act (HB 2404) was not called.

New Amendment of Interest Filed on HB 3731
Committee Amendment 1 was recently filed on HB 3731 which “guts and replaces” the bill into something totally different than originally filed. This amendment would place additional restrictions on social media companies. The amendment seeks to create a criminal offense (Class A misdemeanor) of false personation to create an email or a social media profile representing to be a public officer or public employee. 

Additionally, it would require all social media companies and email providers ensure the identity security of the account- and internet presence-of state elected officials and state agencies. They must also offer elected officials and state agencies the opportunity to claim accounts and usernames for official use or lock such accounts and usernames to prevent false personation. Failure to comply will result in an unlawful practice which carries a minimum $50,000 fine.  

Save The Date
The Illinois Chamber will be hosting the annual Chamber Day event on April 14th-15th through a virtual format. View the link below for the necessary registration info. We hope to see you there!

Articles of Interest 

Until next time,
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