Dedicated to the health of children and adolescents.
August 2020

President's Perspective

by Kristie Clark, MD, FAAP

This is my first President's Perspective article for the KAAP, and I could not have imagined the challenging circumstances under which I would write this when I became President-Elect over 2 years ago. Whereas the nation has experienced over 5 million cases of confirmed COVID-19, Kansas has had over 32,000 cases. On a personal note, in the last year I have endured half a dozen major surgeries and procedures for a congenital defect. Facing medical issues in a pandemic fosters compassion.

This summer KAAP members took the lead in making recommendations to the KDHE and KSDE concerning school re-opening plans, and although there were many sides to these discussions, ultimately the current evidence supports the guidelines for mandatory cloth face coverings for all students K-12. (Mask Guidance for School-Aged Children). Wearing a cloth face covering protects persons from transmitting the virus to others, and newer evidence released July 20 shows that the wearer may also benefit from some protection from becoming infected.

A recent JAMA Pediatrics article from July 30 shows that children shed the COVID-19 virus as much if not more than adults, even though they often have only mild symptoms or asymptomatic infections. The AAP recently released Clinical Guidance on August 13 on cloth face coverings for children which recommends that with rare exception all children over the age of 2 should wear a cloth mask covering. Continue Reading

Executive Director Update

by Melissa Hudelson

KAAP leadership and staff have continued to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic over the last few months with a focus on supporting our members and keeping Kansas kids safe and healthy. Several KAAP board members created a group to provide direction and support for the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) and local school districts on how to safely return children to classrooms. The Kansas COVID Workgroup for Kids (KCWK) includes family physicians, pediatricians, and mental heath care specialists who all weighed in on guidelines that continue to evolve as new information is learned about children and COVID-19. I would like to thank the pediatricians that were instrumental in bringing this document to life for their leadership and their tireless work on this effort. Continue Reading

KAAP Legislative Update

by Dena K. Hubbard MD, FAAP

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
Social distancing and masks and online school? Oh my! Like Dorothy, you may have the feeling you're not in Kansas anymore. Who would have thought these items would be so controversial, political and scarier than lions and tigers and bears? Despite the uncertainties and complexities of COVID-19, pediatricians must unite in advocacy for our patients and families. Your voice for children is more important than ever.

The August primaries are over and November general elections are around the corner. ALL Kansas House and Senate positions, as well as U.S. House of Representatives and one of the two U.S. Senators face elections. Remind your colleagues, staff, and families what is at stake in this election for children and how raising their voices, and votes, is so critically important. Children are counting on us; vote like their future depends on it. Continue Reading

Issues & Commentary

by Stephanie Kuhlmann DO FAAP
To be or not to be (open)? That is the question that seems to be on the minds of many school administrators, board of education members, teachers, and families as the traditional start time of the academic year is upon us. School reopening during a pandemic has certainly captured the attention of our nation and continues to spark debate and controversy nationally and within our local communities. As schools seem to be in a "no win" situation no matter how they choose to reopen, we as pediatricians need to be prepared to offer support and guidance to our educational colleagues and to our patients and families. Continue Reading

Progress In Pediatrics Fall 2020 Virtual CME Event!

Our Fall CME Meeting is moving online. Please plan to join us for live, virtual presentations on Thursday, October 22 from 1 to 4 p.m. Additional presentations will be available to access at your convenience on the KAAP website after this date. KAAP members will have access to both live and recorded webinars for only $50. Registration will be opening very soon. 
Pediatric Payment Corner

The KAAP Pediatric Council is here to help you with payment issues that come up. Don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if you have questions or a problem we can look at for you.

KPF Update

The 2019-2020 Kansas Pediatric Foundation annual report is now available to view at Since 2004, our mission has been to connect with individuals and organizations who share our commitment for a healthy and meaningful life for our children and adolescents in Kansas. These important collaborations have allowed KPF to offer Kansas Kids Fund grants to KAAP members, put over 1,100,000 books into the hands of Kansas kids through Turn a Page. Touch a Mind.® (TAP-TAM), and continue to support Kansas KidLink, our children's mental health initiative. Continue Reading
Get Ready for Advocacy Day 2021

KAAP will be joining forces with the Kansas Medical Society and other physician organizations next year for Advocacy Day in Topeka on Wednesday, January 27, 2021.

AAP Seeking Chapter "Climate Advocate"

The AAP Committee for COEH (Committee for Environmental Health) is looking for a "climate advocate" for each AAP Chapter. The climate advocates will meet monthly and discuss actions that can be taken such as resolutions on climate and health and adding climate to chapter website or newsletter. Contact Mel Hudelson if you are interested at [email protected] or (913) 530-6265.

Free CME Webinar Recording

Engaging Adolescents in Healthcare Decisions

This free one-hour CME webinar is available until September 9th.

Breastfeeding During the Pandemic

It's a stressful time for everyone but especially new moms. Pediatricians can help support breastfeeding even when a mom tests positive for COVID-19.

HPV Training Module

Shutting the Door on HPV Cancers was developed for health provider audiences with the goal of increasing HPV immunization rates. The module can be used for training in clinics to get staff - nurses, physicians, the front office, everyone! - on the same page with HPV vaccine recommendations. Go through the module on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Click here
Survey: Medical Care for Children in Foster Care

We are seeking licensed pediatric clinicians to take an online survey for an IRB approved research study about access to medical care for children in foster care. This survey is completely anonymous and will take LESS THAN 15 MINUTES to complete. Information provided will be used to identify potential future areas of improvement that can be targeted for training, resources, and advocacy for policy change for foster families and children in foster care. If interested, please click here for the survey. Please contact Lisa at [email protected] with any questions!

Kristie Clark, MD, FAAP
Mel Hudelson
Executive Director 
Gretchen Homan, MD, FAAP

Shanna Peters
Associate Director
Grace Brouillette, DO, FAAP

Martha Atkinson
Staff Accountant
Lisa Gilmer, MD, FAAP
Past President
Amy Trollinger
Marketing Communications Manager

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