Help Our Youth Attend APHA in Denver!

The Community-Based Public Health (CBPH) Caucus  is  supporting five Youth Roundtable presenters, who need our help to travel to the Youth Roundtable at the 2016 American Public Health Association (APHA) Conference in Denver, CO. Please pitch in and ask your colleagues, friends, and other community-minded public health professionals to donate through  " Go Fund Me " to help make it happen. 

As of this email, only $1,060 more is needed to be able to pay airfare for the youth to travel to Colorado for APHA. Reasonably-priced flights can still be booked by September 30 with your help; we will then be more than half way to APHA, as we already met our APHA registration and membership goal of $1,775. 

"As youth leaders, we are determined to show up and share our work with you and with other youth, even though we have no departmental budgets to pay for our travel," said Youth Council President De 'Quandary Rankins, a North Carolina college student. "We need your help." 

As you know, the CBPH is a part of APHA,  and we are committed to fostering  the practice and understanding of CBPH in research, teaching, and practice. With a CBPH approach, communities work in partnership with public health practitioners and academics to identify issues, mobilize resources, and implement strategies to solve problems. We involve youth because we  know how important it is to make sure this important, collaborative work continues into the next generation. 

Empowering our youth to attend the annual APHA Conference is a critical component toward helping them to become the public health leaders of the future. Their participation also gives APHA conference participants the opportunity to hear, first hand, the voice of today's youth, as they deal with a wide range of public health issues and concerns. 

Please visit our "Go Fund Me" page to learn more about CBPH Caucus youth activities--and to contribute toward helping br ing critical youth perspectives and passion to our public health arena.  Any amount (even $5) would be greatly appreciated. 

P.S. Again, please give by September 30, as we hope to book economical airfare by September 30. Please click on the image button to the left to give.