Special Worship for Pastor Delwayne Hahn
This Weekend Jan. 30th & 31st
Plans for remembering and celebrating the life of Pastor Delwayne Hahn this weekend at worship at Grace! 
Pastor Hahn has a 4-page layout for his funeral service with strict instructions about what to read, sing and who says what. He always planned for this service to be held at Peace Lutheran Church in New London, which was his last “settled” call in his ministry. In the final weeks of his life, Pastor Hahn had different conversations with me, probably because of COVID-19 and all the restrictions, and recognizing his own connection to Grace and our community. He indicated that he would like to have two different funerals, one at Peace and one at Grace. 
After speaking with his family and recognizing their need to not extend things for a long time, the official funeral for Pastor Hahn will be held at Peace Lutheran in New London, the date and time is yet to be determined (I will share this information once I have it). Peace Lutheran has less restrictions at this time, so more people will be able to attend. 
We do not plan to have an official funeral at Grace, but we need an opportunity to grieve and say goodbye to Pastor Hahn, and to celebrate his life. This weekend’s worship service will do just that. While this won’t be an actual funeral, we will be using songs, scripture and other elements of Pastor Hahn’s funeral service in our worship together and giving thanks for him and his ministry at Grace. While not ideally how we would like to celebrate his life, spreading it out over the weekend will give us the opportunity to allow more people to attend worship and say goodbye to Pastor Hahn. Our worship will be at the usual times, 5pm on Saturday, 8:45am, and 10:30am on Sunday. It will also be shared through YouTube online for those who prefer to attend virtually. We do ask for you to please sign-up in advance through our sign-up genius. 
Also, if there is anything you wish to share about Pastor Hahn, I welcome you to please send me or anyone else on staff an email.
Thank you for your prayers and for your kind words to the staff, and to me. 
Finally, some of you have asked ways you might support the family at this time. They told me that they very much enjoy going out for coffee and welcome gift cards to Caribou or Starbucks. 
If you wish to send cards please send them to his address:   
2889 377th Ave NW Stanchfield, MN 55080 
You can also bring cards this weekend and we will get them to Pastor Hahn’s family.   
Pastor Joanna Mitchell