August 2021
WIHA Program Leader/Provider Alert!
In-Person Workshop Safety Protocol Update

For those planning or currently offering in-person workshops, we have updated our safety plan to require the use of masks by some individuals and to encourage the use of masks by others. With ever-changing areas of high transmission, Leaders and Providers should check the map (linked in the WIHA In-Person Safety Plan below) frequently. If at any time your county is marked as an area of high COVID-19 transmission, it is important to have a mask protocol in place to protect the at-risk older adult population. In areas where Public Health guidelines are more stringent, the local guidelines should be followed.

We will alert you as conditions and safety guidance changes. If you have questions, please contact your WIHA Program staff lead (listed below).
Falls Prevention Awareness
Month Outreach Efforts
Wisconsin has the highest rate of deadly falls among older people in the U.S. That's why it's so important to do all we can to promote falls prevention and awareness. September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month in Wisconsin and, in coordination with the new Wisconsin Falls Free Coalition, we'll be sharing a variety of materials and resources to support local falls prevention efforts across the state. We are busy curating a page full of communication tools and resources from the CDC and National Council on Aging (NCOA) in addition to several developed by WIHA and other partners to help build awareness of and strategies for reducing falls in your community.

We encourage you to attend an upcoming meeting to learn more about these resources, discuss strategies for using them, and hear about local falls prevention efforts and activities in September and beyond. We'll share a variety of outreach materials (see examples at right) including online and print falls risk assessments, social media tips and other graphics, and customizable, printable hand outs that describe ways to avoid a fall at home.

Falls Prevention Awareness Month Resources & Discussion
When: Thurs., Aug. 26, 11:00 - Noon
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 848 0578 9846
Passcode: 905997
Dial in: +1 312 626 6799

If you have a falls prevention event or activity coming up, please let us know at the link below. Questions? Please contact Kris Krasnowski.
Sample Resources
The Still Going Strong Campaign - recently released by the CDC - has a wide variety of effective graphics to be used in local falls and injury prevention campaigns.
The National Council on Aging offers outreach tools and resources including the Falls Free Check Up (English and Spanish versions) along with videos and graphics for local distribution.
WIHA Office Hours Recap
Thanks to all who attended WIHA Office Hours on July 13th. We had a great discussion about program planning and capacity development in light of additional resources available for health promotion due to the pandemic. If you have questions about or want to discuss ideas for increasing your program capacity, contact Jill Renken.

We also discussed the Wisconsin Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness - a newly-formed statewide coalition to reduce loneliness and social isolation. If you're interested in playing a role in the coalition's work, click on the coalition overview to learn more and fill out the survey at right.

If you missed Office Hours, you're in luck! You can catch up by clicking on the link to the recording below.

Next Office Hours -
Tuesday, October 12 - 9:00 -10:00 am
Want to learn more about the Wisconsin Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness? Take the survey and indicate your interest.
- WIHA Program News -
LAST CALL! Chronic Disease Self-Management Education Refresher Training
Want to brush up on your chronic disease self-management education (CDSME) training skills? Consider taking this OPTIONAL (not required) refresher training which will cover basic facilitation skills and concepts that make up the base curriculum for all of the CDSME programs.

You must be an ACTIVE Leader in the Living Well with Chronic Conditions, Healthy Living with Diabetes, or Healthy Living with Chronic Pain program to take this OPTIONAL training. This means you have co-led one of the above workshops in the last 18 months. Attending this training counts the same as co-leading a workshop. If you are not able to facilitate a workshop over the next year, this will keep you active in the programs you are certified in for one year (until September 2022).
When: September 16th, 2021
Location: ADRC of Central Wisconsin
2600 Stewart Ave - Wausau
Fee: $50

Space is limited to 10 people. Registration closes this Friday, August 20th.
Upcoming Leader Trainings

It's a great time to shore up your program capacity by having new program leaders trained. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible. Some trainings may be postponed if we don't fill the training. Likewise, we may add additional trainings depending on demand.

Find applications and registration information for all trainings by clicking on your program here.
Tips for Physical Activity

Want to encourage people to be physically active in your community? Try our "tips" graphics in newsletters, on social media or in other communication. Check out all the tips at the link below OR download Tip #8 at right.
Questions? Contact the WIHA staff lead for the program in question:
Thank You, WIHA Leadership Circle!

Have a colleague who would benefit from receiving information from WIHA? Let us know and we'll add them to our subscriber list.

Email Kris Krasnowski.

Thanks for all you do to support healthy aging in your community. If you're interested in making a contribution to the work of the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging, please visit the link below.