Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,
We are quickly approaching the end of the second trimester, which means that we need to make third-trimester plans to wrap up this crazy year.
If you would like to CHANGE your child(ren)'s mode of learning for the third trimester, you will need to fill out THIS FORM by next Friday, Feb. 5. This will be a binding decision for the rest of the year. We understand that each family has unique circumstances that might warrant wanting to start the trimester remotely and then come back in person before the end of the year; however, it is challenging for teachers when students change modes in the middle of the trimester. Therefore we will not be allowing any changes after third trimester begins on Monday, Feb. 22.
If you would like your child(ren)'s mode of learning to stay as it is currently, you do not need to fill out the form. The form is only to make changes for the third trimester. Please contact me during the next week if you have any questions. It is imperative for planning purposes that all changes to modes of learning are recorded on this form by next Friday, Feb. 5.
Conferences will be from 4-8 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 8, and Wednesday, Feb. 10. Teachers will be communicating their sign-ups and schedules soon if they haven't already. Next week's newsletter will have sign-up links for administration, specials and student support team members.
I don't want to jinx anything, but we've had a very smooth month COVID-wise. Keep up the great work by keeping sick kids at home and reporting any positive cases to the school immediately. Our community is doing great, and we sincerely appreciate your diligence!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Simpson
Calendar Notes and Spirit Week Reminder
Next Wednesday, Feb. 3, is a remote learning day for all students.
And, we have one day left of Spirit Week! Tomorrow, Jan. 29, students can wear their favorite Tacky Holiday or Ugly Sweater.
Know Any Prospective Parents?
If you know parents interested in sending their student(s) to BFA, please let them know that the second round of Open Enrollment for BFA is NOW OPEN! This round runs through 4 p.m. on August 2, but the sooner they go through the Open Enrollment process--the better their chances of getting an offer. Interested parents can go to DCSD Open Enrollment webpage for more information.
In addition, we have a few tours left this trimester to show prospective K-8 parents around our wonderful school. Please share our tour webpage link with any prospective BFA families you know.
Join the DanceFit Movement and Raise Money for BFA
We’re only two weeks away from the PTO Ben Franklin Academy DanceFit! DanceFit is the PTO’s main fundraiser for this school year, and we’re excited for this fun event! Our goal is to raise $45,000 for STEAM Enhancements including stage lighting and sound improvements. Donating is officially open on funrun.com!
Here's how you can support the BFA PTO today:
REGISTER your student(s) on funrun.com today. It only takes 30 seconds!
SHARE with five family/friends using the SHARE tools on funrun.com (Facebook, Text Message or Email) Students will earn rewards just for sharing from funrun.com.
GIVE a donation if you are able to give.
Here are a few things to know about this important fundraiser:
All families can support our school by either donating, sharing on funrun.com, or both. Students can receive rewards when parents share from funrun.com.
- All students get to participate in the Event Day, regardless of financial participation.
- This fundraiser comes with an incredible character development program for students where they’ll be learning about the importance of teamwork, care, courage, grit and celebration.
We are working hard to make this fundraiser safe, fun and successful for everyone!
All communication and resources given out at school also will be sent to families via email so that everyone has the opportunity to fully participate in the fundraising and character development program.
Donating Opens - Today!
NOW: Register on FUNRUN.com, SHARE and GIVE!
Monday, Feb. 8: Fundraiser Kick Off
Friday, Feb. 19: SAVE THE DATE for Event Day!
See the flier for additional information. Thank you for supporting our school through the PTO Ben Franklin Academy DanceFit.
Make a Difference, Participate in SAC
Would you like to be involved in reviewing policies that drive the direction of BFA? Please, join SAC at their monthly School Accountability Committee (SAC) meeting as they review: Inventory Management Policy, Book Donation Policy, Volunteer and Visitor Policy, and final review of Parent Survey Questions. The SAC is meeting at 4:30 p.m. tonight, Jan 28, via Zoom. The details of the Zoom meeting are available on the BFA calendar.
If you would like information about serving on the SAC or participating in the Zoom meeting, please contact Woody Haynes at SAC@bfacademy.org.
BFA Dad's: Join Ben's Brigade Zoom Call Tonight
If you’re a BFA dad and have not attended a Ben’s Brigade meeting—make 2021 the year you get more involved! Ben’s Brigade is meeting at 8 p.m. tonight, Jan. 28, via Zoom (details on the calendar). Ben’s Brigade has been a BFA institution since 2013, and it’s mission is as follows:
It is the mission of Ben’s Brigade to be Extraordinary Men committed to the growth, development, success and safety of Ben Franklin Academy’s students, families and staff members. Our supportive and collaborative engagement with before, during and after school activities contributes to a strong school family of continuous relationships and lasting community connections.
Yearbook Sales Coming to a Close -
Don't Miss Your Chance to Order!
Yearbooks are on sale now! The only way to purchase a yearbook is through our vendor, Walsworth. Right now, yearbooks cost $31 per book, but don't wait, as the price will go up on February 1. See the flier for additional details.
Today – January 31 = $31 per book
After January 31 = $36 per book
You may also order a dedication (or ad) for your student through Walsworth’s website. Don't miss out on this fun way to help commemorate a great school year. The last day to order a dedication is Monday, Feb. 1.
Order and pay for your 2020-21 yearbook and dedication today at http://www.yearbookforever.com. And, if you can't remember if you've already ordered, simply email with any questions.
Spirit Wear Store Opens in February
The PTO's store for spirit wear and spirit items will be open February 1-28. Shop for all your BFA gear including logo t-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts, water bottles, cinch sacks, masks and gaiters (in youth and adult sizes) and more! Make sure your kids have sweatshirts for chilly classrooms and fleece jackets or vests for recess. Find all your items at MySchoolBucks.com.
Orders will be delivered and sent home through your child's classroom. Masks and gaiters are not returnable. If you are a remote family, please contact Rachael Hamburger, PTO spirit wear chair, to coordinate delivery.
Save the Date: Chipotle Spirit Night
Mark your calendars for our next spirit night. We're getting a do-over at Chipotle since they weren't able to host us in November. Please join us from 4-8 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at the Chipotle on Wildcat Reserve Parkway in Highlands Ranch. Mention you're with BFA (or use our online order code NG3HM3W) and Chipotle will donate 33 percent back to BFA. See the flier for additional details.
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Email: info@bfacademy.org
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
Email: attendance@bfacademy.org