Mississippi Humanities Council Newsletter - September 2020
Executive Director's Message
The Power of Books in Changing Minds & Hearts
|  | Stuart Rockoff Executive Director |
This is a time of tremendous uncertainty. Six months into the strange world of COVID-19, we continue to face economic challenges and social unrest amidst a particularly divisive national election. The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and too many others have inspired a national conversation about systemic racism. The Mississippi Humanities Council has responded to these crises in numerous ways: distributing $460,000 in federal CARES Act relief to cultural organizations; moving many of our programs online; and hosting programs that offer a deeper perspective on these challenges.
Personally, I have found solace in books. I've now gotten into the habit of leaving my phone in another room on the weekends and spending much of the day reading rather than doom-scrolling through the news. Books can offer a much deeper perspective on our current situation than my Twitter feed can. Indeed, books have long had a significant effect on my life and how I view the world. To help me understand the roots and continuing impact of systemic racism, I have turned to writers and scholars like Jesmyn Ward, Kiese Laymon, Eric Foner, Eddie Glaude, and Isabel Wilkerson.
The humanities, as reflected in these books, can help us correct our myopia and see the world more clearly.
These writers have helped me understand our country's history of racism and the experience of living in a place that views some of us as lesser, of struggling with what Eddie Glaude calls "the lie" of white supremacy. The humanities, as reflected in these books, can help us correct our myopia and see the world more clearly.
Let me give you an example. Mississippi was majority Black from 1840 into the 1930s. This means that at the time Mississippi adopted a state flag with the Confederate insignia and when counties dedicated Confederate monuments in their public spaces, the heritage they were celebrating did not reflect the experience of most Mississippians. Of course, since Blacks were disfranchised, their opinions were ignored. Understanding these basic historical facts can change the way we think about heritage and commemoration. These ideas inspired us to launch our newest initiative, the Anti-Racism Reading Shelf grant program. We are offering grants to public library systems throughout Mississippi to purchase books that explore the history of racism and encourage us to build a racially equitable society. To supplement these grants, we have developed an anti-racism topic area on our Speakers Bureau, featuring a group of Mississippi-based scholars. These Speakers Bureau programs are available to public libraries and any other nonprofit organizations in our state. We were so excited about the Anti-Racism Reading Shelf grant program that we made it the focus of our fall fundraising mailing. I was a little nervous about this. After all, the idea of systemic racism has become increasingly politicized. Would people really donate to support these grants? So far, we have been extremely gratified by the response. Many of our supporters see the value of providing these books to readers throughout the state. We are very excited the Community Foundation for Mississippi has agreed to support the grants for the public libraries in their 22-county region. Thanks to support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, which provides operational funding to the MHC, we are able to use 100% of these donations to help libraries buy these books. Usually, my messages don't end with an explicit ask for donations. But because I believe so strongly in the power of books and ideas to change minds and hearts, I urge you to help us bring them to public libraries across Mississippi. Please follow the link below to make a donation in support of the Anti-Racism Reading Shelf grant program. Thank you!
MHC Announces Anti-Racism Reading Shelf Program for Public Libraries
In the response to the national conversation about systemic racism prompted by the murder of George Floyd and other incidents, the Mississippi Humanities Council has launched a special grant program to help Mississippi public libraries purchase books on the history of white supremacy and how to create a racially equitable society. These Anti-Racism Reading Shelf grants will provide at least $500 to interested public library systems.
Working with the Mississippi Library Commission and humanities scholars, the MHC has compiled a suggested reading list of over 120 books libraries can choose from, including works by scholars like Eric Foner, Isabel Wilkerson, and Henry Louis Gates. The list also includes contemporary Mississippi writers like Angie Thomas, Jesmyn Ward, and Kiese Laymon, whose fiction and memoir help inspire empathy in White readers with their honest accounts of the experiences of Black Americans.
"We created this program because we believe books and ideas can change lives. We know there is tremendous demand for books and programs about how we can understand and overcome our history of racism," said MHC Executive Director Stuart Rockoff. "We are pleased to be able to help our state's public libraries address these important issues."
The MHC is creating a special section of its Speakers Bureau so libraries can bring in scholars to discuss topics related to systemic racism while the Council's minigrants are available to support community discussion programs around these books. "These books inspire introspection and conversation, and we are committed to helping public libraries engage their community," said MHC's Assistant Director Carol Andersen.
The short, one-page application and the suggested reading list are available on the MHC website. Applications from public library systems will be accepted through Sept. 30.
Funds to support the Anti-Racism Reading Shelf program come from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Community Foundation for Mississippi, and private donations.
Upcoming Ideas on Tap Explores the 'Common Good'
On September 29, the MHC will host a virtual Ideas on Tap program to address the struggle between individual rights and the common good in the COVID-19 era.
The program, "Don't Tread On...Us? Individual Rights and the Common Good," will address how individual rights and the common good can (or can't) co-exist during a global pandemic, and how COVID-19 might further divide private and public interests. Panelists include Cassandra Welchlin, lead organizer of the Mississippi Black Women's Roundtable; Dr. Patrick Hopkins, professor of philosophy at Millsaps College and faculty member at the Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities at UMMC; and Russ Latino, Senior Vice President for Empower Mississippi. The program will be moderated by MHC program officer Caroline Gillespie.
The event, which will take place on September 29 from 5:30 to 6:45 pm, will be livestreamed to the MHC's Facebook page . More information on the program can be found here.
Crossroads Exhibit Now Welcoming Visitors
The Smithsonian has arrived in Mississippi! Earlier this month, Northwest Mississippi Community College in Senatobia received one of the Smithsonian's newest traveling exhibits, Crossroads: Change in Rural America to host for six weeks before it travels on to five other communities around the state.
While in Senatobia, Crossroads is on display at Northwest Mississippi Community College's Learning Resource Center. The exhibit is free and open to the public, but masks and proper social distancing are required. The exhibit features six free-standing kiosks that address rural identity through themes like persistence, managing change, land usage, and more.
In addition to hosting the exhibit, Northwest's Learning Resource Center will also host a series of free public programs related to Crossroads. Events include a virtual presentation by Crossroads state scholar Dr. John Green on September 25, an MHC Speakers Bureau presentation by Malcolm White on Mississippi foodways on September 29, a virtual book discussion of Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter featuring author Tom Franklin on October 6, and a musical concert featuring local musicians on October 20. More information about the public programs can be found on our website.
Crossroads is a project of Museum on Main Street, a division of the Smithsonian's traveling exhibition service. Through artifacts, images, text, and interactive elements, the 750-square-foot exhibit explores rural identity, the importance of land, how rural communities manage change, and much more. After the exhibit departs Senatobia, it will visit Mount Olive, Waveland, Columbia, Scooba, and Greenwood.
The exhibit, which will be on display in Mississippi through June 2021, is supported by a generous grant from Entergy Mississippi. More information about the exhibit and its Mississippi tour can be found on the MHC website.
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The Show Goes On: Mississippi Delta Tennessee Williams Festival Shifts to Digital Format
On May 1, 2020--the date of the Mississippi Humanities Council's last major grant deadline--organizers of longheld and beloved humanities programs in Mississippi could not predict how COVID19 would affect their events in the coming months. The MHC asked them to apply for support anyway, with contingency plans for restricted gatherings due to the pandemic.
With that in mind, lead organizer of the annual Mississippi Delta Tennessee Williams Festival, Jen Waller, forged ahead with a plan for October 15-17 in Clarksdale, that included both on-site and virtual programs. The festival, which explores the inspirations, themes and ongoing relevance of the Mississippi-born playwright's work, will go on next month with the same popular features, but offered in a virtual format to avoid social contact while COVID19 cases continue to emerge across the state.
"When we submitted our grant, we were planning to create a three-tier approach to festival programming that included one model for a traditional, face to face festival like in years past; a fully digital/remote festival if the COVID19 lockdown continued; and a blended in-person live/digital version that allowed festival goers to make the best choice to participate if the uncertainty persisted," Waller said. "We basically chose the second option to go fully online, with one physical access point--at the Cutrer Mansion--for audience members to attend and watch the festival online together on a large outdoor screen and in a very controlled environment outside (or in a very large gymnasium space if inclement weather occurs), with strict COVID19 guidelines in place."
Program highlights include selected scenes from featured play Summer and Smoke as well as workshops, presentations, performances, live music and digital extras like guided tours of the Tennessee Williams Rectory Museum and views of landmark locations around Clarksdale/Coahoma County that inspired Williams' work. The new online festival will include digital porch plays instead of in-person presentations, and pre-recorded scenes and monologues submitted by teachers and students for the annual Student Drama Competition, which normally takes place on the campus of Coahoma Community College.
A final schedule of all events will be released in the weeks leading up to October's festival.
Individuals interested in registering for events or signing up for subsequent information may email: deltawilliamsfestival@gmail.com or sign up for the Festival newsletter here.
For more information, contact Jen Waller at 662-645-3555 or jwaller@coahomacc.edu.
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Oxford to the Ballot Box: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections
As the world and our nation navigate the unchartered waters of a pandemic coupled with a racial reckoning, multimedia documentary producers Jon Winet and Allen Spore are developing "Oxford to the Ballot Box: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections" to engage citizens in the American democratic process.
The project is funded by the Mississippi Humanities Council and hosted by the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council and involves a broad range of Oxford stakeholders--from permanent residents to University of Mississippi students and faculty, creating a dynamic community engagement project with significant "shelter-in-place-friendly" online public digital elements at its center.
"It is our goal that the project encourage thoughtful, civic discussion about the election and democracy, reflecting on the vital issues for our country and this election--from participation in voting by young people and women to the history of voter suppression, to race, health care and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic--while providing an opportunity for a broad and diverse range of people in the Oxford and university communities to voice their ideas and creative expression, using digital and online tools," says Winet. With the pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, the change to a new Mississippi flag, and economic uncertainties, the project takes place in a challenging landscape and a "now more than ever moment," says Winet. "We see this as an opportunity for meaningful dialogue, greater community focus and collaboration, and a way, as individuals, families and organizations, to pull together to get through this time." Public programs will include roundtables, lectures, panels and film screenings, and satellite displays. Depending upon COVID-19 public health directives in place at the time, scheduled programs may switch from live to virtual. Most events will take place at the Power House in Oxford and on the University of Mississippi campus. Both live and online programs will be publicized widely via the Yoknapatawpha Arts Council communications network and the networks of participating partners. The first confirmed event will take place at the Oxford square on Monday, September 28, at 7:30 p.m., "Voting Matters" Drive-in Media Screening, a screening event in collaboration with the Oxford Film Festival featuring work from the project and community and university contributors.
Upcoming Events
Oxford Ballot Box Recording Sessions
September 22-23, 2020
The Powerhouse, Oxford
City of Oxford, University of Mississippi students, Lafayette County residents and all Mississippians are invited to submit short videos and creative works to "Oxford to the Ballot Box" for online streaming and a September 28 public screening event. Recordings also available via Zoom.
Speakers Bureau: The Challenges of the First Fifty Years of Women's Suffrage
September 23, 2020, 11:00 a.m.
Virtual Program
Dr. Rebecca Tuuri's presentation examines the first fifty years of women's suffrage in Mississippi, with a focus on the work of the Mississippi League of Women Voters (LWV) from the months before the ratification of the Susan B. Anthony Amendment through the late 1960s when the state's League was transformed into the progressive and interracial group that it is today. Contact ctibbs@hancockschools.net for more information.
Crossroads with Dr. John Green
September 25, 2020
Virtual Program
State scholar for Crossroads Dr. John Green will discuss the Smithsonian's traveling exhibit on rural community and identity. The program will be livestreamed on Northwest Community College's facebook page.
Scott Ford House Virtual Forum: Tupelo Region
September 25, 2020, 6:00 p.m.
Virtual Program
Video presentation of "Mississippi Midwives" project followed by audience discussion, and scholar Q&A. This event is for Tupelo and surrounding areas. For more information, contact scott.ford.houses@gmail.com.
Oxford to the Ballot Box Drive-in and Open Air Screening
September 28, 2020, 7:30 p,m.
Oxford Square & Virtual Event
"Voting Matters" Drive-in Media Screening, a screening event in collaboration with the Oxford Film Festival featuring work from the project and community and university contributors.
Ideas on Tap: Don't Tread on... Us?
September 29, 2020, 5:30 p.m.
Virtual Program
The program will address how individual rights and the common good can (or can't) exist during a global pandemic, and how COVID-19 might further divide private and public interests.
Speakers Bureau: Mississippi Foodways
September 29, 2020
Northwest Community College
Malcolm White's presentation offers observations by a longtime connoisseur of Southern food and culture on topics ranging from the history of comeback dressing to how the tamale came to Mississippi to the evolution of dining out in Mississippi.
Book Discussion: Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter
October 6, 2020
Virtual Event
Virtual book discussion of Crooked Letter, Crooked Letter with author Tom Franklin in conjunction with Crossroads: Change in Rural America.
Mississippi Delta Tennessee Williams Festival
October 15-17, 2020
Virtual Event
Annual event celebrating the life and work of Mississippi playwright Tennessee Williams. The 2020 festival will have digital events such as public readings, presentations, discussions, workshops, and concerts.