CID News
CID Voting Location Siting Tool Now Updated for CA Recall Election
As the California gubernatorial recall election approaches, the Center for Inclusive Democracy has updated its Voting Location Siting Tool for California with new statewide data collected during the 2020 general election.

The Tool provides voting location modeling consistent with the siting options available to counties for the gubernatorial recall election through California Senate Bill 152.

Last summer, CID rolled out its Voting Location Siting Tool in 10 states, including California. The Tool aids election officials by identifying optimal voting and ballot drop box locations in half-mile grid squares across a county. The Siting Tool also provides visualization of demographic and voter data at the community level, which can be used for voter outreach efforts. New data is currently available for all counties in California.
The recall election is set for September 14. There are 46 candidates who have qualified to be on the ballot to unseat current Governor Gavin Newsom. 
Center for Inclusive Democracy
The Center for Inclusive Democracy (CID), formerly known as the California Civic Engagement Project (CCEP), is part of the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy and is based in Sacramento. CID conducts a range of national and multi-state research initiatives exploring voting behavior, civic engagement, electoral and economic research, the intersection of social justice and democracy, and more. Its research informs and empowers a wide range of policy and organizing efforts aimed at eliminating disparities in social and economic well-being. Now a cornerstone project nested within CID’s larger umbrella, the CCEP continues to produce groundbreaking resources and research for California.