In this section of the Footsteps of Messiah series, we want to retrace our steps to a previous lesson on twins and pairs as a pattern of Scripture from Twins of a Gazelle.

In the "Twins," lesson, we learned how to spot the "twinning" of concepts by using the following passage as an example.

  • How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful you are! Your eyes are like doves behind your veil; your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead.
  • Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their watering place, all of which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young.
  • Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth is beautiful. Your temples are like a slice of a pomegranate behind your veil... Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle that graze among the lilies.

The two kinds of flocks are even a pair, the flock of goats opening the way for the flock of newly-shorn sheep. For that matter, the blood of the first goat of Yom HaKippurim opens the way for the second scapegoat to carry away the sins of Israel. In the next intallment, we will return to the hairs of the descending goats, but first, let's make our foundation a little stronger in the context.

The dove Israel has beautiful eyes, which not so coincidentally, come in twos. Doves tend to lay pairs of eggs in each month of the year with the exception of Adar. They also tend to mate for life.

When pairs or twins of mitzvot are mentioned, the second mitzvah complements the first, “where the true beauty of performing the first mitzvah emerges only when the second is done as well.” 4§2 You can also see the pattern with ministry. Elijah opening the way for Elisha's double miracles, John the Baptist preparing the way for Yeshua, etc.

The Midrash to the Song of Songs cites a final analogy between the dove and the people of Israel:

  • “There is a type of dove that they feed it, and then its fellows smell it, and come to it in its nest; similarly, when a teacher sits and teaches, many people convert at that time...’When he sees his children’ (Is 29:23); what is written after those words? ‘Those of a misguided spirit will attain understanding.” 1§64

“Smell” reyach, shares a root with ruach, spirit, and “eyes” both pertain to the Spirit. Spiritual food, whether we feed on it or feed others with it, gives us an “odor” of attraction.

This is important, for it is a principle of adding "chicks" to the nest. Although Torah commands safety for the chicks if they will remain in the nest under the mother's wing, if they stray, then they make be snatched away. Yeshua wept for how many times he would have gathered the chicks to the House, the Temple of Prayer for All Nations, "but you would not."

The Temple, however, is a House, not just for the Presence of the Holy One, but for His children who want to come sit at His feet and worship. A wise woman builds her house for the promise of children who will come. Isaiah prophesies that the misguided children of Israel will return to the House and be saved.

  • Therefore, this is what the LORD, who redeemed Abraham, says concerning the house of Jacob: “Jacob will not be ashamed now, nor will his face turn pale now; but when he sees his children, the work of My hands, in his midst, they will sanctify My name; indeed, they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and will stand in awe of the God of Israel. Those who err in mind will know the truth, and those who criticize will accept instruction.” (Is 29:22-24)

It is thought by the Jewish sages that the olive branch the dove brought to Noah came from the Garden of Eden itself. It gave him hope in resurrection, which was hope to start anew. The palace of King Messiah is also thought to be located in the Garden of Eden, and it is called Kan Tzippor, or "The Bird's Nest." Yeshua came to gather the dove-chicks to his nest in resurrection life. Dovechiks.

In summary, if the little doves of Israel were feeding on the Word and practicing the mitzvot with joy in their suffering from its bitter olive leaves, the world would notice and “flock” to nest with them so that they could also feed on the Word in Messiah’s palace. Those who have been critical of the Word or Word-keepers can be instructed. Those who have been in bondage to erroneous thinking will learn the truth. Indeed, doesn't that describe us?

Let's explore more in the twin passage, starting with the "pair" of upper and lower teeth:

  • “Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their watering place, all of which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young.”

Who doesn't know a young person, children, granchildren, who is in danger of being "lost" down the Adversary's path? If we know who the flock of sheep is, then we can take courage in praying fervently for not one of them to be lost!

Previously, you saw how there were various explanations of the “twins,” such as the twin tablets of the Testimony or pair of Moses and Aaron. There is another idea in the oral tradition:

  • “Then all his sons and all his daughters got up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. And he [Israel] said, ‘Surely I will go down to Sheol in mourning for my son.’ So his father wept for him.” (Ge 37:35)

Hey, wait, where did these daughters come from? The tradition says that for each male born to the Jacob/Israel, there was a corresponding twin daughter. Because we have more text to work with in the case of Dinah, Genesis 37:35 sticks out like a sore thumb. The "young," or children, are the sons and daughters of Israel. Here is another clue from a pair of lips:

  • “Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth [midbar-wilderness] is beautiful.”

The play-on word suggests the beautiful Beloved Israel ascending from the wilderness to her inheritance. She is a conqueror with King Messiah Yeshua at her head. Although often concealed by the Biblical text, women are an important part of the promise of returning children. A woman in prayer and prophecy, proclaiming the Word, is a powerful force, which the armies of darkness know full well:

  • The Lord gives the command; the women who proclaim good news are a great army: kings of armies flee, they flee, and she who remains at home will divide the spoils!” (Ps 68:11-12)

The Psalmist offers two examples of the great army: those who proclaim (preach) the command, and those who "remain at home." They equally share in the spoils of war. Think of the working pair of Mary and Martha. Mary was more of the proclaimer type, especially since she wasn't nearly as interested in cooking as in sitting at Yeshua's feet learning! Martha was more concerned with serving the meals. They each share in the spoils, even though Yeshua wished Martha understood Mary's hunger to learn the Word.

In Acts Two, Peter is not confused at all about what it is happening. Apparently, he’s repented of reacting to the women who brought him the Good News of Yeshua’s resurrection as if they were speaking foolishness. Now he understands, connecting the events of Acts 1:14 to Acts 2 in the Temple: 

  • “All these were continually devoting themselves with one mind to prayer, along with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.”

  • Acts 2:11 ...we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty deeds of God.” 12 And they all continued in amazement and great perplexity, saying to one another, “What does this mean?” 13 But others were jeering and saying, “They are full of sweet wine!” 14 But Peter, taking his stand with the other eleven, raised his voice and declared to them: “Men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, know this, and pay attention to my words. 15 For these people are not drunk, as you assume, since it is only the third hour of the day; 16 but this is what has been spoken through the prophet Joel: 17 ‘AND IT SHALL BE IN THE LAST DAYS,’ God says, ‘THAT I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT ON ALL MANKIND; AND YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS WILL PROPHESY, AND YOUR YOUNG MEN WILL SEE VISIONS, AND YOUR OLD MEN WILL HAVE DREAMS; 18 AND EVEN ON MY MALE AND FEMALE SERVANTS I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT IN THOSE DAYS, and they will prophesy. 19 ‘AND I WILL DISPLAY WONDERS IN THE SKY ABOVE AND SIGNS ON THE EARTH BELOW, BLOOD, FIRE, AND VAPOR OF SMOKE. 20 ‘THE SUN WILL BE TURNED INTO DARKNESS AND THE MOON INTO BLOOD, BEFORE THE GREAT AND GLORIOUS DAY OF THE LORD COMES. 21 ‘AND IT SHALL BE THAT EVERYONE WHO CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.’

This is quite a wonder for that day and time! Women...preaching and prophesying the Word alongside the Temple? Converting many people? Where did all those daughters come from?

Stay tuned! We're going to keep looking for that coffin next week.

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Shabbat Shalom!

​​​​MARCH 5-8, 2023
Smoky Mountains

This is filling up very quickly!

Join Dr. Hollisa Alewine and Kisha Gallagher for an exclusive Purim themed Creation Gospel Trainer Retreat in the Great Smoky Mountains March 5-8, 2023.

We listened to your suggestions and have extended the CG Trainer Retreat to include an extra day. During the retreat this year, we will have more time for fellowship and an evening devoted to celebrating the Feast of Purim. We will read the whole Megillah, blot out the name of Haman, and much more!

If you are a Creation Gospel Trainer or desire to test to become one, this retreat is especially designed for you. However, Creation Gospel students are also welcome! We will be staying at a large chalet in the majestic Smoky Mountains. Potential trainers will test with Dr. Alewine for certification, current trainers will be able to connect, network, exchange ideas, and learn from one another, and all will benefit from Dr. Alewine's three presentations that will include teaching basics for trainers and a special Purim message. Registrants will receive a full itinerary two weeks before the retreat.

We will be staying at the Big Forest Lodge in Sevierville, TN. Check out photos of the venue and its floorpan below, which boasts 9,000 sq. ft., a swimming pool and hot tub, beautiful views of the mountains from its many balconies, and plenty of couches on every level where you can sit and chat with other Creation Gospel trainers and students.

                         Your registration is all inclusive! 

You will get a three night stay, eight meals, testing, teaching, and participation in the Purim celebration with your registration. Biblically clean meals will be prepared by Kisha's local fellowship with most dietary needs being accommodated.*

                         Space is limited, so register today!

* Meals will be Biblically clean, not Rabbinically Kosher. We will have gluten-free, low sugar, and vegetarian options available.
Join us at Save the Nations Ft. Lauderdale for a Shavuot celebration in the Word with Pastors Ken and Lisa Albin. Click the link to read more and register.

Thu, May 25, 2023, 7:00 PM – Sat, May 27, 2023, 4:00 PM EDT
Book Suggestion of the Week:

Sold into slavery by her father and forsaken by the man she was supposed to marry, young Egyptian Kiya must serve a mistress who takes pleasure in her humiliation. When terrifying plagues strike Egypt, Kiya is in the middle of it all.

To save her older brother and escape the bonds of slavery, Kiya flees with the Hebrews during the Great Exodus. She finds herself utterly dependent on a fearsome God she's only just beginning to learn about, and in love with a man who despises her people. With everything she's ever known swept away, will Kiya turn back toward Egypt or surrender her life and her future to Yahweh?

Your continual prayers for the children of LaMalah and our brothers and sisters in Kenya are so much appreciated, so if you would like to help toward the First Quarter 2023 support, (including the upcoming high school tuition), it is truly needed to finish out some of the work on the grounds and for necessities. If you've never heard the story of how LaMalah was conceived and built, please take a moment to look over the brief description by clicking on the phot above or clicking here.

If you feel led to help with the operating expenses of LaMalah, you can always use the donate button below or send a check by snail mail to:

The Creation Gospel
PO Box 846
East Bernstadt, KY 40729

Creation Gospel Workbook sales go to the ministry, so take a moment and shop our webpage or Amazon. You can also sign up on Amazon Smile by selecting "The Olive Branch Messianic Congregation, Inc.," as your designated charity, which is the umbrella organization for The Creation Gospel.

September 26-October 8, 2023

Price: $2,895 (airfare not included)

Tours Include:

  • Hotels
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner (except Oct. 7)
  • National Park Passes
  • Bus transfer to and from Ben Gurion Airport
  • All tips (except housekeeping)

Not Included:

  • Lunches
  • Flight/Trip insurance
  • Airline Ticket

To view the itinerary or register, click here.
Did you know?
You can listen to the live streams of our podcasts on Podbean by clicking on the link below. Soon we'll be adding Torah portions.

We are transferring most of our YouTube videos to Odysee, which will eliminate those pesty ads. All this takes time and money, so it won't happen tomorrow, but it is something to look forward to soon. You can see what has been posted so far on The Creation Gospel at Odysee. The videos will remain on YouTube as well.
The weekly Shabbat live streams are available either on demand at our new Creation Gospel podcast page or at Hebrew Nation Radio. Please note the following air times (PST) on Hebrew Nation Radio:
Thursdays: 9-10 am & 10-11 p.m.
Mondays: 4-5 am & 2-3 p.m.