Join us on the lawn - Sunday Outdoor Service, 11:00 a.m. Sept. 27th
We will have an outdoor service with communion this Sunday. (If you cannot attend, you can join via ZOOM.) Bring a chair, hat, beverage and mask to the east lawn. Temperature check and sanitizer provided and 10ft distances are marked for individual/family groups.
Reflections from your Co-Pastors
September 22, 2020

Jesus said, “Love…”
Things are heating up all around us. There is generalized and heightened anxiety because of the high stakes and power grabs within the government. We are concerned: with the election process and outcome; the future of our democracy; our self-image as a country that embraces others and sees Christian charity as essential; life and death with the spikes of Covid 19 cases here; European country shutdowns with spikes there; continued and increased economic consequences; continued or increased isolation; raging consequences of global warming. All are pressing at this time. How do we keep our Center as our guide?

Mark 22:37-39 shows us the way: “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” He said to him [a lawyer], ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matt 22: 36-40, Luke 10:27-28, Mark 12:29-31, John 13:34-35)

The Jewish Bible has multiples of the first part of this commandment so Jesus’ response was one that the Pharisees and Sadducees knew well. It is second part that Christ brought forth, to love your neighbor, that is the problem and the solution. How do we love those of us with a different world view? Those of us who are xenophobic? Those of us who see the glass always as half-empty? Those of us whose fear for their very existence is the motivator for violence and death with little cause or provocation?

Short story: As mother of the groom this weekend, I offered brunch the morning after the wedding. On my way home, I
realized that I had mistakenly brought the two remaining Monkey Cakes home with me. Ugh!

At home, considering my extra cake, I remembered my new neighbors of a few months with five children across the street. They have a different world view than I, mocking my mask the day I introduced myself to them and possessing and lighting fireworks past midnight on July 4th. (I try not to stereotype.)

I brought them a Monkey cake. They were very cautious as husband and wife and little one answered the door. They forgot I was their neighbor. Again, they mocked my mask. However, they acted very surprised that I brought them something. Leave it to the children, the little one took the big box in his small hands and was delighted! I explained about the wedding and they seemed genuinely happy about a family wedding and the cake. They thanked me and I left. As I was walking away along the sidewalk, the husband came out beyond his own front yard to genuinely thank me. The look on his face was that of genuine gratitude, almost incredulous that I would bring them this. As Fr. Teri says, “Kindness matters.”

My prayer is that this little kindness, this ‘love your neighbor,’ helps me know and accept my neighbor in a better way, that I may love my neighbor when I see him and her at the polling booth, believing that we are voting differently, that I forgive their mocking of my acceptance of a pandemic, that I, we, can rise above politics in an experience of God and fear less.
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash
You are invited! An anonymous donation has opened registration for all Mary of Magdala members to participate.

Ecumenical Catholic Communion
2020 Synod - A Gathering
of Clergy and Laity

The national ECC Leadership Council is excited to be presenting our Holy Synod VIRTUALLY this year.

THEME: Roots & Wings
DATES: October 12,13 and 14, 2020
TIME: Each day will begin at 10:00a MDT
Here is the schedule of speakers and topics . To attend any session during the three days, use this link.

Check out the Facebook page
Living Spiritually: Spiritual Practice Informing Social Justice (Sponsored by World Wisdoms Project)
September 23 @ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Panelists and audience will be invited to respond to these questions:
  • How has their work in social justice been informed by their personal spirituality?
  • Can working with issues of social justice deepen one's spiritual life and future practice?
  • What was the process that led them to a dedicated themselves to a life of social activism?
Community Prayer Requests

For Lauren Roob entering into new cancer treatment- friend of Rosanna Bateman.
Healing prayers for Dianna Padilla, sister of Lisa Jones, who underwent surgery for cancer. For Liz and Ken Zornes and family, friends of Sandra and Dick Life, whose daughter is struggling with addiction.

For Courtney, daughter of Jean and Tom Christen. Michael Keefe, son of member Yvonne Keefe.

For the continued recovery of Linda Joyce. For Dona Bosse - community member and Rosemary - Fr Michael's mother.
For Dani - Niece of the Cloyds and Mary Crosby – parishioner. For Chris Bachman, friend of Lisa Jones and Ruth Parker, sister of Dori Carroll. And Leo Six – father of Michael Six, Mike Gudim, Margie Weitz, Suzanne King, Robert Browell.

For peaceful repose for the souls of those who've passed and comfort for the families.

Bob - Husband of Joyce Dehaven,
friend of Cathy Engel
David Heyman - member
Teri Kent - member
Pat DeMuth -sister of Jim DeMuth, member
Bill McClellan - Father of Jennifer Pfeister, member
Father of Julie Shoenbauer, member
Edwin White - brother in law of Pastor Jane
Bill, Greg, and Calvin -
friends of Deacon Rosean
And for Ted Boltz and comfort for Fr. Frank Quintana and family - an ECC Pastor of St. Oscar Romero, ECC in Albuquerque.
Discovery and Perspective
An open discussion of scripture

Thursday at 9:00 am
All are welcome!
Join in conversation and connection weekly with Pastor Jane

Thursdays - 9 a.m.
Zoom Video Link -

Zoom Phone/Audio Link
+1 669 900 6833
 Meeting ID: 930 8604 8248 #

Our Service Recordings and More
View our September 20th Sunday service celebrating the 3rd Sunday in the Season of Creation. You can also access a printable document of the entire service to assist with prayer. Here is Father Teri's homily.

Sunday we were honored to hear the story of Ernest Skelton & Caroline Crockett Brock about how we can change our country - one town at a time.

Caroline posted: I am a 45 year old white woman living in Myrtle Beach and today was the first time I spoke frankly about racism with a black man.

When Ernest Skelton, my appliance repairman, came to the front door, I welcomed him in. As this was his second visit and we’d established a friendly rapport, I asked him how he was feeling in the current national climate. When Ernest realized I wanted to know about his experience with racism (not corona virus), he began answering my questions.
What’s it like for you on a day-to-day basis as a black man? Do cops ever give you any trouble? The answers were illuminating...... Read more here
For all bulletins, reflections, Sunday recordings during our hiatus from celebrating together, visit our webpage. Please contact us with questions, concerns and ideas for better connection
with and for the community -