Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter

Raising Radio and TV Revenues Worldwide! 
1 July, 2021

Advertising and the 4th of July
It's time to celebrate!
This weekend my friends in Canada celebrate Canada Day. We in the U.S. are gearing up for our July 4th celebration. I hope it's a big one this year! 2020 was hampered by the pandemic. I plan on gathering friends around my pool to eat, drink and thank God for life, liberty and happiness.

2021 is moving on. In most areas of the world, business is returning. People are shopping. Life is returning to some semblance of normal.

If you will forgive my crawling onto my soapbox for a few minutes, I would like to share my deeply-held belief about what we as advertising salespeople do. Why our job is SO important. I once lost a very good young salesperson because his father-in-law "wanted him to get a real job." Well, what we do IS a real job. It's a vital job.

After doing training with broadcasters in Kazakhstan in the late 90'ies, I returned home with a new perspective on our "mission". The Soviet Bloc had only recently disintegrated and these broadcasters had private licenses for the first time. They were relatively "free" to broadcast what they wanted (although if it contained anything critical to the government thugs were likely to show up and smash equipment) now they had to earn revenue to support their stations. That's where I came in. I was supposed to teach them how to sell advertising. The problem was, the economic system was still evolving after 70 years of Soviet rule. Do you know there was no Russian word for "marketing"? Why did they need one? In a Communistic system, everything is decided by the government. And, having experienced the results of this, they didn't make wise decisions.

I came back to the U.S. and literally kissed the ground. And, I realized what a vital role we play. In a capitalistic system, someone has an idea for a product or service, builds it, advertises it, sells it, builds more product, advertises it, sells it, etc. The wheels of commerce turn: jobs are created. And the grease on the wheels of commerce is advertising! It's what we do! It's delivering a message from a business to a group of consumers through our vehicles: Radio, TV, newspaper, billboards, digital. How quickly businesses invite consumers back into their stores determines in large part how quickly our economy rebounds. Our clients need our help, guidance and expertise.

This 4th of July, as you celebrate with family and friends, say a prayer of thanks that you work in an industry that plays a vital part in the well-being and future of our great country and the world. That's worth setting off a few fireworks!
The Client's Corner
July 15 I am proud to present the third Thursday webinar for the Michigan Association of Broadcasters. The MAB combines with 21 other state associations to sponsor this session. Check with your state association to see if you are a participant. If so, please join us at 1:00 central time on Thursday, July 15 for a 60 minute look at "Storytelling". The best salespeople are the best storytellers. Come and learn why this skill is vital to a better closing rate and higher revenues. Plus, it will be fun! Hope to see you online!
Words to Live By ......
Our New Book is Here: Add this to your library
What people are saying about this new book:
“Read it! Loved it! We are taking the entire sales staff at our radio stations through a chapter by chapter study starting in January."

Mark Hill
Small business owner at Scrips 911
Ozark, MO
We salute Canada Day and American Independence Day!
Long may our flag wave over a free republic. Happy 4th of July!
Happy Canada Day July 1 ! Celebrate!
We want to help your staff increase revenue!

We at Bryson Broadcasting International are available to help your sales staff achieve its next level of expertise. We customize our programs to meet your needs. As needed, we make use of interpreters and produce sales materials in your language. Our training options include on line sessions done live for your staff.

If you would like to discuss your sales training needs, we may be reached at,

or call us at 918.810.3068. 

For more information about BBI, click here.

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