news & events
August 13 - August 22, 2021
This Sunday, please notice the new welcome, connect, and prayer cards in your pew. 

When you meet visitors to Saint Paul’s invite them to use these cards to connect with the parish.  These cards are also for YOU! We’ve updated the connect card with a field for you to update your contact information when you move, and the prayer card is for anyone who would like to add a name to the Daughters of the King Confidential Prayer List, including your own. 

There is one new addition we are particularly excited about: a doodle pad. This is a special invitation to our children. We value their presence with us in worship and have created “Works of Heart” as a way for them to give an offering. These “works of art” may be added to the offering plate as their gift or simply as a way to keep busy hands busy as they worship with us. As a side note, YES, adults may enjoy these notepads as well. Please feel free to jot a note, share a note, use them as you would any notepad.
Dear People of Saint Paul’s:

Over the past weeks, we have learned that COVID-related hospitalizations are increasing rapidly and that our hospitals are becoming full. Our friends at Good Shepherd Church have three of the four priests positive for COVID, and all of them were previously vaccinated. Good Shepherd has a mask-mandate in place for all services and indoor spaces and is cancelling plans for large gatherings not associated with services. The local health experts believe that the virus variant Delta has not yet peaked in our area. Local schools, both public and private, have initiated mask-requirements. 

The Vestry is concerned with all of issues which surround the health and safety of our church members and our community. We all struggle with what is the best way to stay healthy and safe as well the most effective way to protect our neighbors. Our clergy consists of two physicians and a hospital chaplain. Each has a story to tell about the devastation of this disease, as do many of us. We know that any decision about how others should respond to a medical issue will be subject to criticism. Please understand that the Vestry is trying to make the decision possible for our Church right now and that we ask you to make the best decision for yourself and others. 

This weekend, the Vestry will not require those who are vaccinated to wear masks. We do, however, strongly encourage responsible behavior to protect yourself, each other, the clergy, and the staff. Therefore, the Vestry asks the following for each service:

  •  If you have not been fully vaccinated, please wear a clean, well-fitting mask over your mouth and nose. If you have forgotten yours, masks are available in the narthex. 
  • Please stagger yourselves in the pews and try not to sit directly behind the person in front of you. We are fortunate to have such a large open space in the sanctuary and ask that we use all of it. You do not need to sign up to attend church nor are we limiting the number of people who may attend. 
  •  Please avoid physical contact as we greet each other in peace.  
  • If you or your family members feel unwell, even if you believe that you do not have COVID, please join us from home on Facebook live or on WGAC radio (FM 95.1 or AM 580).  

During the week, please wear a mask while in the church buildings and offices. 

In keeping with the goal of safe practices, the Gather at the River celebration of the choir and the children’s and youth’s ministries which was planned to follow the 11:00 a.m. service on August 22 has been postponed. This is disappointing as you would have realized the work that has been done to prepare to welcome us back to worship. The youth rooms have been cleaned, re-organized and made ready. You are welcome to self-tour these areas. We still need help in fulfilling our obligations to these ministries as well as to others. In the Narthex, you will see a board of opportunity with information about committees and chair contacts. Please reach out to the committee chairs with questions, suggestions, and enthusiasm!

The Vestry will continue to monitor the local infection rates, hospitalizations, and even the rate of infection among the parishioners as it is known to us. We recognize that opinions vary on how best to defeat the virus; we pray that this will occur sooner rather than later so that we can continue with our lives and be fully prepared to welcome the Rev. Dr. Eric Biddy to a healthy and vibrant Saint Paul’s. 

Please keep all who are affected by COVID in any way in your daily prayers. These are challenging times and the impact on many is not just physical; it’s also emotional. Our sincere, kind, and continued support for others in this time of difficulty is surely a faithful expression of Christ’s love. 

Ashley Wright
Senior Warden

Saint Paul's Nursery is OPEN
9:30 AM -12:30 PM
We are pleased to announce that the Saint Paul’s nursey has reopened for children 6 months to 4 years of age. The nursery will be available on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:30 a.m. to allow parents to attend formation. If you have any questions about the nursey, please contact Katie Gullette or the parish office. Miss Connie, Miss Jenna, and Miss Leila are all VERY EXCITED to welcome you back!
Back to School Blessing
11:00 am service
As we begin a new school year students from pre-K to graduate studies, teachers and instructors, and staff and administrators need our support; and we all need ways to express our hopes and concerns for them at this time.

In order to draw those we love into the powerful ministry of Christian prayer, the Saint Paul’s community will be invited this week to submit the names (first names only, not read aloud in the Prayers of the People) of all persons—students and their friends, teachers and their colleagues, staff and administrators—for whom we desire God’s intercession and blessing.

On Sunday, these names will be carried in a basket during the entrance procession, offered to God to be specially blessed along with all our students, teachers, laptops, bags, and backpacks in our Back to School Blessing.
Sign up for Formation Classes
In the Narthex
Christian Formation class for all ages begin September 12th.  This Sunday you will find registration forms for our children and youth classes in the Narthex and here.

Formation happens bit by bit, moment by moment over a lifetime. It is in the retelling of the story, the Sunday communion, the community of faith that surrounds you reminding you of your belovedness and helping you live out our baptismal covenant.

Sunday Worship Schedule
8 AM Rite I - In person
11 AM Rite II - In person & Facebook Live
5:30 PM - Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
All 3 of our Sunday worship services are in-person with no requirement to sign-up. Welcome Back!
Back to School
Backpack & School Supply Drive
Our Back-to School Backpack and School Supply drive for Hornsby Elementary & Middle Schools continues through the end of this month. Drop-off boxes are located in the Narthex and the Parish Office. We need all sizes of backpacks, small to full size, male and female. A supply list from Hornsby Middle School is available here. Cash donations welcome. Please mark your check Outreach Backpack Drive.
Looking for your place?
There are many opportunities for you to get involved in the life of the church. We invite you to explore the various ministries of Saint Paul’s and encourage you to get involved. There will be information in the Narthex with contact information to find out more if you are interested. Please check it out.
EVENTS NEXT WEEK | August 16 - August 22
Noonday Prayer
Monday and Wednesday, 12:05 p.m.

Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Password: Email the Parish Office to request.
Noonday Prayer is a short and simple service which allows prayer to enter into the midst of our daily work or other activities, while joining our prayers to the ongoing prayer of the Church around the world. It may also be observed in private and is found online here and on p.103-107 in The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or in the simplified version for daily devotions on page 138.
Choir Procession
Singing in the Choir
The Saint Paul’s Choir (high school through adults) resumes rehearsals this Wednesday, August 18, beginning with dinner at 6 p.m. in Tyler Hall. If you are not already a member of the choir but are interested in joining, please contact Keith Shafer.

The Saint Nicholas Choir (children ages 5-7) and the Canterbury Choir (children ages 8-13) will begin rehearsals later in August. Both choirs rehearse on Wednesday afternoons from 5-6 p.m. If you or your children are interested in participating in choir, please be in touch with Director of Music, Keith Shafer or the Director of the Saint Nicholas Choir, Victoria Hammond.
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 p.m. Social time follows worship on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 595 177 454
Dial-In: (646) 876-9923

Password: Email the Parish Office to request.
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.

Following the prayers, those who gather through Zoom have an opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Save these fall dates - Details to follow.
  • August 15 - Back to School Blessing & Backpack Drive
  • Postponed - Gather by the River Parish Dinner
  • August 22 - Choirs return
  • September 12 - Fr. Eric’s First Sunday at Saint Paul’s
  • September 12 - Christian Formation Classes begin for ALL ages
  • September 26 - Ironman Sunday
  • October 2 - Walk for Water
  • October 3 - Blessing of the Animals
Looking for a rewarding ministry? Please consider joining our Christian Formation team.

Our parish has consistently listed a strong youth & children’s ministry as one of our top priorities. Your support and involvement in this program are vital. There will be curriculum to follow, supplies available for any projects you would like to create, and LOTS of support. For more information, contact Coleman Graham Kim Butler or Ivey Coleman. Christian Formation class for all ages begin September 12th.  
Serving as an Acolyte
Meg and Donald Horton have agreed to serve as our new acolyte master team. If you have a child, 9 years-old or older, who is interested in being an acolyte, please contact Meg Horton at
Passing the Plate
Until we consistently have enough ushers to pass the plate on Sundays at the 11:00 am service, there will be two silver alms basins at the back for placing your offering when you are coming into the church. There will also be two silver basins at the front as you go up to communion if you miss the ones in the back. There is still a need for ushers to help with Sunday services as well as special events. If you are interested in being an usher, contact Nick Uros.
Altar Rail Cushion Project
A needlework project to restore our altar rail kneeling cushions has begun. The projected cost is $15,000 and will take at least two years to complete. Financial contributions and needlework are both being sought. If you needlepoint or even if you are interested in learning and would like to be a part of this project, contact Laurie Montgomery for more information. Financial contributions to the project may be made on the online giving page of Saint Paul's website (select altar rail cushion fund) or by check (please add a designation for altar rail cushion on your check).
OPEN Sunday for Altar Flowers
September 5
If you would like to sponsor a Sunday in honor or memory of someone or “many someones,” please contact the Parish Office. The normal charge is a minimum of $100. What a lovely way to remember or honor someone and contribute to the Flower Guild at the same time.
From the Stewardship Chair

Lord, we give faithfully, and in our giving, we honor you, 
the source of all our blessings, our daily bread, and all the gifts in our lives.

Received as of 5/12/21 for the Year 2021  
137 Pledge Cards representing $610,801

If you have not completed a pledge card, please complete this year’s annual stewardship appeal and return it to the church as soon as possible, or pledge online on our website at If you did not receive a pledge appeal in the mail or have simply misplaced yours, please email the parish office or contact by telephone at (706) 724-2485 ext. 225.
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
as of 8/11/2021

Offerings pledged this Week $11,650.02 
Offerings received this Week $9,253.90

Operating Expenses to Date $517,874.32
Total Income Received to Date $568,471.08
COVID-19 Vaccine Registration
Eligible individuals, including those ages 12 and older, can now register to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Registration must be completed in advance on the AU Health website.

South Carolina residents who are eligible can also register to receive the vaccine at Aiken Technical College through the AU Health website.
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.