Trauma Recovery/HAP Newsletter
April 2020
Greetings  ,
The first quarter of 2020 was the most tumultuous in my 10 years with Trauma Recovery Humanitarian Assistance programs as Executive Director. The year began filled with optimism as we joined colleagues in Thailand for the 2020 EMDR Asia conference, January 3 - 8, themed "Empowering EMDR Asia: Reaching the Unreached".   On-site EMDR basic trainings in the US and around the world were on track to introduce a large class of new EMDR trained clinicians to reach under-served communities. We end the quarter in troubling times, overwhelmed by the state of the world and grieving the loss of so much to the pandemic crisis.
The health and well-being of you, our Trauma Recovery /HAP community and supporters, and your ability to support yourselves, and the many suffering trauma created by this crisis, is the focus of our immediate efforts. We have mobilized a Corona Virus Response package designed to offer you training and resources to deal with the anxiety and negative emotions most of us are feeling at this time. We are relying on the expertise of a group of esteemed colleagues that include Jim Knipe, Carol Forgash, Rosalie Thomas and Peggy Moore, our self-described "Think Tank".
We all know that even when this pernicious virus goes away, its affects will resonate for many years to come. Many of these affects will manifest in mental health issues for those who were frightened, felt helpless and couldn't process the trauma that they experienced. This is your expertise and you will be increasingly called upon to use it. It is my hope that we can help you through these times by helping to enhance your skills.
Our TRN groups are also hearing the call. I urge those involved to first take care of yourself and your family and friends.   We do this best by developing thoughtful, well-considered plans for interventions. You can expect to hear more about that shortly.
In this newsletter, find out more about:
  • EMDR Asia and their ambitious programs to expand humanitarian relief and increase their base of EMDR Trainers and Consultant resources.
  • Trauma Recovery/HAP's specialty training using EMDR recent events protocols with victims of violent crime.
  • Our newest Trauma Recovery/HAP board member.
Wishing you good health and a place of safety for you and your families!
Carol Martin
Executive Director
Trauma Recovery Humanitarian Assistance Programs
Corona Virus Response Plan
While on-site trainings have been suspended, we will soon announce an opportunity for those who have completed their Part I trainings to finish their EMDR training virtually.  We are also concentrating on building a comprehensive Covid-19 Crisis Response package for our clinician community. Dialogues with our faculty and volunteers across the country identified some urgent needs, to guide resource development. The first component of the Crisis Response package was a live meeting forum and procedure training for faculty and TRN coordinators April 6 and 7th, hosted by Dr. Gary Quinn, psychiatrist, certified EMDR trainer and Executive Director of the EMDR Institute of Israel. Dr. Quinn used his extensive experience with EMDR and crisis intervention to develop
"Self-Care Procedure for Coronavirus (SCP-C)" to aid clinicians and first responders in self-care and client care, using the procedure in both online and phone sessions. Workshop participants were invited to use the procedure and train fellow TRN volunteers, and then provide feedback on its application and outcomes in an effort to guide further procedure refinement.
Trauma Recovery will announce additional resources and trainings, some with continuing education credits, including:
  • EMDR Part II virtual trainings
  • Best Practices for Using EMDR in tele-therapy,
  • Eye Movement Desensitization, EMD,
  • Resource Development and Installation
  • Traumatology and Stabilization, and
  • EMDR and treating anxiety, the coming weeks. Each training's unique learning objective centers on returning peace and calm to those afflicted by trauma that this disruption has wrought.
The theme of 2020 EMDR Asia, held in Bangkok, Thailand January 3 - 8th, was Empowering EMDR Asia: Reaching the Unreached.  Empowering Asia's EMDR trained clinicians through shared knowledge was 
evident in both the educational content and the introduction of   Trauma Recovery/Asia, a collaborative  initiative with Trauma Recovery/HAP, focused on humanitarian aid through local clinicians, and a Trainer Training orientation to build standardized, accredited local training capacity .

Trauma Recovery Trains to Heal Violent Crime Victims
Trauma Recovery Humanitarian Assistance Programs began 2020 with a specialty training designed for mental health clinicians treating victims of violence, like homicide, assault or home invasion.  The advanced EMDR training builds therapist skills to treat victims or family members who have lost a loved one to a homicide or other violent crime.  

Please join Trauma Recovery Humanitarian Assistance Programs® in welcoming our newest board member, Sushma Mehrotra, Ph.D.   Dr. Mehrotra joined the board in February of 2020.  She is a clinical psychologist and consultant psychologist with over 30 years of experience, located in Mumbai, India. Her work as an international trainer for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) training and Founder/President of EMDR Asia (2010-2017) takes her throughout Asia and beyond.

 Faculty Academy 
Volunteer Acknowledgment:
Thank you to all our volunteers for everything you do to help us achieve our mission!
Below is a list of those who generously donated their time and expertise
during the months of January, February and March.

George Abbott
Karen Alter-Reid
Sarah Anderson
Stephen Beck
Suzanne Borstein
William Brislin
Leslie Brown
Marion Brown
Christeli Brunner
Judy Cabeceiras
Lori Cao
Derek Case
Jennifer Cecil
Peg Correia
Laura Decapua
Stephanie Drieze
Jennifer Duke
Stacy Eggsware
Susan Engel
Rachel Erwin
Holly Forman-Patel
Karen Forte
Jonna Fries
Laurie Furman
Peggy Gale
Liza Gianetto
Patty Giffin

Richard Greete
Leanne Harper
Laura Henson
Marcia Holland
Kelly Hurley
Carissa Karner
Cheryl Kenn
Rhonda Kildea
Joann Koester
Paula Krentzel
Marjorie Lamphear
Candise Leininger
Gretchen Leu
Jason Linder
Debra Littrell
Roger Ludwig
Tabatha Maiorano
Kyndel Marcroft
Claire Mauer
Tara May
Mary Jo McHaney
Julie Miller
April Minjarez
Peggy Moore
Reginal Morrow Robinson
Katy Murray
David Ogren
Ted Olejnik
Linda Ouellette
John Paradiso
Carla Parola
Hope Payson
Lori Pereira
Sheri Rezak-Irons
Gemma Rivera
Cherilyn Rowland Petrie
Dorinna Ruh
Julia Russomanno
Kathleen Scott
Herminia Shea-Martinez
Deborah Silveria
Elisabeth Slatt
Sadie Smith
Charlene Spears
John Stacy
Jill Strunk
Melinda Sullivan
Bernadette Talia
Rosalie Thomas
Cindy White
Crystal Wildes
Janet Wilson
Monica Wisco

Congratulations to our new facilitators...

Stephen Beck

Welcome to our new facilitators in training...

Jocelyn Fitzgerald
Liza Gianetto
Tara May

In This Issue
Upcoming Trainings...
Upcoming trainings have been suspended due to the Covid19 response. Please keep an eye on the training schedule for resumption of trainings. Those participants whose trainings have been cancelled will be notified directly..

**Due to Covid-19, please keep an eye on our training schedule for any changes made.

Featured Product:

EMDR Therapy Case Flow Chart
Revised and reformatted in 2015, this handy decision tree enables clinicians to easily find where they are in the EMDR therapy process, and make a choice about the next step. It is a proven tool to help clinicians effectively implement all 8 phases of the model and a great guideline for the procedural steps.

Pet of the Month: 

"A true friend leaves paw prints on your heart" - Unknown

Zoey is an almost 2 year old mutt, with a ton of energy.  She is quite the hunter and spends a lot of time obsessing over the wildlife in our yard.  She loves playing with squeaky toys, going for long walks and getting belly rubs.  We call her our velcro puppy because she follows us everywhere.  - Stephanie Lohret

Send us a picture and brief description to have your pet featured in an upcoming newsletter. 
We want our newsletter to be a place for sharing stories and knowledge.  Please submit an article or fill out the suggested questions and we will create an article for you!

Trauma Recovery/HAP | 203-288-4450 |
2911 Dixwell Avenue, Suite 201, Hamden, CT 06518