October HMIS Updates
October 9, 2020
New Forms for all!
Print your HMIS data collection forms now!
Last week we finished updates to the HMIS Paper Assessments for every project types. Be sure that (if you use paper forms) there is a v.09.20 in the footer. This version marker shows they were updated in September 2020. ESG grantees can find their NCCEH forms here.
New Data Elements!
Wondering why there are new Data Collection forms? Wait no longer - new Coordinated Entry Data Elements are now available in HMIS.
Coordinated Entry Assessment
Records when and how a Crisis Needs Assessment (Prevention and Diversion screen) or Housing Needs Assessment (VI-SPDAT) are completed. Required for all BoS and Orange providers* doing either assessments.
Coordinated Entry Event
Records when a CE access or referral event happens and the result. Check the CE Event drop-down to see which events are included in this data element. Required for all BoS and Orange projects* doing these events.
Current Living Situation
Records where Adults and Heads of Households are staying during an interaction. Required for all Street Outreach, PATH, and HUD SSO-CE projects at each client contact and update.
Mark you calendars for upcoming Training!
Your next HMIS Users Meetings
Your next HMIS Users Meeting will review HMIS updates, Federal Reporting, and field your questions. Join this discussion and learning session for your CoC!

System Updates - Annual Privacy Training, CE Data Elements
How Can We Help - LSA Corrections, How to add a client to a household's entry (i.e. Babies)
What's Next - HMIS Checklist, Calendar
Demo & Troubleshooting - Audience requests for review

Dates & Links
Computer screen with comment boxes
Back@Home HMIS Support
Field Support Trainings includes HMIS and Back@Home Rehousing Agencies are welcome to join the 3rd Tuesday session for open 'Office Hours'. A few topics have been suggested, but sessions will take questions too!
Need an HMIS license?
Agency Administrators should request HMIS licenses for New Users using the HMIS License Request Form. New Users will then receive detailed instructions for how to complete HMIS Training. Whether a returning user or brand new staff, this form will get you started!
Reminders and notes
CE Data Elements
*Durham providers may use, but are not required (yet). Planning in progress.
Missed a meeting?
For each month's HMIS Users Meeting, a recording will be posted later on the page along with slides for reference. But, we hope to see you there! Remember, Agency Admins are expected to attend/review the HMIS Users Meeting recording to stay up to date with HMIS tools and reporting.

Thank you for all of your hard work to make sure all of our neighbors find their home.
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |