- N E W S L E T T E R -
September 2020
The past few weeks have been a flurry of activity for faculty and the CTE as we collectively prepare for remote delivery of teaching and learning and some on-campus learning with new safety precautions. Since June we have put on 34 workshops and had just over 200 individual consultations. We have added several new ways to connect with us through new workshops and online booking. Join us for eLearn tune-ups and a new drop-in series For Faculty by Faculty. Hope to see you virtually soon! 

Laura MacKay
Director of Centre for Teaching Excellence

Welcome to our New CTE Members 
Brit Paris, PhD (c)
Educational Developer
Brit joins us from the University of Calgary where she has developed programming on educational leadership, feedback literacy, and instructional design along with supporting faculty in the transition to remote teaching. Brit was also the managing editor for the journal Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching.  
Frank Fucile
Educational Technology Specialist
Frank is an experienced eLearning 
specialist and instructional designer with past work experience at VIU, Royal Roads and at BCcampus 
where he was the Manager of Collaborative and Shared Services working with post-secondary institutions across BC to implement shared educational technology platforms.  
Educational Technology

Need help with eLearn? Video recording? Zoom?  

Our Educational Technology staff can help you set up eLearn (format layouts, quizzes, gradebook, discussion forums), show you how to record lectures, or set up breakout rooms in Zoom or Webex. Please contact the CTE Ed Tech staff at edtech@capilanou.ca. Note our ed tech staff start at the end of September and our ed developers will be lending support until that time.  
eLearn Tune-Up and One-on-One Support for New eLearn Users 

Book a 30 minute tune-up with an Educational Developer to enhance your eLearn site for student learning, or if you are new to eLearn, book a 45 minutes session with our Teaching and Learning Faculty Associate. Book through our calendar here.
What's New in eLearn?  

Did you know that eLearn has two new layouts to help organize course materials: Tile and Grid? Both help chunk course content to ensure the online environment is more manageable for learners.  Go to Edit Course Settings - Course Format to find the new layouts.
Tile displays course content as visual 'tiles' with either photos or graphic icons.  
Grid displays course content similarly to Tile and is suited to courses that require switching between sections with a visual interface. Content pops up in a lightbox display.  

By Faculty for Faculty 
Weekly one hour drop-in sessions with our ed developers, ed tech staff, and teaching and learning faculty associates specifically for your Faculty. Join your Faculty colleagues to discuss questions specific to your area. Starting October 1st . Times and video-conferencing links will be sent out through Faculties.  
Faculty of Arts and Sciences 
Faculty of Business and Professional Studies  
Faculty of Education Health and Human Development 
Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts 
Faculty of Global and Community Studies 
Event: Pivoting On(the)Line
- Experiences from Summer Teaching 

Since March 2020, you have experienced the many facets of pivoting your classes to a new online environment. During these times of uncertainly, we seek out colleagues, whom we can share experiences with and learn from, to build a supportive learning community. In this session, four instructors will share their experiences teaching during the summer semester 2020 at Capilano. They will provide examples of their successes and plans for improvement based on lessons learned. You will have time to pose questions to the four faculty during this session.   

Tuesday, September 22 at 1:00 pm - 2:20 pm Sign up now
6-Word Stories from Online Teaching Fundamentals 

Congratulations to all faculty who completed the Online Teaching Fundamentals Micro Course in August!  We are pleased to share a few of the 6-word story reflections they created on the last day:  

  • "Tea time office hours attract students" 
  • "Reach Out And I'll Be There" 
  • "Use techniques to engage more students" 
  • "Go backwards to create powerful courses" 

New Resource for Faculty: Discussion Guide for Alicia Elliott's A Mind Spread Out on the Ground  

The CTE Spring 2020 Book Club offers this resource to you, our colleagues at Capilano University, to encourage you to create opportunities in your courses for important conversations around the many Indigenous themes that this book presents. The resource offers a suggested list of guiding questions to engage your students. Click here to access the ebook guide in Pressbooks.  

Small Teaching Online – Fall Book Club via Zoom 

Our book choice this fall is Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes by Darby, F. and Lang, J.M. (2019). The book offers helpful techniques for engaging students in online learning environments, including hands-on suggestions you can use immediately. Join us for lively discussions and sharing with colleagues. This book is accessible online through the Capilano University library. 
Five Tuesdays starting Sept 29, 1-2:20pm. Must commit to attend all five sessions Sign up now!

Time Management & Self-Regulation For Students  
What are some challenges you expect to face this term?

Last week, I asked each of my students that question as part of a "Getting to Know You" survey. The answer from at least 90%: Time Management! So how can we as instructors help our students get off to a good remote learning start, given self-regulation and time management will likely be even more important for remote adapted teaching and learning? Here are some ideas and links: 

  • Use your virtual office hours to get students to share strategies with each other 
  • Create an online bulletin board where students share their favorite time management practices/study tips. This could be embedded in your eLearn site.  
  • Ask students to commit to a personal learning goal and a plan for success in the course. Then follow up! 
  • Talk to students about what's required to be a successful online learner and share resources such as this article with students 
For more ideas read: 

News from Teacher as Researcher Faculty Learning Community (FLC) 
Dr. Mary Giovannetti, Educational Developer, CTE, has been leading this FLC since September 2019. Some of our participants were able to receive research funding through Creative Activity, Research, and Scholarship (CARS), while others are continuing to work on advancing/revising their research proposals based on our new online teaching and learning reality. This FLC will continue for this academic year and meet on a monthly basis. If you are interested in joining a Teacher as Researcher FLC, please contact Mary
CTE Virtual Support Moving to Zoom 

CTE Virtual Support
Monday - Friday
1:00 - 2:00 pm  

Same helpful support; even nicer room. CTE Virtual Support has moved from our old space in Webex to our new space in Zoom. Drop in with your pedagogical puzzles and quiz set-up queries.

Click here to join (only authenticated CapU emails can sign in) 

Virtual Support for Decolonization and Indigenization  
Every Thursday
9:00 - 10:00 am

Drop in weekly for support in decolonizing and Indigenizing your curriculum.  

Click here to join (only authenticated CapU emails can sign in)
Congratulations and News 
Congratulations to Jennifer Fane (ECCE) for the publication of her book chapter, 'Physical literacy of communities: A multi-sectoral approach and response to the physical literacy needs and capacities of teachers, schools, and students during Covid-19'  Stories from the Field in Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during COVID-19. 
Congratulations to Debbie Jamison (Legal Studies) on the publication of The Paperless Office and Working Remotely - Before, During and After COVID-19 in The Lawyers Association of BC The Verdict magazine 
Student Digital Ambassadors

Student Digital Ambassadors are available to offer your students peer support with navigating remote learning technology such as Zoom, MS Teams, eLearn, Kaltura and more. Your students can access SDA support in Teams at or by sending an email to sda@capilanou.ca. Instructors can also book the SDA as guests in their virtual classes to talk about the services offered to students and how to access them. 

Available virtually in Teams
Monday to Saturday
10:00 am - 8:00 pm

Preventing Zoom Bombings 

'Zoom bombings' occur when outside people crash your virtual meetings and present inappropriate, harassing or pornographic material. There are many ways for you to prevent Zoom bombings. It's important that you are using the Capilano enterprise version of Zoom, as the default settings will help make your meeting more secure.  If you used Zoom previously with your Capilano email and/or are using the Zoom app you may still be using a non-Cap version of Zoom. It's best to set up your meeting through the web version of Zoom.   

  1. Schedule a meeting rather than give out your personal meeting ID.  
  2. Require a password to attend the meeting (this is the default setting) 
  3. Ensure that screen sharing is off for everyone but the host (this is the default setting) 
  4. Use the waiting room and mute all participants on entry 
  5. Permit only authenticated Capilano users to attend (you must turn this on in settings) 
  6. Lock your meeting when everyone is present 
We will send out further information through Deans and Chairs.  

Fall Workshops & Events

Teaching & Learning Pedagogy 

Remote Teaching & Educational Technology 

Sparkshops For Your Meetings - Now Online!

Department meetings moved online? No problem! We continue to offer our popular mini-workshops during department meetings, faculty meetings or other teaching-related gatherings via Teams, Zoom or WebEx. The intention is to stimulate exploration and departmental conversations around teaching and learning. Current topics include active learning strategies, rubrics, formative assessment, virtual coaching hours, online quizzing, and powerful questions.

Additional Upcoming Teaching & Learning Events
Check out some of the BC Campus Events here including: 

The Centre for Teaching Excellence (CTE) fosters excellence, innovation, and collaboration in teaching and learning by supporting faculty and staff through programming, mentoring, professional development opportunities, and research on effective teaching.