April 26, 2022
Action on User Fee Legislation Needed
S. 984, the user fee legislation, was given a favorable report by a Ways and Means subcommittee this afternoon and will be debated by the full Ways and Means Committee on Thursday. During the hearing, several House members expressed concern with the legislation and its impact on taxpayers. For this bill to pass this year, it must get a favorable report at the full committee hearing on Thursday. Please contact your House members ASAP and ask that they support this important legislation. Please also ask that they relay to their friends on Ways and Means the need to support this legislation. A roster of the Ways and Means Committee is below. 
House Ways and Means Committee Roster
G. Murrell Smith, Jr., Chairman
J. Gary Simrill, 2nd V.C.
Bruce W. Bannister
Heather Ammons Crawford 
Chandra E. Dillard         
Kirkman Finlay, III         
Jackie E. "Coach" Hayes         
Lee Hewitt            
Chip Huggins            
Dennis C. Moss            
Garry R. Smith            
J. David Weeks            
Mark N. Willis
Gilda Cobb-Hunter, 1st V.C.
Nathan Ballentine
William "Bill" Clyburn
Joseph S. Dani
Shannon S. Erickson
Craig A. Gagnon
William G. "Bill" Herbkersman
Lonnie Hosey
Phillip D. Lowe
J. Todd Rutherford
Leonidas E. "Leon" Stavrinakis
William R. "Bill" Whitmire