October 7, 2021
Sunday at Christ Church
Masks and Seating | 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m.
To create a space where all people can worship regardless of vaccination status, all people over the age of 2 years will wear masks while indoors on the Christ Church campus. We will have masks available if you forget yours.

Our south door (the one under the portico) will be the entrance door. The ushers will help you to a pew.
Holy Eucharist | Livestream | 10:00 a.m.
Worship can be found on our Church Online page and will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.
If you want to use the chat function, you will be asked to create a screen name. Please use this like a name tag so that we will know who is worshiping with us and can greet each other by name. 

The service will start at 10:00 a.m. You will not be able to restart, rewind, or fast-forward. If you miss a Sunday, you can find the replay on our website here.
To follow along, you can find the bulletin here.

Opportunities for online worship during the week can be found below.

As we seek to be more the church in times like these, your Sunday offerings and pledges to sustain our mission and ministries can still be mailed, or be given online. Donate here.

For ways to help our community, please scroll to the Outreach & Mission section of this email.
General Announcements
Stewardship Corner
We have so much to be grateful for at Christ Church, as we shared in a video last week. In church on Sundays and on our blog, members of our parish are sharing their gratitude stories. In this week's blog post, Kris Amundson reflects on the joy of singing together. We invite you to reflect on your own gratitude for this faith community, read up on how your support is vital to continuing our mission and ministry, and pray as you discern your financial commitment to Christ Church for next year. Make your 2022 pledge today by returning the pledge card you received in the mail, or filling out an online pledge card.
Notes on Gratitude
What are you grateful for? Where has God been present for you this year? What makes you feel connected to Christ Church? Each Sunday in October we invite you to add your answers to these questions to the display outside the portico. Not attending church in person right now? Send your answer to one or all of our questions and we'll add your gratitude reflections to our display.
Interested in Helping Newly Resettled Afghan Refugees in the Area?
A centralized database has been organized by Northern Virginia Friends of Refugees. If you are interested in helping families please complete this survey questionnaire. The resettlement agencies have access to the survey results and will connect families with resources. The top needs of the nonprofits are housing, volunteers, transportation, and mental health support.
Stewards of the Dirt 
The Stewards of the Dirt will have its next work session on Saturday, October 16 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. Meet SOD members in the churchyard to help clean up the garden beds. No knowledge of gardening is needed, and you don’t need to bring your own tools. Please do bring your own work gloves. If you would like to join us, please contact Libby Witt. We look forward to working with you on October 16!
Fellowship Breakfast | October 17 | Churchyard 
We will have breakfast treats and sandwiches on the patio from 8:45 to 9:45 a.m. Come and enjoy a light breakfast and fellowship.
Movie Club | October 16 | 7:00 p.m. | Zoom
The Movie Club discussion will be on Stillwater, currently available on Amazon Prime. RSVP to Glen Hewitt. You will be emailed the Zoom link prior to the meeting.
Out & About Harvest Party | October 23 | 11:00 a.m.
Join Out & About in the churchyard from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. for pumpkin painting, storytime for kids, barbecue & sides, fellowship, and more! This event is for LGBTQ persons and allies. E-mail Tom Suydam by October 17 if you plan to join!
Fall Gathering | October 28 | 11:30 a.m. | Zoom
Come to the Gathering (on Zoom) and enjoy Kris Amundson, a longstanding active member of Christ Church, speaking about her new book, 81 Questions for Parents: Helping Your Kids Succeed in School. This is the second of the Gathering’s Virginia Author Series. Kris also shares many suggestions for grandparents and for those who want to know how they can best help their grandchildren and children within the Christ Church community. This book also includes many other suggestions from Kris's decades of experience as a former educator, school board chair, state legislator, and CEO of a national education organization.
All Saints’ Sunday 
If you would like to have a loved one remembered at our All Saints’ Sunday Evensong on November 3 at 5:00 p.m., please submit their name(s) to Michelle Baize by October 25.
Join the Usher Ministry
Has anyone ever asked you for directions to the bathroom and you gave them options? Have you ever handed someone your hymnal because they were trying to sing from the Prayer Book? Have you ever opened the door for someone at church? Has anyone ever said that you have shepherd-like tendencies? If so then become a Christ Church usher! Our dynamic ministry is looking for new members who have a friendly demeanor, can follow a plan but think quickly on their feet and a willingness to share their love of God and Christ Church! If you are interested contact Abas Adenan.
Join the Acolyte Ministry
This ministry is looking for kids in fourthgrade and up. This is a wonderful ministry that enriches our Sunday morning worship. Training will be offered later in the fall. If you are interested contact Bob Thomson.
Faith Formation
Book of Common Prayer 101 | Forum October 3-24
What is this red book in our pews? Where did it come from, where is it going, and what is in it? In this three-part class led by the Rev. Noelle York-Simmons, we will explore our 1979 Book of Common Prayer, starting from the very beginning, to get a better grasp on how this collection of prayers and practices informs who we are as Episcopalians. Forums meet in the Meade Room on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.
Bible Study on Matthew| Wednesdays, Noon
Join Tom & Betsy Hahn for a Bible Study on the Gospel of Matthew using NT Wright’s review and study. The class will meet by Zoom on Wednesdays at noon. The class began on October 6 but it's not too late to join! E-mail Betsy Hahn to sign-up!
Bible Study on Revelation | Mondays, 7:00 p.m. 
Join Nancy & Ken Knapp for a Bible Study on Reading Revelation Responsibly. The class will meet by Zoom on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. this fall and begins on October 11. E-mail Nancy Knapp to sign-up!
Morning Prayer | 7:30 a.m.
On weekdays at 7:30 a.m. you may participate in a service of Morning Prayer via Facebook Live. If you are unable to join at the time, you can still find the video on our Facebook page. Bulletins will be available here.
Noonday Prayer | Wednesdays
The Wednesday noon Eucharist is back! All are welcome in the chapel at 12:05 p.m. every week.
Wednesday Evening Compline | 9:00 p.m.
Join us for an Order for Compline on Wednesdays at 9:00 p.m. on Facebook. This brief service is comforting and good for families of all ages. Volunteers needed! If you want to help lead Compline, please reach out to Lauren Banks Killelea.
Outreach & Mission
40th Annual StepALIVE! Walkathon to benefit ALIVE!. Sunday, October 17
Fight poverty and hunger in Alexandria by walking with Christ Church at the 40th Annual StepALIVE! Walkathon. Visit our page and click the "Join a Team" option on the right. If you don't wish to walk you can simply donate to our team. The fee is $25 per walker and $10 for kids ages 6-13 and those over 70. The walk kicks off at 2:00 p.m. at the First Christian Church parking lot (2723 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22302), Contact Matt Zahn with questions.
Lazarus Grocery Delivery Ministry Needs Donations and Drivers
Delivery Drivers and Donations Needed!
Grocery requests are steadily increasing, and the pantry is seeking new volunteers to help make these deliveries. Volunteers sign up to deliver on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays (timing is flexible) and make 3-5 contact-free deliveries per shift. For more details contact Liz Denson.

Also, the pantry is requesting donations of grape and strawberry jelly, brand-name cereals, granola bars, kids' snacks (like goldfish), and stews/chilis. You can visit our Amazon wishlist here. Items from this list will automatically be shipped to the pantry. If shopping another way, please deliver or have donations shipped to Liz Denson at 2911 Pierpont Street, Alexandria, VA 22302. You can leave donations on the front steps and they can be dropped off at any time. If you would like to donate towards this effort click here and select Lazarus from the list of funds.
Children, Youth, and Families
Do You Have Two Sundays a Month for Sunday School?
We still need a few more teachers for Sunday School this fall! Lesson plans, materials, and support are all provided. Even if you haven’t been involved with children’s ministries in the past, you have gifts and talents that will help our children grow closer to God. Come and see what they can teach you about faith in return! Fill out this form or email Ariel to get involved.
Registration for Children’s Sunday School Is Open!
Sunday School this fall will look very different than it has in the past in order to keep children as safe as possible during the ongoing pandemic. Meeting in the churchyard on a rotating basis, preschoolers through first graders will have Sunday School on the first and third Sunday of the month, and second through fifth graders will have Sunday School on the second and fourth Sunday of the month. Register your child here. Note that you are able to use one form to register all children in your family who are age three and up.
One Sock On Wants to Hear From You
Are you the parent of an infant or toddler? Are you looking for a loving and supportive community of parents to connect with as you share the joys and struggles of parenthood? One Sock On is the group for you! Email One Sock On to be added to the email list and share your thoughts about regathering through a short survey.
Sunday School for Grades 6 & 7 | 9:00 a.m. | Churchyard 
Calling all Middle Schoolers (Grades 6 and 7)! Sunday School for all Parish youth in grades 6 and 7 will start on Sunday, October 10 at 9:00 a.m., in the Churchyard, weather permitting. We would love to have you in class, even if you can't make it every week. Please register here. If you have any questions, please reach out to Rebekah Givens or Jessica Hughes.
Donuts on the Lord's Day | October 10 at 9:00 a.m. | Back Lounge Near the Teen Center 
Once a month, the high school youth (grades 9-12) are invited to gather for donuts and lemonade during the Sunday School hour. We will get to know each other and talk about important topics of the day while also enjoying some delicious donuts. Please mark these dates on your calendar and join in on the conversation and fellowship: October 10, November 14, and December 12. Email Rebekah with any questions.
Youth Ice Cream Excursion | October 10 at 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Goodies Frozen Custard and Treats
Meet Rebekah in the churchyard after the service for an excursion to Goodies. We will walk together, enjoy ice cream outside on the patio, and return to the Churchyard by 1:00 p.m. Goodies only takes cash and Venmo, please bring a few dollars for ice cream or plan to use your Venmo account.
Confirmation Class Is Back  
We are excited to announce that the Christ Church youth confirmation program, "Confirm Not Conform," is returning for the 2021-22 school year. All rising eighth and ninth graders who are interested in exploring their faith and considering being confirmed in the Episcopal Church (and, in addition, having a little fun) are welcome. Confirmation itself is not a mandatory part of the program. The class will meet throughout the year on Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in the Fowler House Teen Center, beginning September 26. To register for class or learn more, please reach out to class leaders Kelley Brooke and Darrin Hostetler.
Sign up for Children's News
Don't miss out on any updates! Sign up for Children's News here!
Blessings On
  • Our volunteer receptionists: Michael Bergin, Bill Schauffler, Joanna Reams, and Jay Bartol.
Take a break and catch up on our blogs!
by Ariel Rudy
by Scott Harman
Weekly Prayers
For the Diocese of Renk in South Sudan: We ask you to continue to preserve the lives and bless the labor of Archbishops Justin Badi Arama and Joseph Garang Atem in their work of reconciliation in South Sudan. Amen.  
Mengo Prayer 
Acts 2:42-47; 2 Corinthians 8:13-15 “… the compassionate life… (has) a mutuality of giving and receiving. Everyone who has truly entered into the compassionate life will say: ‘I have received as much as I have given.” — Here and Now, by Henri J.W. Nouwen
Question: In what ways have your companions in Christ helped you to bring the compassion of Jesus to hurting people at Mengo?