Hope in Action- How We Serve
September 16, 2020
Monthly SERVE Focus – Voting
September’s SERVE focus continues to be on Voting. As United States citizens, we are coming upon a very significant Election season. The right to vote is the foundation of any democracy. The United Methodist Social Principals state that “the strength of a political system depends on the full and willing participation of its citizens” (¶ 164B).   
During this month we will explore why it is important to vote and how you can serve not only by voting but by taking part in the political process.  

It can’t be said enough, in addition to voting in November, participating in the 2020 Census is critical. Jan Wilson’s article below explains what happens with the data collected in the census and why it so important that everyone be counted.

Jan will also be introducing a fun 10 for $10 Challenge for Crossroads’ Youth. It is a fun and rewarding way to serve.

There will also be another opportunity to take part in a ZOOM Voter Registration Session after worship on Sunday, September 20th. Jan will be available during these sessions to answer any questions regarding voting and will walk you through the process of registering.   

Before you serve with action, begin by going through the reflection questions that can be found here. We go inward to reflect and then we go outward to serve.

Recommended Resources This Week:

Additional Resources: 
Social Justice & Advocacy
Your Voice in Democracy--Vote and Register Others by Jan Wilson
Be Heard: Voting and the Census - 10 for 10 Challenge for Teens and Adults
I’ve written a few articles on how voting is your voice, but another way you are “heard” and have a voice in decisions that impact your life is by completing the census and challenging others to do the same. It’s extremely important and something that every person in the US, citizen or not, and regardless of immigration status, needs to take 10 minutes to do because it will literally impact your life for the next 10 years! Every 10 years the US conducts a census where everyone residing in the US, regardless of citizenship or status, is counted, to determine how and where hundreds of billions of Federal dollars (yes, billions!) are spent each year for the next 10 years. That includes how much money your children’s school will get for educational support. So, what you and your neighbors do or don’t do in completing the census this year will impact the next 10 years. 

If you don’t think you should complete the census, think about this. Census results affect planning and funding for many things related to education—including programs such as Head Start, Pell Grants, school lunches, rural education, adult education, teachers' support, and grants for preschool special education. The results also impact planning and funding for healthcare, including funding for hospitals, Medicaid, Medicare Part B, State Children's health programs, housing assistance for older adults and to prevent child abuse. If you are commuting to work or school, remember that the census plays a part in highway planning and construction, as well as grants for buses, subways, and other public transit systems, so your commute could be impacted by what you do or don’t do.

The census also impacts help for communities responding to natural disasters, for fire and rescue and public health. The data impacts programs to support rural areas, to prevent child abuse and to restore wildlife.

Your neighbors and community benefit most when everyone is counted, so please take the time to complete the census. When you respond to the census, you help your community get its fair share of the more than $675 billion per year in federal funds and you also impact how the community is represented in the US Congress.

The list of reasons and programs impacted goes on, so please go to this site, and complete your census and get all your questions answered. You should also know that the census is offered in 13 languages, so please encourage all your friends and neighbors to participate. Language support can be found here.

If you haven’t completed the census, please don’t delay in taking action, because you only have until the end of October. Then you wait 10 years to do it again! 

But there’s more—I challenge each adult and teen to get 10 other households to complete the census as well. Get on social media and encourage your friends, relatives and neighbors to complete the census for their household. Anyone 15 years or older can complete the document for their family, so teens, get working on your census and getting others to join. Here is a link to the Census challenge. Let’s see who can get the most families to complete this! For our own challenge, for anyone who gets 10 families to complete the census, just have your parent let us know and we’ll give the first 10 who complete this challenge a $10 gift certificate to Amazon.

While you’re at it, let’s help our neighbors register to vote as well. In addition to the census, in previous articles I’ve written about voting and how voting is your voice in a democracy. It’s also a sacred right and the United Methodist Church calls the right to vote a basic human right. You can help your neighbors exercise their right by being sure they are registered to vote, or to register them if they aren’t already registered at their current address. Getting them registered isn’t difficult and could help empower them to participate in our democracy. 

Who will join me in trying to get 10 unregistered voters registered? While we cannot give anyone any enticement or favor for registering to vote, if you can get 10 people to register to vote we’ll give a $10 gift certificate to the first 10 people who give us confirmation. Any citizen who turns 18 before November 3 can be registered to vote…. Can you identify a neighborhood, apartment building, or community that has unregistered voters? If so, let me know and I’ll set up a time to get them registered, or help you get trained to do it yourself. You could empower your friends and neighbors to have a voice, to exercise their sacred right, their human right, to vote. 

10 for $10 Challenge- Crossroads will give the first 10 youth, 6th grade or older, who encourage or assist 10 families with completing the Census or registering to vote a $10 Amazon Gift Certificate. Email parental verification of completion of the challenge to Kathy MacKrell.  
Taking Care of the Community
Wearing Masks - A Social Justice Issue
As we have said many times before, taking care of our neighbor is the most important thing we can do as Christians. Right now, one of the easiest ways we can do that is by wearing a mask. It is simple. According to the CDC wearing a mask and social distancing are our best defenses against contracting and spreading Covid-19.  

To me wearing a mask says, “I see you, you are important to me and we are in this together”.  
A limited number of masks are available for pick up at Crossroads. Please email Kathy MacKrell and we will get a mask to you for free or a small donation for those who are able. Masks are also available outside Crossroads’ Entrance 1, weekdays from 10:30am-1:30pm. 
Crossroads Native Plant Garden
Each week we are featuring a native plant in bloom in our native garden. The garden is flourishing and contains many pollinator plants that provide vital nutrients that keep insects alive and sustain them throughout the year. They also provide a safe habitat that is free from chemicals to help support the pollinator populations. If you live in the area, you are encouraged to check it out on your next nature walk or drive by. Click here for more information on native plants for Northern Virginia. You can also contact Crossroads' Native Plant Specialist, BJ Lecrone. Native plants can be purchased online at Watermark Nursery in Hamilton, Virginia.

For information on planting a vegetable garden and why pollinator gardens are important check out the following links:

Community Resources
Loudoun County Public Schools Back to School Meal Service
  • Walk Up Meal Service - 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
  • Daily Bus Delivery of Breakfast and Lunch Meals throughout Loudoun County
  • 2 Runs: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm and 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
  • For delivery: Please visit the interactive map to identify the nearest bus stop and associated time for mobile service.
  • Daily breakfast and lunch meal service under the Summer Food Service Program at 93 sites
  • Children and teens aged 18 and younger eat FREE of charge
  • Breakfast & lunch meals distributed simultaneously at both walk up sites and bus stops
  • Parent meal pick up available
  • Meal service available for childcare participants and students in attendance
Loudoun County resources are available for anyone in need of food. 
Please take advantage of the following organizations:
Loudoun County Health & Human Services has provided a comprehensive list of resources available to those in need. The link is here.

Contact the Loudoun County Information and Referral (I&R) program to get connected to vital health and human services information and resources in Loudoun County. The link is here.

Some vital resources are highlighted below.
COVID-19 Limited Rent Assistance
Loudoun County government has established a limited rent assistance program for Loudoun County households economically impacted by COVID-19. Check this link for details.

Loudoun Cares
Through their Information & Referral Helpline, Loudoun Cares connects residents in need with local nonprofits and agencies that can assist with a variety of health and human services that include rent/utility assistance, food, clothing, medical/dental, housing, job services and more. If you are in need of assistance, call the helpline at 703-669-4636 or click here for their website.

Unemployment and Employment Resources
Loudoun Workforce Resource Center provides information about unemployment benefits or other work-related topics. Click here for their website.

Crossroads Jobs is a non profit experienced in advising candidates who have challenges in securing employment. Counseling is available in English and Spanish. They will also assist those who need help filing for unemployment. All services are free. Click here for their website. 
Additional resources:
  • Sunday message: Watch here or on the GOTGo app
  • GOTGo App - Download from your app store by searching Crossroads GOTGo
  • Daily Texts - Text crossroads to 41411 to receive inspirational texts each day 
  • Daily Scripture, Prayer and Morning Focus - Sign up here
  • Online giving: Sign up or submit giving here
  • Spiritual Practices: Find them here
  • Prayer Requests: Submit them here
  • Imagine Well Being - Find online groups here
  • Small Groups: Find online groups here
  • Facebook - facebook.com/crossroadsnova
  • Instagram - instagram.com/crossroadsnova
  • Website - crossroadsnova.org