In This Issue:

PARMA Member Spot Light

Ask Larry

PARMA is Accepting Nominations for its Board of Directors

Susan Eldridge PARMA Conference Scholarship – Deadline October 21

Upcoming Chapter Events

PARMA Conference 2023

PARMA Member Spot Light - Susan Colley-Monk

Since 2018, Susan Colley-Monk has been the Secretary/Treasurer of the Sacramento Chapter of PARMA. She is also an Analyst in Risk Management Services at California State University, Sacramento, and has worked in the department since January 2014.


Remaining enthusiastic about her active role at Sacramento State requires balancing home life and work. Not only is Susan a dedicated member of the Risk Management team at Sacramento State, but she is also a happy and supportive wife, mother, and grandmother to seven grandchildren – six girls and one boy. She is excited to welcome another grandson to her family in January 2023.


Ask Larry

How can I be the best member for my chapter? 

Great question! Here are some ideas:

1.      Participate in surveys sharing what information might be of interest to you. Be adamant about your risk education; the best member always shares hot topics and session ideas that are relevant and trending.

2.      Network with your chapter leaders and steering committees. A good way to achieve this is connecting great speakers that you know, or you have heard present before with your PARMA contacts. There’s nothing better than an engaging presentation on relevant information.

3.      Present community opportunities to the chapter officers that would aid in PARMA recognition, and awareness as well as allow the chapter to “give back” while at the same time achieving community outreach and creating a potential to grow the membership.  

4.      Volunteer for a leadership role. Participation behind the scenes will offer an additional appreciation of PARMA’s mission and purpose.

5.      Overall, engage in as many chapter events as possible; your participation is the foundation for the chapter to do more for its members. Oh, and BRING A FRIEND TO AN EVENT!!! 


With these endeavors, you will be on your way to becoming the best member you can be for your Chapter!

PARMA is Accepting Nominations for its Board of Directors

The terms of three PARMA Directors will be ending at the Annual Conference, and nominations are now being solicited. Any primary contact of a public-entity PARMA member who is currently employed or is a lifetime member is eligible for nomination as a PARMA Director.


Nominations received by or before the Nomination Deadline - All Applications for Nomination received by the filing deadline of close of business December 1, 2022, will be reviewed by the Nominating Committee for compliance with the selection criteria.


An "Application for Nomination as a PARMA Director" is available on the PARMA website. By hitting submit on this online form your completed application will be submitted to the Executive Director and directed to the Nominating Committee. Please be sure to review the candidate criteria closely and that you meet that criterion before submitting your application.


Eligibiltiy Requirements


Only an individual permanently and directly employed by a Public Entity Member or a Life Member of PARMA are eligible to serve as a Director.  A Life Member who becomes employed by or contracted by an associate or prospective associate member will not be eligible to hold office.


A qualified candidate has served as either a chapter director or chapter officer for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years. If there is a limited pool of qualified candidates the Nominating Committee may consider individuals who’ve demonstrated prior experience serving in a board position for another risk management association.


The Nominating Committee will consider geographic and/or chapter diversity as well as employment of candidates. Consideration will be given to limiting the number of individuals from the same chapter or same Public Entity to no more than two (2). Exceptions will be considered when there is a limited pool of qualified candidates.


Nomination Criteria


The following, non-exclusive, factors will be considered by the Nomination Committee in determining the qualifications of the candidates:

  • length of employment in the risk management field;
  • candidate's statement of goals and objectives as a PARMA director (supporting PARMA's goals and objectives);
  • ability to devote necessary time and energy to duties of a Director;
  • employer’s support of candidate's time dedicated to PARMA activities.



Please direct questions to Executive Director, Gloria Peterson at 1-844-GO-PARMA (1-844-467-2762) x104 or by e-mail at


The Nomination Committee will recommend the most highly qualified candidates to the PARMA Board of Directors and the membership at the annual conference in February 2023. The election of directors will follow the Nomination Committee report.

Susan Eldridge PARMA Conference Scholarship – Deadline October 21

PARMA’s vision is to assist Public Entity Risk Managers in achieving success in their careers and to provide Public Entities with the support they need to make their Risk Managers successful. PARMA has designed a conference to provide quality education and training in all the aspects of risk management. To help assist in funding, PARMA offers scholarships for the conference from both PARMA as an association and through its chapters.


The Susan Eldridge PARMA Conference Scholarship is for eligible public entity employees. The scholarship includes the following:


  • Conference registration;
  • Hotel accommodations, at the lowest priced option for Conference Host Hotel, for a maximum of three-room nights;
  • Round trip travel the IRS mileage rate and/or airfare, not to exceed $600. PARMA will consider written requests in which extenuating circumstances are presented that would justify travel expenses to exceed the maximum dollar limit. Such requests should be addressed to the PARMA Treasurer.
  • Conference Registration and hotel will be paid directly by PARMA.


Each chapter that maintains a specified amount in their chapter treasury may also award a scholarship. If you are interested in either of these programs, simply complete one application form online and your application will be considered for the PARMA or Chapter scholarships. You must be employed by a Public Entity to apply. For more information, please click HERE.

Upcoming PARMA Chapter Events

Tue, September 20

Central Valley Chapter Fall Conference

Thu, September 22

Gold Coast Chapter Hybrid Meeting

Thu, September 29

Southern California Chapter Meeting

Wed, October 05

Sacramento Chapter Meeting

Thu, October 13

San Diego/Imperial Valley Chapter Quarterly Risk Management Education Session

PARMA Conference 2023

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