Dear Meher Center Friends & Family,
As we approach Amartithi, the anniversary of Meher Baba’s dropping His body, we want to let you know that Meher Center will commemorate this sacred day with a two-part virtual program.
The first part of the virtual Amartithi program will take place on the morning of January 31, beginning at 10:30 a.m. ET with prayers and arti, and culminating with fifteen minutes of silence at 12 noon. After the silence, there will be a chance to connect with one another (though unfortunately we will not be serving dal this year).
The second part will take place at 8 p.m. ET with a talk by Rick Chapman describing the interment that took place on January 31, 1969, on Meherabad Hill.
A more detailed announcement, including the morning and evening links, will go out later this weekend.
In Baba’s love and service,
Buz Connor
For Meher Center board and staff