3070 Memorial Hwy., Lake Lure, NC 28746

Open 7 days a week & always free

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Our mission is to maintain gardens that are enjoyable, inspirational and used to educate people about gardening and its health and environmental benefits.

February 2023

A Gateway to Somewhere Beautiful

Cheers to 10 Years!


Fall in Love with February

In this month's newsletter:

Pretty Pansy Pots (January 10 – February 28)

Hearts in Bloom

We're Planting a New Garden

Mr. McGregor Being Kind

Don't Miss Our Winter Seasonal Feature

Pretty Pansy Pots

January 10 – February 28

Never underestimate the power of Mother Nature. Sometimes she likes to remind us that she is in charge of everything on our planet. While pansies and violas are surprisingly hearty in cold weather and can survive a frost and even single digit temperatures for a short time, our bitter cold earlier this winter has left ours a little scraggy. With the warm weather, these wonderful winter flowers are beginning to spring back. But, don't let that keep you away, you'll still find lots of garden interest at the Bridge this month.

Why Am I Seeing 10s?

This year we are celebrating our 10th anniversary. We think you'll be really excited for all the fun we have planned throughout the year. We'll keep you up to date about all our activities in this newsletter, on our Facebook and Instagram pages (links at bottom), and our website.

Hearts in Bloom


Some say that February is the love month. At the Bridge, we think love blooms all year long. The Bridge is a popular place for that special proposal, and sometimes we are just lucky enough to get pictures back from the happy couples.

We wish all our couples many years of love, joy and happiness and we are glad that you chose us for that special place to pop the question!

Coming Soon: The Whipple Azalea Garden

We're planting a new garden!

Named for A.P. Whipple, former biology professor at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, it will feature 30 native azaleas that he grew from seed or tissue cultures from plants gathered from all over the southern United States. 

Native azaleas are deciduous plants blooming only once during the growing season, and our mountain environment provides the perfect growing conditions for them. Home gardeners may be more familiar with reblooming varieties (Encore Azaleas), which bloom multiple times during the growing season.

While at Taylor University, Whipple developed abilities to use tissue cultures for propagation, grow azaleas from seed, and created The Taylor University Azalea Garden. His work is significant because the pH of the Indiana soil isn't ideal for growing these acid-loving plants. Yet he found a way for them to grow and thrive in the heart of corn and soybean country.

We thank the Black Mountain Beautification Committee for arranging for us to receive these plants.

Mr. McGregor Says...

Hey kids, let's be extra kind this month. Be a somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody. Remember, my garden is asleep right now so please use inside voices when you visit!

Friends of the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge is a volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations to help preserve and maintain the Bridge gardens and to support our new Education Center are always appreciated – and tax-deductible.

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