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Interim Management, Skilled Monitoring, and Reinvention

Although the team is limiting its ventures outside of our home bases of Culver City, Chelsea, Michigan, Palm Springs, the Philly suburbs, and visiting the farm in Iowa; on Zoom, in phone calls, and at socially-distant events we hear time and again, “Yet I know so few who are sick.” On Monday, the FT published the article “Coronavirus fuels black America's sense of Injustice,” which reports that “When protests erupted in the US in response to the killing of George Floyd on May 25, the anger over police brutality was also fueled by a sense of simmering injustice over the impact of coronavirus.”

Reporting from APM Research Labs found “aggregated deaths from COVID-19 in these 40 states and the District of Columbia have reached new highs for all groups,” stating:

  • 1 in 1,850 Black Americans has died (or 54.6 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 4,000 Latinos has died (or 24.9 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 4,200 Asian Americans has died (or 24.3 deaths per 100,000)
  • 1 in 4,400 White Americans has died (or 22.7 deaths per 100,000)

The State of California, approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population, has slowed the death and infection rate, yet these rates still show inequality:  
  • Black Americans make up 6 percent of the population and 10 percent of deaths
  • Latinos make up 38.9 percent of the population and 39.2 percent of deaths
  • Asian Americans makeup 15.7 percent of the population and 15.4 percent of deaths
  • White Americans makeup 36.6 percent of the population and 33.6 percent of deaths

Nationally, the elderly and immunocompromised are most likely to be infected; approximately 35 percent of the COVID death are in Skilled Nursing Facilities; in California, as of June 10 51 percent of the COVID deaths were in SNFs.
Revitalize: The week in health-care news you need
Race and age shape
the COVID tragedy:
This week, Revitalize explores why the Coronavirus is killing Black and the elderly communities in far greater numbers.
Best of the best articles:
We believe that to do our jobs well, we need all the latest news and best practices. The most thorough reporting featured this week explores countries that got COVID policy right and exposes the painful truth that it didn't have to be like this in the U.S.:

Jerry Seelig, CEO
LA Office: 310-841-2549
Fax: 310-841-2842