Second Presbyterian Church
September 25, 2020
While we are not able to worship together in person, we are worshiping together virtually! Join us on Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. for worship by clicking the tab above, or clicking on the "Sunday Live stream" button on the home page of our website,

Also - if you click the blue button above you will be able to download the worship order so you can follow along at home!

The flowers this week were given by Doug & Leslie Matthews.
Following the Assurance of God's Love, we will pass the peace by texting one another. Choose a fellow church member, family member, friend, relative, or loved one, have their number ready to go, and send them a text that says, “May the peace of Christ be with you!"
In an effort to keep us more connected during this time of physical distancing and online gathering, we are starting a new section in our Friday E-News – Congregational Happenings.

If you have a joy or celebration you would like to share with others in the Friday email, send it to Audrey at It could be something like the birth of a grandchild, an honor or recognition you or someone in your family have received, a milestone such as a wedding anniversary or retirement from a job, basically any good news you are happy or excited about that you would like to share with others in your church family.

Be aware that our weekly email is posted on our website and social media, so anything you share may be seen by anyone. We look forward to hearing what good things have been happening in your life!
When we return to in-person worship on October 4th, we will also resume our chancel flower orders from a florist. If you would like to "sponsor" an arrangement, please contact the church office and an order will be placed by the Church Administrator. The cost is $50.00, as it was previously.

We have already had a few sign up, so the next available date is Sunday, October 18th!

Contact Audrey: 865-523-2189 or
This past weekend, Pastor Tim and a few other actors filmed a play at the Oak Ridge Playhouse called Alabama Story. Rehearsals were on Zoom for two weeks, then was put on stage with the actors wearing masks, staying physically distant, and sanitizing before and after every entrance and exit onto the stage. The play was filmed without an audience and – for the first time for the actors – without masks. It is currently being edited and will be streaming online this weekend and next.

Alabama Story by Kenneth Jones and is a true story about a children’s book from 1959 called The Rabbits’ Wedding. Many in the state of Alabama tried to ban the book because they felt its depiction of a black rabbit and white rabbit getting married promoted interracial marriage and the co-mingling of races. The play tells the story of how one librarian stood up to a powerful state Senator in protecting the freedom to read. Pastor Tim plays the author of the children’s book, along with a few other characters.

If you are interested in seeing Pastor Tim in the play, supporting the local arts, (or both!), click the button below to purchase your streaming pass.
West View Elementary School is reaching out to our church to find help for a virtual student. The 9-10 year old, 4th grader, is learning from home but his mother has a medical appointment each week and cannot leave him alone. She is asking for someone to sit with him, for perhaps 3 hours, once a week, while he completes his school work and she visits the doctor due to a high-risk pregnancy. The apartment complex where they live has a manager’s building with a room, wi-fi, and even computers (though he has his chrome book from school).

It would need to be on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday when the manager is there, but mom’s appointments aren’t a set schedule; at least for now. They schedule mom at each appointment for the next appointment. Once it goes weekly, it should be the same day and time (hopefully!).

The Community School representative reports that this is a GREAT family. She has known them since coming to West View and wishes she could watch him! This would be a wonderful volunteer opportunity to simply share your time to help a family in need. The school would provide a background check and finger printing for the volunteer.  

To Volunteer, PLEASE CONTACT: Susan Martin at West View Elementary. Phone # 865-594-4471 or email
The Officer Nominating Committee is interested in your suggestions for ruling elders to serve on the Session Class of 2024. Ruling elders in the PC(USA) are defined as "persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills of leadership and being compassionate in spirit." They are chosen by the congregation "to discern and guide its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life."

Please click the button below to submit your suggestion.
Beginning October 4th we are starting a new worship service at 9:00 a.m.

This informal service will be held outdoors, in the courtyard space between the chapel and sanctuary. The service is for anyone who would like to come, but is especially for those who would like to gather with others for in-person worship but do not feel comfortable doing so indoors. We ask that you still wear a face covering and maintain at least 6 feet of physical distance from others.

The service will be an abbreviated version of the 11:00 service; we will hear the same scripture, sermon, and prayer as the later service. The one difference is that since we are outdoors, we will be able to sing hymns, which we will do joyfully!

The service is BYOC – Bring Your Own Chairs! – and we will not gather if it is raining.

We look forward to seeing you at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 4th in the courtyard!
The Session of 2nd Presbyterian Church has voted to resume in-person worship and church activities in October in the following manner:

  • We will return to in-person worship on Sunday, October 4th. Worship in the sanctuary will be at the usual time of 11:00 a.m. with no numerical limits on attendance. The session has also decided to add a 9:00 a.m. outdoor worship service for those who do not feel comfortable worshiping indoors. Details on this service are listed in a separate announcement. As we have done the last 4 years, we will continue to stream the service live on Sundays.

  • Committees, ministry units, Bible study groups, youth groups, and other groups of the church may resume in-person meetings beginning October 1st with a limit of 25 persons or less and only in rooms where appropriate physical distance can be maintained. We will NOT have Wednesday night dinners this fall, and the Wednesday Night Bible Study will still be taking place online only. Further information can be found in October's Second Edition.
  • There are a number of guidelines that we are asking people to follow as we resume in-person activities. These guidelines are ones that we have chosen to impose upon ourselves in order to protect everyone and keep everyone as safe as possible. They are listed in a separate announcement below.
  • If you are not comfortable returning to in-person worship activities, please do not feel that you must. The worship service will continue to be streamed and committees that decide to meet in person will take steps to allow members to join the meeting virtually.

Finally, we understand there will be some people who are happy with this decision and others who are frustrated by it. Please know that the Session is doing its best during a difficult situation to think about what is best for our faith community.
Guidelines for returning to in-person worship

The Session has voted to implement the following guidelines for in-person worship. Please note that these guidelines were agreed upon by the Session and are self-imposed, not out of fear but out of love and for the safety and well-being of anyone choosing to worship at Second Presbyterian Church.

The following guidelines are requirements for all worship services, indoor and outdoor.

  • Wear a face covering. This is not just to protect and show our love for and others, but also allows us to focus on God, which is the purpose of worship. If someone is not wearing a face covering, others will be focused on that person and not on worship.

  • Maintain a physical distance of at least 6 ft. Worshipers should observe appropriate physical distancing and refrain from physical contact with those outside of one’s household. Each household is requested to maintain a distance of 6 feet from other households. Again, this is not just for safety but to prevent distractions during worship. The pews in the sanctuary will be marked to help worshipers maintain the proper distance. The balcony is also available for seating at the 11:00 service.

The following guidelines are for the 11:00 service which will be held in the sanctuary.

  • There will be no attendance limits for the worship service. The nursery will be open during worship and childcare will be available for children, infant to age 6. We encourage worshipers who fall into one of the high-risk categories for Covid-19 to seriously consider continuing to worship virtually via our live stream on Sunday morning.

  • We request that everyone enter and exit the building through the main sanctuary door. Anyone who has difficulty with stairs may be dropped off at the portico and enter through that door.

  • We request that worshipers stay in the sanctuary on Sunday mornings unless it is absolutely necessary to visit other parts of the building. Restrooms will be open and available for those needing to use them. Both the sanctuary and the restrooms will be thoroughly cleaned before and after worship, but not during.

  • Offering plates will not be passed during the service. Plates will be placed at the entrances to the sanctuary.

  • There will be no congregational singing until further notice. There will be a small chancel choir during the worship service who will maintain an appropriate distance from the congregation and each other.

  • We will not celebrate the sacrament of communion until further notice.

  • Pastors and liturgists will not wear face coverings while leading the service. They will conduct the service from behind the communion table in order to maintain a safe distance from worshipers. Pastors will not greet people at the entrance to the sanctuary following the service.

  • Bulletins will be available for those who desire them. For those who do not, communal readings such as the Affirmation of Faith or Prayer of Confession will be projected onto a screen located at the front of the sanctuary.
The Faith, Science & the Future Sunday School class, led by Dick Dodson, uses The Wired Word curriculum which looks at current events through the lens of faith. Anyone who wishes to participate is welcome to join. Instructions for joining the class are below:

Start time: 9:30 a.m.
Phone number to call: (712) 775-8972
Conference code: 179021

*Please be advised this is a long distance call for any who
might be using a home phone with long distance charges.

This Sunday’s Wired Word lesson will reflect on the legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah, Friday, September 18th. Her role as an advocate for justice and a challenger of practices and laws she viewed as unjust provide us the opportunity to explore advocacy and dissent in the Bible and in the community of faith.
Our Wednesday night Bible study will continue on September 30th at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. For the next two weeks we will be discussing the movie Amazing Grace.

Directed by Michael Apted, Amazing Grace is a 2006 biographical drama about the campaign against the slave trade in the British Empire, led by William Wilberforce. Wilberforce's mentor was John Newton, the former slave trader who authored the hymn "Amazing Grace".

The film stars Ioan Gruffudd, Michael Gambon, Albert Finney, and Benedict Cumberbatch. It is available for rent on Amazon Prime, YouTube Movies, Redbox on Demand, Google Play, iTunes, Vudu, Microsoft Movies, Fandango Now, and DirecTV. The DVD can also be purchased on Amazon and we have a copy at the church. If you are interested in borrowing the church's copy, please contact the church office.

Our schedule for the rest of the fall is as follows:
  • Sept 30 & Oct 7 - Amazing Grace
  • Oct 14 - Gathering Around the Word: Praise God the Creator
  • Oct 21 & 28 - Bridge to Terabithia
  • Nov 4 - Gathering Around the Word: Praise God for His Mighty Acts
  • Nov 11 & 18 - Lars and the Real Girl
  • Nov 25 - Thanksgiving Break
  • Dec 2 - Gathering Around the Word: Confession & Pardon
  • Dec 9 - Elf
Password: Bible
The September-October Upper Room is available! If you would like one, Sandra Butler has copies that she would like to hand deliver to you!

Please contact Sandra directly by phone (659-4416 or 584-4397)
or email!
From the Service & Outreach Committee:

The Volunteer Ministry Center focuses on finding permanent housing for the homeless. They serve over 5,000 people annually through their services. They also provide 40 beds for emergency shelter and offer 57 apartments through Minville Manor. The center also provides dental care and served 1,400 patients last year. 

Every year the VMC holds a program called "Carry the Torch". This is usually a luncheon with guest speakers and serves as a fundraiser for their services. Second Presbyterian Church supports the VMC annually as well as through this special program. 

This year, because of Covid-19, the event will be offered online, via YouTube, on October 1st at 12:15 and again at 7:15. Krista Tippett, an NPR podcaster, will be the guest speaker. If you are interested in watching this ceremony via YouTube, please click the below buttons that will take you to the online event(s). This will be a very informative, interesting, and touching program on a very important mission.
Donations to Carry the Torch may be made before, during and immediately after the event by clicking HERE.
Or by texting the code “CTT2020” to 44-321.
Notes from the Book Lady of Second Pres:

          What began as unusual is now our new normal. I am glad that so many of you have been able to remain healthy and safe. I am delighted to list the following autobiographical books by the renown author Madeleine L’Engle. Jean Kerr said of A Circle of Quiet: “I know it will give great consolation to ordinary people who sometimes wonder why they bother to get out of the bed in the morning.” That rings true to me during this COVID-19 crisis. Her other books in the four- book series are: The Summer of the Great Grandmother, Irrational Season, and Two-Part Invention. These books are not long. 

For young parents is the book Calm and Compassionate Children by Susan Dermond. I met her at a Church and Synagogue Library Association conference when the book first came out. Although my children were grown, I read this book in preparation for my grandchildren.

Many of us attended the Zoom study this summer on racism. Some wanted to know what can be done further. This book, donated by Cheryl Ragsdale, might help with that desire. By using your gift of servanthood Steve Sjogren suggests 101 Ways to Reach Your Community

For children (and adults) the book Who Is My Neighbor by Amy-Jill Levine and Sandy Eisenberg Sasso helps the reader to see new ways of seeing others as our neighbors. Amy-Jill Levine is professor of New Testament Studies at Vanderbilt University Divinity School. The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson is a book about first days at school and being an immigrant. All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold is a rhyming text that introduces a school where diversity is celebrated and songs, stories, and talents are shared. 

Finally, the Library has placed a book in the children’s collection to honor the birth of Finley Nelson Homer Kennedy. It is No One Else Like You by Siska Goeminne. It emphasizes that there are so many people in the world yet no one is exactly like YOU!

Remember, I will bring books to you. This is not a burden, but a joy. 

The Second Pres Book Lady
Please contact Liz Peebles directly at 247-4503; 660-9597 (text available);
Our blog is being updated as regularly as possible during our hiatus from in-person activities. It may be a devotion, an interesting story, something uplifting, something silly, or anything else that we think might be helpful. You will continue to get an email alerting you whenever a new blog post is uploaded.

The address is - or you can just click the link below. 
Welcome Finley Nelson Homer Kennedy!
Finley was born on August 7th, 2020 at 1:35 a.m.

If you would like to assist the Kennedy's with meals, please click here to sign up online!
Prayer List:

Please keep Emily Rose, Dr. Ed Carver, Kathy Thomas, Bill Gosnell, Aggie Bell, Will Pruitt, Dotty Barbour, Mariann Thuesen, Donna Downen, Frances and Mary Johnson, Ken Frazer, Daniel Robertson, and Jennifer Levy-Tatum in your prayers. 
Please contact the Church Office (865.523.2189 or with prayer concerns to be listed in the weekly email or bulletin.
Church Office Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.