NLAI Ministry Update | May 2021
Dear Friends,

As a mission organization, NLAI’s vision includes rescuing children, making disciples, and transforming families and communities. These ends are wide-reaching and part of the big picture. Our update this month focuses on two of our newest efforts to make disciples and to reverse generational poverty and dependence.

NLCH currently has 49 children ranging in age from 4 to 23. Over 90% of our kids are age 9 or over, and roughly one-third are age 18 or over (or will be within the next year). In order to disciple and transform the lives of so many children and young adults, we need help from our local community of faith. To that end, NLCH launched our Mentor and Independence Programs in 2019.

I invite you to read more in a Q&A with Kourtney Nance on our Mentor Program, as well as check out a video interview focusing on the Independence Program.


Kendon Wheeler,
NLAI President
Q&A with Kourtney: Mentor Program
Q: What ages of children participate in the mentorship program?
A: We start matching kids with mentors at age 9, with the hope that each child will continue with the same mentor until they are old enough to leave NLCH. When we receive new mentors, we make it a priority to match them with older kids, who are most in need of a mentor as they get closer to the age of 18.

Q: Who are the mentors?
A: Almost 100% of our mentors are Guatemalans. Many are members of the church that we attend who have a heart for serving the orphan and the widow. We have couples and families that mentor one child together, couples with each spouse mentoring a child, and singles.

Q: What is the goal of the program?
A: Our hope for the Mentor Program is that our kids have the opportunity to build a godly relationship with a trusted adult in whom they can confide, trust, and grow to love as they mature and eventually transition out of NLCH into independent life.

Q: How have you seen God work — in the small things and in the big things?
A: We recently had a mentor that needed to have surgery. A few days before the operation, we set up a video call with the child and mentor so that they could talk about the situation, pray together, and recite scripture that they have been memorizing together during their visits. We got to see firsthand how a mentor gets the opportunity to show this child how to trust God every day, in the big things and in the small things. Also, we have seen God use even the limitations of Covid to strengthen the relationships between mentors and kids. Our mentors have been very intentional to schedule regular video calls, send gifts for birthdays and other holidays, and help our kids know and believe that they are not forgotten.

Q: How can supporters pray over this program?
A: I would ask that you please pray for the strength of these relationships to grow. Specifically that our kids can trust the mentors (this is very difficult for children who come from trauma) and that our mentors would remain faithful for the long haul. Some kids can be uncertain about welcoming a new adult into their life, fearful that they might just drop out without warning. Pray that our kids will be open to these relationships and that our mentors will take seriously the call to love the child that the Lord has given them the opportunity to walk alongside.
Video Spotlight: Independence Program
The Independence Program helps the young adults at NLCH who are over 18 years old learn how to live independently. It addresses everything from academics and job skills to relationship skills, budgeting, bus routes, and more. For more on the Independence Program, listen in on this conversation between NLAI missionaries Rob Mehner and Kourtney Nance.
To support the Independence Program, click on the button below and select NLCH General Fund and type in Independence Program in the Project Preference box.
To support other NLAI ministries or missionaries, you can access our giving forms directly via these links.
New Life Advance International | 832.242.7750 | PO Box 903, Stafford, TX 77497