June, 2020 Newsletter
Sure wish I had a whole list of events to share . . . but hopefully they are coming soon!

Much of the information in this Newsletter is directed to young talent struggling with decisions in our current economy and folks looking at the possibility of needing or wanting to find new employment. Please feel free to forward this information to students or employees who may need to hear what is offered here.

Suggestions for research on certifications and short term training as a career moves in this time of many questions can be accessed at www.midmich.edu/certifications and https://www.midmich.edu/departments/corporate-continuing-education/short-term-training .
I didn't mention in the second article about drone training. I have really seen the the usefulness of this skill in the past few months across several fields including agriculture, law enforcement, environmental research and data collection, marketing and news reporting. Something to think about adding to your portfolio and information can be found on the links listed above.
Retooling, and Rewriting Our Own History, to move forward

If you read the most recent ETP Newsletter (inbox March 28) you noticed that there are several examples in the Great Lakes Bay Region of high level response to the COVID-19 crisis. I want to acknowledge the great efforts being made on the west...

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Creating your new norm

We are in a summer filled with so many questions. What will my work look like moving forward? Will I still have a job? If I have a job will it be the one I still want? Will I have any choices? What can I do to market myself if I need or want to...

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Contact the STEM Employer
Talent Pipeline at Mid!
Carol McCaul
ETP Lead, Mid Michigan College
(989) 773-6622 x180

WHY your business should care about building a STEM-based Talent Pipeline
  • STEM jobs grew at 300% the rate of other jobs in the last decade
  • 71% of employers reported having difficulty hiring for a STEM job within the last 12 months
  • Developing a talent pipeline can reduce your time spent recruiting, which increases profits