Oklahoma College
Mentoring Programs
July 2020 | Issue 5
One Example of Data Collection

CWU Professional Network  mentees and mentors gave feedback after participating in SAA Career Mentoring, WSELP Mentoring, or DHC Alumni Mentoring pilot programs. 80% of mentees and mentors responded to the survey. Central Washington University
Mentor Collective , a for-profit company, consults with and advises educational institutions to design and implement technology-enabled programs that support student success. Here are links to one of their presentations, shared as a courtesy by Lauren Dormer.

Oklahoma Mentoring Spotlight
Encourage Nontraditional Students:
Teen Mothers Succeed and Pay Forward
Breaking Cycles at SNU , Latasha Howell
L.I.L.I.E.S. and R.E.E.D.S. mentors high school parents for positive futures.

May 27, 2020 | Tulsakids.com
J.A.M.E.S., Inc., is an educational doula mentoring teen parents into healthy life decisions and higher education.
Mentor‌ ‌Experience:‌ ‌Jacob‌ ‌Klenke‌        
Chevron Phillips Scholar Mentor, College of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering, Gallogly College of Engineering, University of Oklahoma

My initial reasons for joining the mentor program were twofold. First, mentors in the same program helped me to understand the class material when I was a sophomore, so I wanted to pass the same favor along to others. Secondly, one of my personal goals for my education was to use it for the unquestionable benefit of others. Because working as an engineer at a company may be more for the benefit of the company than for other people, I wanted to become a mentor to ensure that my education could improve somebody else’s life. Read More