June 10, 2020
CAS C Newsletter
Greetings CASC'ers

The following newsletter includes information about available courses in the Fall term, and a number of social work and campus wide events and programs available for virtual discussion on topics related to social justice and action.

For more information related to advising, courses, programs, or otherwise, please contact
Course Guide
A flyer of Spring/Fall CASC Courses
Review classes that count toward the minor on the  CASC Course Guide. Looking for undergraduate social work course offerings? Visit the  SSW Course Catalog. Please note that per university standard, all Spring and Summer classes will be remote.

Course Substitution Request
If you do not see a course listed that you think should count for your CASC minor, please email the syllabus and a short paragraph about which cluster you think it should count for and why to .

CASC Minor Course Planning Advising
In order to schedule an advising appointment, go to the  LSA advisor portal  to set up a phone or virtual meeting, and we will contact you during your appointment time. In-person drop-in hours, Wednesdays 1-4, are currently due to COVID-19. We will continue to monitor the   email account to address advising questions, or other concerns. 
Academic Advising
The School of Social Work is officially closed to the public. Given the circumstances, we will remain available by email, phone, or virtually. In order to schedule an advising appointment, go to the LSA advisor portal to set up a phone or virtual meeting, and we will contact you during your appointment time. Additionally, in-person drop-in hours, Wednesdays 1-4, are canceled for the remainder of the term. We will continue to monitor the email account to address advising questions, or other concerns. 
CAS C & SSW Events
ENGAGE SSW: Activists & Organizers Leading the 
Uprising in Defense of Black Lives
Time: Thursday, June 11, 12 pm - 1 pm ET

Join us for a special session focused on prominent social justice activists helping to organize the protests in defense of Black lives around the state. Social worker and Executive Director/Founder of Survivors Speak  Trische’ Duckworth  will join us to discuss her role in organizing protests in Washtenaw County. Detroit activist, founder of “We Found Hip Hop,” model and artist  Piper Carter  will join us to discuss her role in organizing protests in Detroit and her general work disrupting racist institutions. We will discuss how this significant moment in civil rights history informs our work as social work leaders, advocates and anti-racist organizers.
Trische’ Duckworth  
Social Worker, activist, and founder and Executive Director of
Survivors Speak
Piper Carter
Detroit artist, activist and founder of “We Found Hip Hop”
COVID-19, White Supremacy, Community Organizing
Time: Thursday, June 11, 3 pm - 4 pm ET

In response to the latest events across the country and the world, on Thursday June 11 our guests will address COVID in the context of white supremacy and police brutality, major problems of pandemic proportions.  

We will discuss these issues with a focus on individual, peer and family relations, and community organizing. Our overarching theme,  Identity and Vulnerabilities,  will be used to frame the discussion. 

  • Rashun Miles: MSW, Doctoral Student in Social Welfare, University of Mississippi
  • Justin Hodge: MSW, Clinical Assistant Professor of Social Work, U-M Chair of the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office's Community Advisory Board for Law Enforcement
  • Justin Woods: MBA/MSW Candidate, U-M, Founder, EQuity Social Venture
  • Darris Hawkins: Harm Reduction Specialist, North Jersey Community Research Initiative 
  • Charles E. Williams II: Pastor of Historic King Solomon Baptist Church, and President of the National Action Network of Michigan 
Please join us!
Now is the moment for action!
Campus Events
Uprising Nation: What it Means and Where it Takes Us
Time: Wednesday, June 10, 4 pm ET

Join the U-M Residential College and Semester in Detroit for a virtual teach-in on the historical precedents and contemporary contexts of urban uprisings, challenges to police violence, and black protest movement ( )
The event features:
  • Stephen Ward, Faculty Director of Semester in Detroit and Associate Professor in Social Theory and Practice in the Residential College and in Afroamerican and African Studies
  • Heather Ann Thompson, Pulitzer Prize-winning Collegiate Professor of History and African American Studies and in the Residential College
  • Dr. Harvey Slaughter, RC/LSA alum '72 English, activist in the early Black Action Movement I at U-M in the early 1970s with a PhD in Leadership and Change Management

This event is open to all U-M students, faculty, and staff. Please make sure you are logged into your umich account to access the zoom meeting. This event will be recorded with the aim of making it available for viewing or listening in the near future. For questions, contact  Robby Griswold ( ).
LEAD: “I Can’t Breathe” -A Call to Action for Leaders in Higher Education
Time: Friday, June 12, 12 pm - 1 pm ET

LEAD, Leading Equity and Diversity, is a series of conversations where attendees have the opportunity to hear from a diverse group of guests who lead DEI initiatives. This LEAD conversation will address how faculty, staff, and student leaders in higher education can address the trauma that marginalized populations in our community are facing due to racism and societal injustice.  This session will focus on traumas facing the Black community  with Angie Stewart (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Program Lead, Organizational Learning), Dr. Stephen Ward (Director, Semester in Detroit; Associate Professor Residential College, DAAS ) and Justin Woods   (M.B.A./M.S.W. Candidate; Founder at EQuity Social Venture) as featured guests.
Social Work Student Technology Resources for Remote Learning
The Social Work Student Technology Resources for Remote Learning website includes resources compiled by SSW IT and LSW Technology Services. It provides tools and guides for you to participate in Remote Learning.
COVID - 19 Emergency Response Volunteer Opportunities
During times of uncertainty and crisis, people come together to support one another. COVID-19 is a new test of our collective strength. The Community Engagement team and the Office of Field Education have created a webpage that includes a list of volunteer opportunities to support community members and organizations as well as additional resources. Access the opportunities document here .
CASC MINOR | Anti-Racism Resource Document
Many of you may have questions about the nature of the conversation about anti-racism and the specific call to action. The resource document includes information on educational materials, current news articles, petitions, fundraisers, and more. This list is not exhaustive but we hope it can be a start to engage in current issues and provide information on action items. Feel free to use this document to learn more about how you can engage. If there are materials you would like to request we add to the list, email
For additional information, check out the SSW Supportive Responses and Call for Action document as well.
Stay Connected
Community Action and Social Change Undergraduate Minor  | (734) 763-5733 |