June 2020
As this school year ends, we wanted to thank the school staff, the parent community and St. Edward's church for their support in continuing to make St. Cyril school an enriched and fun learning environment where the students can grow in our Catholic faith. We wish you all a great summer.
Every year CSPC approves a budget based on the money received through our generous family donations, BBQ and Pizza fundraiser. These funds cover classroom support, busing for field trips, sports teams, events, scientists in the school, ceremonies and graduations in addition to our annual contribution to the turf renewal fund for our new school yard.

Some families may be wondering what happens to the pizza days, events and activities that were not fulfilled. In our recent CSPC meetings and due to the fundraising nature of pizza days, council has decided to leave the remaining balance of the money raised in the budget to be allocated for its intended purpose, for example Communion/confirmation luncheon, will take place when it is safe for us to once again hold these events and at the direction of the principal. Any balance of funds raised this year that were not used due to the COVID-19 closure will simply carry over into the 2020/2021 CSPC budget as recommended by the TCDSB.

CSPC acknowledges we have approximately 40 students graduating or moving onto new schools for the 2020/2021 school year. CSPC is in conversation with teachers and staff to ensure we acknowledge those students and celebrate the time they had at St.Cyril. More information on those acknowledgments will be communicated to our departing families prior to the end of June.

Our annual Welcome BBQ is set for Friday, September 25th from 4 - 7 p.m. so please save the date!!! We are hopeful that we will be able to celebrate this event as a community. 

We need your help to make the event a success. Email us at cspc.stcyril@tcdsb.org if you can help with the following:
  1. Donate any new or gently used toys/books/school supplies to be used as prizes for games. Please contact us to arrange a pickup.
  2. Volunteer at the event. Do you have an hour or more to help us setup/clean-up, cook at the BBQ or help with any of the booths? 

We hope you have a safe and wonderful summer!

Please visit the CSPC website!!

Follow us on twitter: @StCyrilCSPC
We welcome your feedback and suggestions. If there is anything you feel is missing and/or you would like to see added, Please contact: cspc.stcyril@tcdsb.org

St. Cyril CSPC
twitter: @stcyrilcspc