Summer Update #3
July 23, 2021
Dear Hart Families,

Can you believe that we start school in 23 days? The excitement is in the air, and we are all preparing for our first day of school. Next week, our teachers will attend our annual professional development, Learning in Lovejoy. This is a great time for us to reconnect, meet new team members, and kick off our professional learning journey together for the new school year.

We are also excited about the opportunities to meet with all of you! We have several events over the next few weeks. We hope you will be able to attend at least one so that we can say "hello" and answer your back-to-school questions. Below, you will find a graphic that will help you understand the difference between the events. Next Wednesday, I will send another email out explaining specific information for Parents' Night In. Please don't worry if you can't attend an event, we will be ready for you on August 16th.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.

All My Best,
Wendy Craft
214-551-4503 (cell)
469-742-8077 (office)
My mission is to be a servant leader who works with students, parents, and staff to build a community that fosters relationships and learning where everyone THRIVES. Each day, I strive to make the choice to be great versus comfortable, because you can't be both!
HES Information
Parents' Night In on July 29th
***Please note that students in 1st - 4th grade will meet their teachers, but our Kindergarten students will be grouped all together. This allows us an opportunity to see our Kindergarten students play and interact with each other. Kindergarten class lists will be released by Thursday, August 5th. If your child can not attend, please note that they will have an opportunity to meet their teacher in August prior to school beginning.
New to Hart? Let's Get Together!
We are going to have many new families at Hart this year! Whether you are a family joining us from Lovejoy Elementary or new to Lovejoy ISD, I'd love to offer you and your family the opportunity to meet with me, our counselor Mary Ruggeri, our assistant principal Megan Rawlins, and/or our LMS Kristin Dawson to tour the building, ask questions and begin feeling at home at Hart.

We will be hosting small group tours the week of August 2-6. Please take a moment to sign up. If these times do not work with your schedule, please reach out to me at so that we can find a time that works for you.

See you soon!
What supplies does my child need?
You may purchase your child's school supplies two ways. You can either go shopping yourself, or you can order from EPI. If you order from EPI now, then the supplies will be delivered to your home. Below, you will find how to order from EPI and the school supply list which can also be found on the Hart website under Parent Resources.
Headphones have not been included on supply lists but will be required at each grade level. Please plan to send your child with a set of headphones - your choice! Thank you!
Kindergarten Screening - Monday, August 2nd

We are excited for our Kindergarten class to join us this year. In order for us to create the best class lists, we like to perform a Kindergarten screening prior to school beginning. This year, our kindergarten screening will take place on Monday, August 2nd. Please click below to sign your child up. Please know that your child does not need to do anything to prepare for this screening. It is a baseline so we can see your child's strengths. If you are out of town, please don't worry, we will complete the screener the first week of school. If your child is a Lovejoy Scholar, then you do NOT need to sign your child up since this has already been completed as part of the application process. If you have any questions, please contact Marie Cloud at
Please note these are parent-organized events that are not affiliated with the district. Fun times ahead!

Metroplex Gymnastics has graciously offered to host playdates for each grade level to help with meeting new classmates.

Hart Elementary: Sunday, August 15th
11:00 - 12:00 - incoming 2nd graders
12:30 - 1:30 - incoming 1st graders
2:00 - 3:00 - incoming kindergarteners
3:30 - 4:30 - incoming 3rd graders
5:00 - 6:00 - incoming 4th graders

Cannot wait to meet new friends!

More information to follow as we get closer to the date. A big THANK YOU to Metroplex for donating the entire gym for these special playtimes!

Please share to help get the word out!
Do you know an LHS student working on his/her service hours?
We need a few volunteers to watch the younger siblings of our Hart students during our Parent's Night In event taking place on July 29th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Please reach out to Erin Johnston at with interest.
29th - Parent's Night In, 5:30 - 7:00pm

2nd - 6th - Small Group Campus Tours for Families new to Hart
10th - Meet the Teacher - Times coming soon
15th - Parent Organized Play Dates - (*This is the corrected date.)
16th - First Day of School
Helpful Resources

It's time to update paperwork in PowerSchool! Click the link above to log in. Scroll down on the left side to "Enrollment & Student Forms" to complete.

District News
If you would like to update your district/campus email preferences or change your email address, please click on the Update Profile link at the footer of this email. You will receive an email from Constant Contact which will allow you to update your information and campuses. 
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