JULY 12, 2021
Attention All AT&T Customers
Great News! Phase 1. is completed!

AT&T Fiber Optic Service is now available for the North half of Town (From Edwards Lane, both sides, to the south side of Beach. The sooner you sign up, the sooner the poles will come down. (Remember, by LAW AT&T cannot take down their service poles until all AT&T customers have converted to the new service. 

The following note has been provided by AT&T:

  • AT&T completed the installation of a state-of-the-art fiber-optic network that services residents from Edwards Lane North in the Town of Palm Beach Shores. Engineering and planning have already begun for the area South of Edwards Lane as Phase II of this project. The new fiber optic network will significantly increase internet upload and download speeds available to Palm Beach Shores residents. Across the country, there is continued, growing demand for the data, speed, and reliability of a fiber-optic network with this quality to be provided. 

  • Fiber Optic is a premium, ultra-fast network cabling that delivers the fastest reliable internet connection available to the end-user. In today’s reality, people need to connect TVs, laptops, smartphones, tablets, printers, home security systems, game consoles, and an ever-growing assortment of devices at the same time. As more devices are connected to the Internet, higher bandwidth is required; and fiber optic provides the robust network required to efficiently support them. A network delivered to the home or office via fiber optic means less waiting for your favorite entertainment, a better online gaming experience, as well as improved work-from-home capabilities.  

  • To inquire about AT&T fiber optic service availability, please call 888-676-1736; visit www.att.com or stop by an AT&T store. The below flyer outlines internet service. The same modem also supplies the voice-over IP phone service and TV.