December 26, 2020
[I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
Philippians 4:13]
Click the image for final Advent family devotions from Mrs. Jana.
Click the above image to watch Bethlehem Breakfast.

It wouldn't be a true Bethlehem Breakfast without the breakfast!
We've got you covered!
Use 1 of the 2 group-sized gift cards below to pick up a donut (1/child) to enjoy while watching Bethlehem Breakfast.
The Bethlehem Breakfast 2020 mission is: Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
The 5th graders are so excited to be learning more about how they can meet Prisma Health Children's Hospital's needs & teach us all why this mission area is so important.
From now until Jan. 3, we will be collecting the following items:
coloring books, activity books, crayons, markers, and similar items.
Additionally, children are asked to make Thank you - Encouragement cards for hospital/frontline workers in Prisma Health Children's Hospital.
You can bring the items & cards by the church anytime during office hours.
Contact with questions.
Sunday School

On 12/27 we invite you to watch an encore of Bethlehem Breakfast with your family.

The 2k/3k class and 5th grade class will meet at their usual times on Zoom on Sunday, 12/27. The 5th graders are working on a mission project.

Zoom Links for December 27th


Click the image for the schedule for Children January-May.
2021 brings lots of new opportunities for gathering.
Be sure to update this release now to make event-registration easier.
Please click on the image above to find out more about our new digital "One Form/One Time" Minor Health Release for the 2020-2021 school year.


Beginning this school year, the Minor Health Release waiver for Children's Ministry and Youth Ministry will be completed by "registering" your children for the 2020-2021 school year in Realm. Complete one form for all of the children and youth in your family with one registration! And this Minor Health Release is valid until next fall.
Weekend Backpack Food 2020-2021
Remember the students at Thomas E. Kerns Elementary this Advent Season. They greatly benefit from your care.
You can mail in the gifts card or drop them by the office.

Current stores: Aldi & Walmart
Safe Sanctuary
Who needs training?
Anyone who volunteers as a coordinator, teacher or substitute or is interested in creating a safe sanctuary at BSUMC. It's required for all volunteers (even for zoom) & recommended for all members to create a community of care.

Jana Clack
Director of Children's Ministry
Elizabeth Loughran
Children's Ministry Associate