IPUL's E-News for July 24, 2020
Here are the highlights of our recent activity online. Not all everything is included due to timeliness. If an advertised event already took place, we've left it off.
IPUL Is Here For You!

The best method to reach us is through our ( newly refreshed ) website: 

We monitor our   intake phone line   several times a day, and will try to respond to any request there within 24 hours. 

For questions that are  not  about something in our  scope of work , you can still leave a phone message as above, or send us an email at   - this account will be monitored daily, but is not as heavily monitored as the main intake systems.
We keep constantly updating our COVID-19 page with new information as it becomes available:
Information on Making Transparent Face Masks
A woman giving a thumbs up while wearing a transparent facemask so you can see her smiling
Some of this information is specific to West Ada School District - but it could provide some useful information for ALL students in the state looking for alternatives to address therapy needs in the classroom, and the link is useful for anyone who may need or want to create a clear face mask so hearing impaired people can more easily understand them.
Many students need to see their teacher or therapist's mouth in order to learn. For example, a student learning how to say their sounds correctly needs to see a speech-language pathologist's mouth, and a student who is deaf or hard of hearing needs to be able to lip read.

To best serve these students, the special services team is looking for community members with sewing expertise able to make and donate face masks with a clear portion for mouth-watching purposes.

This webpage contains links to several how-to videos for making clear face masks:

Please contact the special services team at or 208-350-5034 as needed. Donations may be dropped off at the District Service Center .

Governor Little Issues Proclamation for "Americans With Disabilities Act Awareness Day"
In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act,
Governor Brad Little issued a Proclamation declaring July 26, 2020 to be "Americans with Disabilities Act Awareness Day" in Idaho.

Click the above image or this link to see the video.

How to Make Your Social Media Accessible
We are happy to share this video from ADA30IDAHO about how to make your social media more accessible.

Click the image above or this link to watch the video.
Adaptable Clothing Becoming More Available
various accessible shoes
Online footwear giant Zappos is launching an adaptive range aimed at the differently abled.

Called the Single and Different Size Shoes test program, Zappos will offer customers the opportunity to purchase a single shoe or shoes of different sizes from brands including Nike, New Balance and Converse amongst others.

“The Single and Different Size Shoes Test Program is very close to our hearts – we wanted our community to know that we heard them, and continue to listen and innovate based on their needs and wants,” said Dana Zumbo, Business Development Manager, Zappos Adaptive. “Customer service is our number one goal, and we’re endlessly committed to ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and confident in their own shoe or shoes.”

Launching as a “test”, the Single and Different Size Shoes Test Program is initially starting with a small number of brands and styles (with a full range of size and width options). Zappos Adaptive hopes to grow its brand partners as the program continues to develop, expanding the styles and colors available.

Strategies for a Successful Start to School - IPUL's August 2020 Statewide Training
August Flyer
Join IPUL to hear about Strategies for a Successful Start to School in this uncertain age - we will be discussing best practices for working with professionals, back to school tips, and how to adjust to the new normal.
Our statewide training is webcast monthly live via Zoom Webinar.

Once you have registered, you will be sent an email with your registration confirmation as well as a link so you can join the webcast when it goes live.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, IPUL will only be offering this training online.

We will be offering this training on August 12, 2020 at 6:00 PM Mountain Time

Phone: (208) 342-5884