June 15, 2020

Dear Friends,

Like me, I know so many of you are ready to get back to in-person Sunday morning worship! It's hard to be separated, but I'm grateful for your patience over these past months as we've learned a new way to be church in the midst of a pandemic. 

We will soon be back together, but I wanted to ask for just a bit more patience! 

One of the things we are committed to as a church is ensuring that when we do return to Sunday Morning worship, that we be able to live broadcast both our Traditions and Connections worship services. This is an act of hospitality and evangelism. It's hospitality because not everyone will be ready to return right away and we want to continue to connect with them. It is evangelism because we have seen a significant rise in the number of people watching our Sunday morning services and we have the opportunity to continue to share with them the message of hope in Jesus Christ. 

Our Finance and Trustees committees have worked to make room in the existing budget, along with some other generous donations that have come in, to allow us to upgrade our equipment and add cameras in both the Sanctuary and Worship Center. All of this had to be ordered and installed. Much of it has arrived and as soon as we can we will be up and running. We are still waiting on some critical pieces, so if you'd like to pray for UPS delivery, please do!!

In the meantime, we wanted to add some in-person gatherings to supplement our Sunday morning online worship. If you missed this past Sunday's prayer gathering, I do hope you make it a priority to join us this coming Sunday for a special time of Holy Communion. You can come to the sanctuary any time between 2:00 and 4:00pm, similar to our Christmas Eve Come and Go communion. You can receive the elements at the altar rail, or if you prefer to remain outside the sanctuary, we will serve you on the steps. The Communion elements are pre-packaged so you can be assured of your safety in receiving.

Finally, I wanted to offer a word to those who are still unsure about coming back. Hear me on this: that is ok! I want you to make the decision that is best for you and your family. If you desire to continue staying home, even after we return, please do! We'll be broadcasting our services for you, and we'll be here when you are ready. 

As I write this, the number of new COVID cases in our state continues to rise. While much is still uncertain about this virus, the one thing that is obvious is that it affects different people differently. It can range from annoying to deadly. So, I hope that we can all show each other generosity of the Spirit when we make different decisions on our health. One of the great parts of the Christian faith is that love, grace, and mercy abound. And can't we agree the world needs that now, more than ever! So let's practice sharing love, grace, and mercy with each other and the world around us. 

I hope to see some of you this Sunday at the feast of the Lord's Supper!

Grace and Peace,

In a variety of ways, we are adjusting our practices to minimize the level of physical touch that happens in the life of the church while still trying to continue somewhat normal activities. This Sunday our sanctuary will be open from 2-4pm to receive Holy Communion at the altar. If you would prefer to remain outside, the ministry staff will be available to serve the elements on the front steps of the sanctuary. The communion elements will be pre-packaged. We will continue to comply with the guidelines of social distancing as you will find designated areas to kneel at the altar. This area will continually be disinfected and cleaned throughout the time of receiving.

While anxiety is high in our culture, worship continues to be a primary source of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and the continuing compassion and care of God's love, grace and mercy in the midst of our humanity. It will always be a place where we can find solace and reassurance in the midst of our fears.

We are thankful for your graciousness as we continue to develop reasonable plans and methods for changing worship logistics in order to ensure the safety of attendees and prioritizing the most vulnerable in our community.
Come & Go Prayer Time
We had a wonderful time of prayer as nearly 50 people gathered throughout the two hours on Sunday afternoon. It was comforting to see our sanctuary filled with prayer once more. It also provided our staff helpful insights into how to manage traffic flow, provide hospitality, and maintain safety for all participants.
Weekday Ministry
Submitted by Jamie Steadman, Director
Sometimes little things make a BIG difference! As you see in the before picture, the only changing pads that would fit our tables previously were the type made to be used at home with a cover.

For sanitization reasons, we cannot use covers. Without the covers, the white pads quickly looked dingy from the constant cleaning and scrubbing off of the white surface. By removing the top box, we are now able to use commercial grade/ heavy duty changing pads made to withstand all of the daily cleaning! 

Sometimes It's
The Little Things
Submitted by Denise De Rossette
I first met Sarah Kate when she interviewed for the Children’s Director position. Her passion, her enthusiasm and her love for our Savior was so evident during the interview. After being asked a slew of questions by a multitude of interviewers, the interview concluded with an opportunity for her to ask questions. The question SK asked, blew me away and it has stayed with me ever since. She asked how we as a church would help her keep and protect her Sabbath rest. The insight from that one question has been evident throughout her ministry at First Methodist Clinton.

Sarah Kate began her ministry with our children even before her official first day of work. She learned every child’s name before she came. But she learned more than their names, she became involved in their lives these last two years. She brought her passion into all she did as she poured the love of Christ into each one under her care. Her ministry did not stop with the children, or even with the families of those children. Sarah Kate gave us all the opportunity to join with her in ministry. How many of you were asked to teach a child’s SS class, assist with VBS, work in the nursery, or perform something on behalf of our children? Many of us had never been asked to serve in these ways before. 

There is much that can be said, but I want to end by thanking Sarah Kate for her love for our children but even more so for her love of our Lord and her example to us. Her prayers, which most often begin with “Hey God”, show us how to have a relationship with Him that is built on trust and true friendship. It is that relationship that enabled her to pour love into our entire church family.

May God Bless Sarah Kate as she continues to love and serve the Lord.
On Sunday Sarah Kate shared with us in her last Kids Moment a challenge to continue pouring into the Kids Ministry with two of her favorite scriptures.

1 Peter 4:10
"Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received."

Matthew 28:19
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..."
As we near the time of resuming our in person worship gathering, we anticipate it with great joy. I believe that our anticipation and longing will ultimately result in a deeper worship experience as we worship together each Sunday. The Apostles Creed and the Lord's Prayer will begin to take on more meaning to us, as will the Doxology and other liturgical parts of our services.

As for our music, it will be different for a while, but whatever form it ultimately takes, it will be borne out of our hearts desire to worship Jesus as a group. Congregational singing is a very important part of our worship. The lyrics of so many of our hymns feature the Holy Scriptures and most of them are expressions of so many poets and lyricists who penned their deepest thoughts and experiences with God into verse.

These old hymns have helped us build our own faith over the years. "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!" We don't really speak like that in our everyday conversations, but what a blessing to have those words in our memory banks because of that wonderful hymn and so many others like it that have helped to shape us as Christians. So, let's sing with joy and fervor when we come back together as His church. I look forward to seeing you all in worship very soon!

In His Service,
Tommy Steadman
Hourly Position

Five Days Per Week
36-week school year August 17, 2020 – May 28, 2021

Employment Expectations:
24 hours of assisting per week: 
8AM – Noon (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
8AM – 2PM (Tuesday, Thursday)

15 hours of Continuing Education (online, workshops, CPR/First Aid, etc.) per school year

Hourly wage determined by highest level of degree obtained.
Receive 50% discount for all weekday ministries tuition for each child with no limits.

Applications can be submitted through next Friday, June 26th. Application are available for pick up and drop off at the church office Monday - Friday 8AM - Noon. Please contact Jamie Steadman for additional information concerning this position.

 Our church continues to serve our congregation and community during this season. If you have a prayer request or if you, or someone you know, has a need complete a short request form (click on button). These requests will be reviewed by our Pastoral team.

Please review the prayer list download. If you would like to add to the prayer list please continue to use our digital form for submission which can be accessed by clicking on the link in this email or on our website.

Pastoral Care Line 601-460-0570

Our Cokesbury Sunday School materials for Summer (June-July-August) are available for pick-up at the church office! Please take one from the clear tote located outside the office door and make sure that you secure the box top for weather protection.

The summer edition has lessons that support the theme of Community. 
Beginning with the summer quarter, the focal Bible passages will again appear in print in both the student and teacher books. If you are not part of a Sunday School class, but would like to participate in
a class via Zoom please contact Sharonda. 

Thank You For Your
Continued Generosity!
Received 6/7: $ 42,526

May 2020
Income:   $94,825
Expenses: $104,003
Deficit:    ($9,178)

2020 YTD Actual
Income:   $467,068
Expenses: $527,060
Deficit:    ($59,992)
The Voice is our weekly update for the latest announcements, ministry activities and event information at First United Methodist Church.
Want to know more about us? Head on over to our website, Facebook page or follow us on Instagram. If you missed last week's sermon, you can catch up by visiting our sermon archives. See You on Sunday!

We are so glad that you are interested in the ministry of First Methodist Clinton!
Missed last week?
You can catch up online!

Speaker: Rev. Dr. Ricky James
Message: The Sons of Jacob
Scripture: Genesis 37

Family dysfunction is a biblical tradition. The rivalry between the sons of Jacob, and the mutual hatred for their brother Joseph, boils over into kidnapping and near murder. Happy Father’s Day! (But at the same time we see God, the perfect father, working good from the dysfunction).

June 28: The Songs of Salvation
Christians are called to be a singing people and to sing songs about our salvation in Jesus. This week, we’ll reflect on God’s desire to save us, and what it means to be saved. But we’ll do so by sharing in some of the great songs of salvation.

July 5: Psalm 122
Possible return to in-person worship. If so we’ll celebrate and share in Psalm 122, “ I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.”

If you have an emergency need or need to speak with a pastor
please feel free to call 601-460-0570.

The number will reach one of our pastors who will be able to respond to you immediately.

Pastoral Care Number: 601-460-0570
Submitting information for The Voice:
Please email your submission by noon on Thursday to debb@firstmethodistclinton.org
All content submitted is subject to approval and editing. Thank you for your cooperation!