Not Your Usual Caricature Artist
Vol. 11, No. 3
A Monthly Compendium of Caricatures and Commentary About Them
We caricature artists often get an assignment to draw a caricature, or cartoon, not just of a person's head alone but of that individual situated in a tableau that may reflect their company or industry surroundings (such as by including a logo somewhere on the page), or an event or celebration. If that situation is the subject of a live gathering, then pe-illustrated/pre-printed art may be used to facilitate a quick and seamless transfer of the subject's head directly into the scene.

Welcome to the March, 2023, issue of
Not Your Usual Caricature Artist
from Caricatures by Joel

Here are samples through the years of such circumstances -- above, a lion tamer emblematic of sales managers training their sales team before going into "the jungle" to track down prospective clients; events that depict NASCAR races; the NASCAR Hall of Fame; a Christmas party; the opening of the new Charlotte Knights stadium (now Truist Field) Uptown; a private birthday party held at a guitar shop; an event held at the old Epicenter Uptown and a national pharmaceutical association convention (in this particular case, picture the uniform alone, holding the medicine bottle before I added the woman's head as she posed "live" for me.)
That's it for this edition.
See you the first Tuesday of
next month for more
background looks
into caricatures with
Not Your Usual Caricature Artist
from Caricatures by Joel.
