Those On Our Hearts
Frances, Joan, Barbara, Bill, Mike, Brigid, Howard, Nellie, Marianne, Liz, The Reverend Richard Vroom, The Reverend Don Beyers and the parish of St Anne's, Toronto; The Reverend Gary van der Meer, The Reverend Dr. Caroline Ducros, The Reverend Michael Hicks, Gordon, Gregory and all who minister at St John's.
Our Diocese
For the Staff of our Diocesan Office including our Bishop, The Right Reverend Shane Parker, The Venerable Linda Hill, The Reverend Canon Dr. Peter John Hobbs, Sanjay Grover, Jane Scanlon, Carol Sinclair, Ringo Morella, Bill Gilbert, Sandra Purdy, Glenn Lockwood, Heidi Fawcett, Heidi Pizzuto, Ishita Ghose, Safiyah Rochelle, Titilayo Oyefi and Krista Bastien.
The Episcopal Church in the Philippines.
Our Metropolitan, The Most Reverend Anne Germond and our Primate, The Most Reverend Linda Nicholls.
Our Companion Diocese in Jerusalem & the Middle East
The Anglican Diocese of Jerusalem, The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land, for peace in the Middle East and Archbishop Hosam Naoum.
Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)
The Right Reverend William Cliff, Bishop, and the clergy and people of the Diocese of Brandon.
The National Anglican & Lutheran Worship Conference.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCIC)
Bishop Larry Kochendorfer, the people and rostered ministers of the Synod of Alberta and the Territories.
Susan Johnson, National Bishop and our sisters and brothers in the Eastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and their Bishop, Michael Pryse.
Parish Prayer Group