FVAMC | June 15, 2020
FVAMC will start a phased re-opening this Wednesday (June 17th) for daily Isha prayers. We will expand to other prayers and eventually for Jumma once it is safe to do so. In order to attend prayers at the Center, please note the following requirements and recommendations:
Requirements for Admittance to the Building:
  • Temperature. We will take your temperature at the door. Visitors with temperature of 100 degrees or more will not be admitted.
  • Masks and Gloves. You must wear a mask and gloves upon entry and at all times while on the premises.
  • Symptom Free. Free of Flu-like symptoms, including: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, chills, and loss of taste or smell.
  • Prayer Rug. Bring your own prayer rug to pray on.
  • Wudu. Make wudu at home. Bathrooms at the Center are for emergency use only.
  • Social Distancing. Pray 6-feet away in all directions from the person next to you/in front of you.
  • Entrance/Exit. You will be directed to enter from the main back entrance for screening and leave through the side doors in the Social Hall or Classroom Wing Hallway to exit.
  • Mics. Use of the microphones will not be allowed.

  • People with pre-existing conditions, the sick and those who are 65 years
and older are recommended to stay home.
  • Infants and young children who are not able to pray with the parent should stay home.
  • Do not shake hands or hug with others.
  • Arrive ten minutes before the prayer and leave immediately after the Jama’a prayer. Do not linger around. Pray Sunnah at home. 
Please stay safe. May Allah protect us.