Approved at March 1, 2022 Board Meeting
Board Members Present (4 needed for a quorum)
*See Attendance Roster
Introduction of guests:
● Bill Fargo
Any Changes or Additions to the Agenda?
● Email Business Conducted
o Budget approval for SVR March 23 diner budget
1) Old Business
a. DRAFT Minutes from board meeting held on January 4, 2022
i. Approved as corrected. Correction being wording for attachments to agenda.
b. SVR 60th Anniversary Event - Kirk Bradford, Rik Larson, Jerry Alter and Mike Willis will be after Saturday Breakfast. Expect a report at the March board meeting.
i. 60th decal has been created and will be distributed at various events.
c. 2022 Christmas Party options------ Mike Willis (Sutter Club) and Duane Wilson (partnership with
State treasurer’s office toy drive on Capital Mall then lunch at House).
i. It was agreed to pursue both events
d. PCA Public Service Award request --- Christmas Party -- CHiPs for Kids ---- Rik -- not submitted; just ran out of time.
e. CRAB 38---- standing item for event to be held in 2023. April meeting invite co-chairs to attend to
start the planning process
2) Past SVR Event Feedback, Reports filed Waivers, Expenses, etc
a. SVR 2022 Planning and Pizza session, January 6, 2022 at Round Table Pizza - Successful event.
3) FACEBOOK Status
a. John Leet is happy and can now update FACEBOOK again. Al Price now has full edit rights.
i. Primary Admin Al Price with John Leet as secondary
ii. Guidelines from the RPM on how to handle complaints
4) Future Board Meetings to continue via ZOOM
a. Possible in person meetings beginning March 2022 at Firehouse #32 in Fair Oaks (Dick MacFarlane)
i. Nancy Olson will take over the Zoom with Duane Wison as second support.
5) New Business
a. Budget -- Charity Auction (MacFarlane) --- attached to agenda
i. Explain budget and the event process
ii. Insurance will ordered
iii. MSR has been setup and registration will begin 2/1/22
iv. Motion to accept budget by Mike Willis and second by Sally Boeck. Motion carried.
v. Discussion on using PCA National Grant funds to be used for Charity Auction. It was moved by Mike Willis and second by Bob Peake that the $750 grant money be split between the two charities for this event. Motion carried.
b. Budget --- 2022 SVR AX's----- copy was sent via email
i. Change was Zone Fees; offer to pay instructors registration fee
ii. Moved by Mike Willis and second by Sally Boeck. Motion carried.
c. Budgets for Event Planning Seminar; Mirror Tour - sent via email
i. Move by Mike Willis and second by Bob Peake. Motion carried
6) Upcoming Events and who is attending?
a. SVR First Saturday Breakfast, Saturday, February 5, 2022 at Brookfields
b. PCA National Region Focus Webinar, February 8, 2022; Financial Practices
c. PCA National Board Meeting on Monday, February 21, 2022 via ZOOM---- Rik
d. Zone 7 President's Meeting, Saturday, February 26, 2022, Roseville (Rik and Sally)
i. Changes to the AutoX will be voted upon at this meeting. John Leet agreed with the changes.
ii. Zone 7 Awards program - date is unclear. Rik will check into this event.
7) Board Reportsa. President
i. PCA National Region Fucus Webinar Insurance process/requirements/cost
ii. New By-Laws and dates---- April starts the nominations process
iii. Budgets for board of directors, chairs, events, etc. for 2022 -Quicken to update budgets
1. Bob is requesting that Board Members and Chairs submit estimated expenses (line item) - generalize statement.
iv. Various online forms being updated by Bill Fargo in conjunction with Duane Wilson
b. Vice President (see calendar in the DRIFTER and on the website)
i. A rather quiet February
ii. March has a number of events (AX School, AX, Mirror Tour, Zone 7 AX's)
c. Secretary
i. MSR update
ii. MSR -- PUBLIC vs. PRIVATE event postings for SVR event
1. chairman will determine if it is Private or Public
d. Treasurer (see attached documents from agenda)
i. Any outstanding event budgets not complete?
ii. Review January expenses
iii. 60th Anniversary Party deposit of $9,000 due in March
iv. Number of items from the post office box
v. 2022 SVR Annual Budget
e. Membership Director (see attached to agenda)
i. Drop in membership due to lack of activities but it is self correcting
f. Social Director -- vacant
g. Past President
i. Nothing to report
8) Chair Reports
a. Safety
i. AX is handled by Greg Zajic
ii. Other events are handled by Rik Larson until we get a Safety Chair
b. AutoCross - updated AX schedule; AX School starting on March 6th instead of the 13th
c. Charity - Auction on April 23rd at Nelson's Garage
d. Concours
i. SVR event for 2022 -- June 5th at Porsche Rocklin - Al Price
1. flyers will be made
2. May 22 will be the Concours Judging School
3. Budgets will be created and sent to Bob Peake
e. CRAB 38
i. Covered under OLD BUSINESS as part of ongoing report
f. DRIFTER Editor - 2022 advertiser payments received (5 so far)
g. Event Liaison to Porsche Rocklin------ 2022 event support
h. New Member Group
i. Rally (possible co-sponsoring a TSD Rally in 2022 with Redwood Region)
j. Share the Wealth
k. Technical Chair
l. Webmaster -- transition status; any software purchases needed? Duane and Bill have worked together for the transfer of Webmaster duties.
m. Caffeine and cars date change from April 9th to 16th pending approval from Kim Nelson
9) Next Meeting
a. Tuesday, March 1st, location ZOOM
10) Adjournment 9:19
a) Volunteers, filling of vacant positions (chairs---- tour, webmaster, historian, safety)
b) Transition of items from 2020 SVR Board and Chairs; location of boxes, assets, etc.
c) 2022 Calendar (SVR, Zone 7, PCA)
d) 2022 Calendar; SVR AX received--- updates February 1, 2022
e) 60th SVR Anniversary ---- September 24, 2022---- next report in March 2022