Storm Newsletter for August 24, 2020
Although we had to cancel 2 of our practices last week we are starting to see a nice improvement in the athletes. This week we hope to have all of our practices!

Thank you to all who have donated the hand sanitizer, we have plenty so please wait to bring anymore.

On Saturday we will have a team time trial to show the athletes the course and distance they will race when we are allowed to have meets. Practice will start at 7:30 am for warm up. I will need about 5 volunteers to be out on the course to help direct the athletes and help time them.
Our main goal is to safely follow all the guidelines and provide a good experience for everyone. Please keep reminding your children to keep their 6 feet bubble and have their masks when they report to their cone at the beginning of practice.

The weekly schedule is provided below. Please make sure you read the weekly newsletter to stay informed!

We need to have more parents either running with, or monitor the athletes while we are out.

Coach Jeremy will continue to add the daily workouts to the link below for all who are not able to come in person!

Please make sure your athlete brings a marked water bottle to practice!

We have strict guidelines we must adhere to. Please read the youth sport guidelines before you come to practice The link is below and on our website. We will need a lot of help with getting the kids in to cohorts and groups and helping them keep the 6 ft apart.

All parents, coaches and athletes must have a mask for the start of practice but not when we start our run. We are asking all parents to please adhere to the social distancing guidelines while their athletes are at practice AND AVOID GROUPING TOGETHER!
Cross Country Videos & Work Out
Please view the welcome and practice video's from Coach Jeremy click the button below to access them or use the QR code. Weekly workouts will be posted here also

Weekly Practice Schedule
Monday - 6:00 - 7:15 @ Central Park

Tuesday - 6:00- 7:15 @ Central Park

Thursday- 6:00-7:15 @ Central Park

Saturday- 7:30 am - 9:15 @ Central Park/Time Trial