•  THIS WEEK IN PNEC                  May 13, 2021
Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071
www.pnec.org  610-826-3113; 610-826-5464 FAX
Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates   bonnieb@pnec.org       
Rev. Christian Creyer    christianc@pnec.org     
Barbara Jennings   barbaraj@pnec.org Patty Rehrig   pattyr@pnec.org
Letter from Bonnie
Dear friends,
I am not sure when getting a vaccination became an adversarial and political debate topic. Countless vaccines have been produced and utilized in this country for way longer than most of us have been alive. As churches have been preparing to reopen a lot of questions have arisen.
One is about gathering information about vaccinate congregants and requiring congregants to be vaccinated. Heather Kimmel, our general counsel in the UCC, shared this with conference ministers:
“The short answer from our UCC National Attorney is “yes, a church can require that. A church is a private membership organization and can impose any requirement on its members (within reason). A church is also not subject to HIPAA (except in very specific circumstances such as when it has a parish nurse program or is providing licensed counseling services).” HOWEVER, our attorney goes on to write that, “[J]ust because we can do something under the law doesn’t mean we should do it.” The potential this requirement creates for confrontation and conflict is high making it difficult “to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” (Ephesians 4:3).
I do not recommend the action of logging vaccinated folks or preventing non-vaccinated folks to stay away from in-person worship. Instead, continue your work in assuring safety precautions are taken and be as diligent as you can be. That is all any of us can do. 
As of April 27, the CDC changed its recommendations for those people who are fully vaccinated. This site includes important updates to share with your congregation.
As of May 31, all capacity restrictions in Pennsylvania will end for bars, restaurants, and indoor/outdoor events. HOWEVER, you will need to wear a mask when indoors in public places with mixed groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated people and outside when in a crowd. The mask protocol in PA will be lifted when we reach a 70% vaccination rate.
Our friends in Penn Central Conference shared the following entirely helpful insights:
1.   Your church members are in different psychological and emotional places as a result of the pandemic. Some individuals will be eager to re-join in person and will gladly sing outside without a mask. Others will not feel comfortable in any group gathering. Be sensitive to anxiety and accept people where they are. Pay attention, provide opportunities for feedback, and engage in non-anxious congregational decision-making when possible.
2.   Encourage outdoor worship when possible. If you are outside, it’s okay to sing without a mask if you are socially distanced. (Some will continue to wish to wear a mask while singing. Comfort levels vary.)
3.   If worshipping indoors and in-person, your leadership team sets the protocols for worship. Social distancing while indoors is not necessary for vaccinated people. HOWEVER, mask-wearing is. Make worship decisions and communicate them clearly (7 different ways) with your members. Make sure everyone is aware of your expectations.
4.   You can sing indoors, with masks, as long as that space has ample air flow. Keep your doors open! Up-to-date guidance about congregational singing can be found here: https://congregationalsong.org/covid-updates-congregational-song/.
5.   Continue (or start!) to offer hybrid worship (in-person and on-line).
Wearing a mask is a sign of loving our neighbors. I feel getting vaccinated is as well. Please opt for loving our neighbors in whatever ways possible. Be safe and be happy as you move into your sanctuaries and worship together. Blessings, Bonnie
Vital Conversations
As the light at the end of the COVID tunnel grows brighter, our churches and our people are excited to “get back” to some sense of normal ministry. However, our excitement is not without some apprehension: “How do we regain the momentum that was halted by closures? How do we decide what to restart and what to leave ended? How do we re-ignite the congregation’s passion for worship and service?” These are all revitalization questions, and many of our churches are asking questions like them. And so, the Congregational Vitality Team wants to provide an on-going space for asking and discussing these questions as our churches navigate his exciting season of new beginnings. Every fourth Monday of each month (starting June 28th at 7 PM), we are inviting interested clergy and lay leaders to attend a Zoom conversation where they can talk through situations with other leaders, learn, and brainstorm together.
Meeting ID: 817 9668 4439
Passcode: 292474
“Can a church require a members to disclose whether the member has been vaccinated?” (Or even, can a church require its members to be vaccinated?) 
Here is my response
Heather E. Kimmel, General Counsel, UCC, 700 Prospect Ave. East
Cleveland, OH 44115-1100; (216) 736-2138; kimmelh@ucc.org
The answer is yes, a church can require that. A church is a private membership organization and can impose any requirement on its members (within reason). A church is also not subject to HIPAA (except in very specific circumstances such as when it has a parish nurse program or is providing licensed counseling services under the auspices of the church or maybe dealing with medical information of employees—who are not under consideration here).
But just because we can do something under the law doesn’t mean we should do it. Frankly, it’s not the church’s business whether a person decides to get vaccinated or why, and requiring disclosure of that status will create two classes of members who will be treated differently—is that what the church wants to do? If someone says “no,” then what will the church do? Say “why?” That gets into pretty private territory.  
I understand some churches want this information so that they can return to in-person worship. That decision may be better made based on the conditions in the community as a whole, including continued compliance with CDC guidelines. That way, the church can say “we are worshiping in person, socially distanced, with precautions in place; attend if you are comfortable,” and not need to concern itself with whether a member has chosen to protect themselves by getting vaccinated.
I hope this is helpful!
Mind, Body, Spirit: Linking Lives for Health & Wholeness
UCC Wellness Ministries Newsletter (May-June, 2021)
In this newsletter you will find information on the following topics: (To Read it All CLICK HERE)
  • Reflection
  • COVID Update
  • Health Programming & Observation Dates
For May:
  • Mental Health Month
  • Asthma & Allergies Awareness Month
  • National High Blood Pressure Education Month
  • National Nurses Month
For June:
  • National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection & Prevention Month
  • National Safety Month
  • Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month
Put This on Your Calendar:
  • On-Line Education & Resources
Congratulations to Deborah Ringen, MSN, RN-BC
Faith + Lead Lutheran Seminary
Understanding, Exploring & Managing Bias and Burnout
Thursdays, June 3, 10, 17, 24 - 2:15PM Central Time
Looking for Host Churches for the
2021 Walk for Our Grandchildren: Elders and Youth on the Road for Climate Justice
Carolyn Shaw, a 48 year member of the First Church of Christ in Middletown, CT and a member of the 15 person planning committee of the 2021 Walk for Our Grandchildren: Elders and Youth on the Road for Climate Justice, is asking for our help in identifying churches who would be willing to host walkers during their late June Walk from Scranton to Wilmington, Delaware.
Carolyn’s first instinct was to look to her own denomination for places to stay. Although most of the walkers and bicycle riders will be camping out in their tents each night, some including Carolyn, hope to put their sleeping bags on the floors of comfortable church meeting rooms or parlors after walking 12-15 miles daily.
There are many ways that people can be part of the Walk during this climate emergency. She is asking for our support. If your church is willing to host walkers, please contact Carolyn at 860-346-0862; lynshaw@aol.com.
Their Vision Statement can be found at by clicking here.
Heritage Sunday
Dear Colleagues, I trust you all are well as we move through the last weeks of the Easter season! I am writing some information that I hope you will integrate into your worship life next month.
If your church has Evangelical Synod and/or German Reformed roots, then I invite you to celebrate June 13th as Heritage Sunday. In June 1934 the Evangelical Synod and the Reformed Church joined to form the Evangelical and Reformed Church. Heritage Sunday is an opportunity to raise awareness of and appreciation for our historical roots and support the Evangelical and Reformed Historical Society (ERHS) at the same time. ERHS is the repository of archival material from our churches, missions, clergy, publications and covenantal partners and has locations at Eden Seminary and Lancaster Theological Seminary.
The link will provide a liturgy that draws on three of the historical worship books for a service that is true to Evangelical and Reformed roots. General Prayers from the E&R Book of Worship are also included. All language has been updated (except for Trinitarian references). Feel free to check it out via the link below. You’ll also find additional resources for your use. Link includes:
·      Full liturgy (with scripture lessons, creed and sermon left open)
·      A short video by General Minister and President John Dorhauer that can be included in digital services. (available May 15th)
·      General Prayers
·      Bulletin covers
·      Bulletin inserts with information about ERHS
·      Hymn Suggestions
·      QR codes to include for easy donations
·      Links to historical German Reformed, Evangelical Synod, and E&R worship books
I hope you’ll take this opportunity to celebrate our heritage. Other congregations rooted in the Evangelical and Reformed tradition across the denomination will be participating as well. Join in the celebration of our roots!
 “O God, giver of all good and fountain of all mercies…all glory, thanks and praise be to you for your unfailing goodness…for your mercies which are new every morning, fresh every moment, and more than we can number.” (E&R Worship Book, 1947)
Rev. Carrie Call, PhD, Conference Minister, Penn Central Conference, United Church of Christ
Congregational Leadership Training
Saturday, September 25
9AM-4PM via Zoom

Special message from Phoebe board about getting vaccinated
 Take a few minutes to view A Special Message from the Phoebe Governing Board. These heartfelt messages from the board volunteers are a testament of their dedication to Phoebe Ministries' partners and residents, and offer encouragement to consider getting vaccinated to protect yourselves and others.

The Infrastructure Revolution: Financial Support for Sustainability Projects
May 16, 2021 Noon to 1PM on Zoom

Changing Hearts & Minds: Interfaith & International Advocacy for the Planet
May 23, 2021 noon to 1PM on Zoom

Join us as we explore these questions in this Earth Day series taking place in May on Zoom. Follow this link https://forms.gle/8Tbhjc2temTKxRw58
to register for these Sunday sessions on Zoom which will take place at 12:00 p.m. Register no later than the Friday before each presentation. Questions? Call 610-866-5661 
This program has been planned by members of the Central Moravian Church, The Cathedral Church of the Nativity, and the Universal Unitarian Church of Bethlehem and funded by the Elizabeth Johnston Prime Fund of the Central Moravian Church.
Strengthen the Church offering supports congregations across the UCC in many ways
Pentecost Sunday, May 23, is the suggested date for the Strengthen the Church Offering.

Appeal for India
Gifts will help 3 hospitals fight COVID surge in India. Learn How...

Assisting Eastwick
Disaster Ministries recruiting volunteers to help flood victims in a Philadelphia neighborhood.

Pastoring Challenging Parishioners:
A Relational & Mental Health Perspective
June 22 OR June 23, 2021
(each workshop has a limit of 20 pastors)
Counts for Advanced Boundary Training
6 to 8:30PM
Cost: $10/person
click here for flyer and registration info.

Trouble the Water - Racial Justice & Reconciliation
May 22 from 9-3 on Zoom
An event through NEPA Synod ELCA. It will be a day of worship & workshops helping congregation leaders and members better understand the effects of racism within our churches and how we can help in the reconciliation process.
Click Here for more info. and to register

Join us for a webinar with the Middle East Council of Churches
May 19 - 11AM to Noon (Eastern Time)
Webinar: The Middle East in Transition, and the Future and Role of its Christians
Global Ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and United Church of Christ is pleased to join ecumenical partners in the US and Canada to invite you to this webinar when we will welcome Dr. Michel Abs, General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches to speak. This webinar is part of our Wednesdays with the World series, offering opportunities to bring partners and priority issues to our churches and members. The counties of the Middle East region continue to experience major social, political, and economic shifts with uncertain outcomes. What is sure is that the people of the region have been impacted in significant – and even tragic – ways. Ten years of crisis and war in Syria; the continuing reality of massive displacement of Palestinians, Iraqis, and Syrians over these decades; a large proportion of youth among the region’s population hopeful but anxious about their future; and ongoing conflict, and the threat of conflict, as part of the context. The Christians and churches of the region have not been exempt from these shifts and realities. What is their future? What has been their role in responding to needs, and what will their role be in what is to come?
Please join us for this special opportunity to listen, learn, and engage. Register now here!
Wednesdays In The Word
Identity Crisis - I AM
Each Wednesday - (May 19, 2021 – July 7, 2021) - 1:00-1:30; 7:00-7:30 Weekly
On-Line with the Women of Dille Parish, LeRaysville
Dille Parish, 903 Main Street LeRaysville, PA, US 18829; (570) 744-1637
To remind us of what Jesus said about Himself, what prompted it, and how understanding this might be a blessing to us today.

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
7:00 pm to 7:30 pm

1:00 p.m. audio only
Phone: 872-240-8956
Meeting ID: 816160944# 
7 p.m. audio only
Phone: 872-240-8956
Meeting ID: 158043143# 
The Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry at Lancaster Seminary
announces: Bivocational Ministry for Congregations and Pastors, taught by the Rev. Dr. Darryl W. Stephens, Wednesday nights, 7–8:30pm, May 26–June 30, via Zoom. Generous grant funding allows us to offer this 2.5 CEU class for $100 per participant (or $50 for auditors, no credit). Registration and instructions for payment: https://lancasterseminary-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJElc-2srT4uHtTuTWFxXhiptHV4n88e8bVd
Is your congregation considering a part-time pastor? Are you considering a career in ministry alongside a secular job? This class is appropriate for lay leaders and clergy alike. We will explore what it means to be bivocational in ministry. We will study the example of Paul as tentmaker and discuss challenges facing the church today. Students taking this class for CEUs will develop a covenant of expectations between congregation and pastor for successful ministry in a changing world.

Also upcoming:
Ministry Job Search Toolkit: Bivocational and Beyond, instructor TBA, July–August 2021. Grant funding allows us to offer this 2.5 CEU class for $100 per participant (or $50 for auditors, no CEUs). https://www.lancasterseminary.edu/programs/pennsylvania-academy-of-ministry/
Children's Church

Hi Everyone! Here is something that is happening at St. John's in Fogelsville: Children's Church! You are welcome to share the advertisement with your congregations. If any of you would like to help lead in anyway (share a story??) , I welcome the opportunity to work with you!

Janet Newett

Good Leave-Taking Boundaries
May 22
(from Pennsylvania Southeast Conference)
A 3-hour advanced boundary training regarding Good Leave-taking!
About this Event
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Susan Minasian
Accepting another call can be exciting…until the reality about departing your current ministry sets in (a fear that sometimes keeps us from leaving when we should). Before saying hello to one congregation, there must be a time of saying goodbye to the other. Leaving well is so very important for the spiritual wellbeing of the clergy person and the congregation. There are spiritual practices, rituals of closure, and a series of goodbyes along the way. How to leave with grace and in a healthy way is not always easy but is a part of our covenantal responsibility.
Hybrid Ministry in a Post Pandemic Church
May 27, June 3 & 10, 2021
9AM - 11AM (Central Time) - LIVE ONLINE
Churches need the capacity and will to engage with a changing culture. Join Ryan Panzer, the author of Grace and Gigabytes: Being Church in a Tech-Shaped Culture—and find out what you can do.
You'll learn:
  • An understanding of hybrid ministry in a variety of contexts
  • Coaching and change management techniques
  • An ability to envision and create hybrid ministries within your faith community
  • ... and much more
Digital technology is shaping our values. Learn how your church can adapt and thrive. Sign up today
Pastor's Conversations
Bonnie Bates is inviting you to a scheduled semi-monthly Pastors’ Conversations Zoom mtg, held on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 2 pm. Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 829 4709 0481
Password: 235909
One tap mobile
+16468769923,,82947090481#,,,,0#,,235909# US (New York)

May 21-22, 2021 Register Here
September 17-18, 2021 Register Here
December 10-11, 2021 Register Here
This training is particularly effective for leadership councils, Sessions, Vestries and curated congregational groups. This 1.5 day online workshop will walk your group through how to become skilled in conflict transformation. You will learn skills that will reshape your interactions with present and future congregational conflict and equip you for managing conflict in your work and personal life. There will also be opportunities for sharing our personal experiences with conflict and working on leading through difficult conflict using case studies and role playing.

ProJect of Easton Wish List
The pandemic has finally reached a point enabling us to once again see family and friends and hug our loved ones. We are happy to report that the doors at ProJect of Easton are officially open to our full staff and soon we will welcome back volunteers and clients. I want to say thank you for your continued support of ProJeCt throughout the year. The monthly Wish List is attached and includes items we are most in need of for our Food Pantry and Literacy programs.
Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders (2021)
June 21-25, August 2-6, October 11-15, or November 15-19
Does your congregation experience conflict? Does it harm your Christian fellowship and distract from your church’s mission? Learn to transform conflict from a negative force into an opportunity for reconciliation and growth. Contact the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center at 630-627-0507 or Admin@LMPeaceCenter.org.
Online registration is now open at https://lmpeacecenter.org/ticketspice/

Register now: Penn Central Ministerial Excellence Forum
 You are invited to register for a monthly "Ministerial Excellence Forum" hosted by the Penn Central Conference on the third Thursday at one of two time slots: 10:00a-12:00 and 6:00p-8:00p.

Cultivating Generous Congregations Seminar
The Cultivating Generous Congregations Seminar for pastors and lay leaders offers an opportunity to explore faithful, practical, and tested ways to promoting generosity in our congregations. The seminar draws on current research, seeks guidance from the wisdom of scripture, and discusses the best practices in church-based fundraising. Class sessions held May 19, May 26, June 2, June 9, June 16, and June 23, 2021 from 6:30 – 8:00pm EST. Between class sessions, the instructors provide materials to help you analyze the culture of your own congregation and learn how to create change. Register today: The CGC Seminar is $150 per participant. Register here by April 30, 2021: cvent.me/7yV37Q.

Helping Your Loved One Who Is Suicidal: A Guide for Family and Friends
SAMHSA has published a new guide that will help churches and families who have a loved one who is suicidal or has made a suicide attempt. It provides information on understanding suicide, warning signs and action steps to take, and ways to prevent future attempts and keep your loved one safe. Learn more at

For your awareness- COVID response in India:

Across the United States, Americans congregate in faith-based venues to worship, learn, play, and bond as a community. CISA is committed to supporting efforts to maintain safe and secure houses of worship and related facilities while sustaining an open and welcoming environment. This resource page is designed to guide houses of worship through building improved security and safety protocols for their specific organization’s congregants and facilities. These tools help houses of worship identify and report suspicious behavior; build positive community relationships; develop partnerships with law enforcement; and implement emergency operations plans and screening procedures while enhancing security awareness. By utilizing these resources, houses of worship can easily develop a continuing security improvement cycle. To learn more visit, Houses of Worship | CISA

The application phone number for FEMA COVID funeral assistance is live. Call 844-684-6333 COVID-related funeral expenses must have been incurred after Jan. 20, 2020. This aid is provided to help ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the pandemic. Visit the FEMA website for more information.

Ready PA Monthly
**You can find more information & updates at UCC Disaster Ministries: www.ucc.org/disaster