Advent 2022

I’ve come to realize that love is the most important trait or emotion both for people and societies.  Lack of love has caused human misery and death throughout history.  What greater celebration could we have than to celebrate the coming of love into the world in the person of Jesus.  

I’ve always had trouble associating God’s love with the Old Testament stories of God’s chosen people. Themes like deliverance, commands, even smite, come to mind, more than does “love.”  Yet, the prophets channeled God’s love by exhorting kings and leaders to care for the oppressed and needy. We Lutherans, of course, read the prophets as God pointing people to Jesus.

And so, the world lacking a model for self-less love, God’s sent his own, beloved son “Now in flesh appearing” as our brother to live and to teach truth and love to a truly sinful world.  This reminds me of Mr. Roger’s advice to children in times of tragedy to “Look for the helpers”.  For sure, this includes first responders, but it also includes all people who, denying themselves, comfort, care, and provide for strangers and others in need every day.  And, often for as long as it takes.

A new command I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  John 13:34

It’s fitting that Jesus said this to his chosen band of messengers as his earthly life was nearing its end, because it perfectly summed up who God is and the life his disciples are called to live every day.  Happy Christmas to all!

Lord, may we never tire of celebrating love come down for us, and for all people, and may we never tire of giving thanks to God for the broken lives and systems that are made whole by this greatest love of all.  Amen. 

Don Noland

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