The Last Stroke Building - Mogul
The Last Stroke Building (aka the Final Plunge Building) is located in Downtown on the edge of the Theater District in Old Bradford. This skyscraper is an architectural gem and one of Titan City's favorites.
The skyscraper was built during the early 20th Century following Art-Nouveau and Art Deco trends. A clock tower with a massive spire at the top done in Art Deco style is the signature feature of the building.
The Last Stroke is one of several skyscrapers in the neighborhood with unique spires that along with Gothic sculptures and rooftop shapes gives the Downtown skyline its stunning character. It is one of the taller skyscrapers in Downtown, seen very prominently from Old Bradford and Alexandria.
Near the rooftop is an opening in the building for private access to a rooftop patio. The patio is intended for Last Stroke private use, but it is a convenient gathering point in the sky for titans who want to stop on their flights to missions and battles.
The Last Stroke sits across from St. James Cathedral augmenting the spires of the church. The Downtown mix of smaller spires, mid level sky scrapers and tall spires like Last Stroke make for great stepping stones for super jumping Titans who want to make their way from the ground to higher tiered buildings in the area.
The Last Stroke is a Downtown Classic - make sure to explore it on your next visit to the neighborhood!